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Hon Malone slams Auditor General Report on marine platforms as lacking balance

- questions whether there was a commitment in Auditor’s work to hear both sides of story
Territorial At-Large Representative Honourable Carvin Malone (AL) has questioned the level of balance of the Report on COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms [COI R23] in 2020, prepared by Auditor General (AG) Ms Sonia M. Webster. Photo: YouTube
A Report of the Auditor General, Ms Sonia M. Webster on the COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms [COI R23], has been criticised for lacking proper research and interviews. Photo: VINO
A Report of the Auditor General, Ms Sonia M. Webster on the COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms [COI R23], has been criticised for lacking proper research and interviews. Photo: VINO
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), while debating the report at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on February 21, 2023, said while he respects the office of the Auditor General, one of the biggest flaws with the audit report was that all the relevant parties, including that subject company EZ Shipping Ltd, were never interviewed. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), while debating the report at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on February 21, 2023, said while he respects the office of the Auditor General, one of the biggest flaws with the audit report was that all the relevant parties, including that subject company EZ Shipping Ltd, were never interviewed. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Territorial At-Large Representative Honourable Carvin Malone (AL) has questioned the level of balance of the Report on COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms [COI R23] in 2020, prepared by Auditor General (AG) Ms Sonia M. Webster.

Speaking at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on March 2, 2023, Honourable Malone pointed out that the "damning" Report lacks the engagement of the Commissioner of Customs on serious conclusions made by the AG, including that the barge company collected unearned monies.

The AG also alleged in the Report that incorrect information was presented to the National Security Council (NSC), to facilitate the approval of the contract.

One-sided Report

“Is there a commitment in the Auditor’s work to hear both sides of the story?” Hon Malone asked, as he pointed out that he was not able to find anything in the report on the accused side of the story.

“I would suspect that if it is taken further, before court, you will then have to have one side; and it is documented in the Commission of Inquiry report under Section 6- and it carries quite a report…It is also being covered quite extensively in the Auditor’s report and amazingly some of the areas covered there also.

“But the only thing I can’t read is the other side, as from those that are, I guess you can say accused…Those in which the audits are being conducted about. Those are the only sides I cannot hear. I looked and I searched all over and none of those reports are in; because there are some quite vivid conclusions made in the COI’s report and some conclusions made in the Audit report. And they gave specific reference to whose side of the story is being told. Some will say what the bodies are reporting, what the National Security Council is reporting, what all these others are reporting. So…as I said before, I don’t know the facts of any of these reports. So, I can go based on what procedures and exactly how do we get there from here”, the Honourable Malone said.

Customs Act needed to be taken into account

Hon Malone also said there are some areas of concern as to who is responsible for what, when it comes to border security. He said the Customs Act also had to be taken into account, since there seems to be confusion over who had authority for not only border security but other areas concerning the borders. 

Hojn Malone said this seems to be an area that needs to be fully explained and brought under control before more conclusions and conflicts arise, but that he is going to wait to hear the other side of the story.

Referring to a section of the report that claims payments were made for times the barges were not in use by Customs or the Joint Task Force, he said the question remains as to whether or not the barges were engaged and to be paid only on usage by these agencies. 

“The Commissioner of Customs, his report would have to be part of this…

'Dog whistle statement'

“The conclusions though…Number 134 of the report, it says, ‘Payments made to EZ Shipping covered two months, when the barges were not used. Incorrect information was provided to NSC and Cabinet to facilitate approval of the contracts and support unearned payments of more than 700,000 dollars…’

“That is quite a statement…I don’t see how that conclusion could have been reached”, Honourable Malone said.

Honourable Malone said this is a “dog whistle” statement, noting that someone has to give account for it.

He continued that the report also failed to specify who provided incorrect information to Cabinet, to facilitate the approval.

“And if this is so, it will be proven in the court of Law…Once these go to court, whether they stand will be based on the facts. And one cannot support any illegal activity, any incorrect or misleading, whether it’s the House, the Cabinet, NSC. You have to get the facts out.

“When we look at the recommendations…the conclusions, the other side of the story has to be given…I am not here to defend any of the facts of which I don’t know…These reports must be more balanced in terms of getting the other side of the story”, he said.
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has also criticised the report on the basis that it lacks proper research and interviews.

40 Responses to “Hon Malone slams Auditor General Report on marine platforms as lacking balance ”

  • One side? (03/03/2023, 08:08) Like (85) Dislike (4) Reply
    The report is balanced, by the information gathered and received. You’re trying to sway the public into thinking otherwise, how you can defend the actions of this? Have you seen no decency, the auditor general is being bashed as a fellow Virgin Islander doing her job, and proud that she and her team brought information to the public. Stop covering up how you guys recklessly spend the money on things that never worked.
    • @one sided? (03/03/2023, 09:22) Like (4) Dislike (40) Reply
      Stop your nonsense. The report is one sided and the bias in the reports is clear. The conclusions cannot be substainated until all the facts are known on all sides and fromts and made part of the report. Without that the integrity of any report comes into question.
      • Smoke screens (03/03/2023, 11:26) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
        It seems that they asking the wrong questions here. They need to be asking why so much public money was spent on a service the Government did not receive. That is highway robbery.

        We want our money back. Plain and simple.
      • smh (03/03/2023, 11:28) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
        OK Carvin we here you. Where is EZ Shipping evidence. We want to see it. Why you defending a wrong so hard?
        • @ SMH (03/03/2023, 16:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
          Family and party supporter.

          Ask where their last campaign meetings were held and who were in attendance.
    • @One side? (03/03/2023, 10:00) Like (41) Dislike (1) Reply
      It baffles me that these people leading in government do not k ow the role and functions of an Auditor General. I fail to believe that they lack that sense of awareness man! It has to be that they just trying blow smoke in the people's eyes. She did her job, PERIODT! When the investigators (police) go out and seek these people whose integrity are in question and they can provide documents to show otherwise, THEN AND ONLY THEN can her findings be adjusted based information accessible to her. She is NOT an investigator. Stop making it seem like she didn't do her job, she did her job. Ask the other people in government roles, with access to our tax paying monies if they efficiently and honestly performed their roles.
    • @ One side? (03/03/2023, 16:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      They’re all family: Carvin, Premier, EZ Shipping….and the VIP campaign basically ran by EZ Shipping peoples.
  • Con (03/03/2023, 08:14) Like (47) Dislike (2) Reply
    No one is saying it lacks truth. That is the most important part. These speakers setting off smoke screens to fool people. Truth is all that matters.
    • To Con (03/03/2023, 10:04) Like (1) Dislike (29) Reply
      Truth is always relative. I am not a VIP supporter but the report lacks balance and that's a fact.
  • True colors. (03/03/2023, 08:20) Like (48) Dislike (1) Reply
    All this time I was saying to my self that the way you handle the Covid situation in tola despite the talk of others in the community of how a bad job you did. Your debate to the bill tell me you’re ok with EZ Shipping contract. Boss it’s should have happen, we were offered FREE SERVICES. What don’t you debate that. Not my ink
  • Well said (03/03/2023, 08:27) Like (4) Dislike (21) Reply
    Well said. Every story has three sides, and a public document and reports should always contain all three sides to ensure balance, fairness, and to protect one's democratic rights and reputation on all sides and be void of bias.
    • ok (03/03/2023, 09:33) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
      She can only give a report on what was produced to her..... them need to stop throwing smoke...
      • @ok (03/03/2023, 10:06) Like (0) Dislike (17) Reply
        You mean she report on the gossip given to her and her deputy then only ask for the documents to strengthen that alone.
    • pandora (03/03/2023, 11:32) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do you ask a rat if it stole the cheese? Nobody in their right mind would do that. In the real world its called tipping off.
  • Youth (03/03/2023, 08:29) Like (8) Dislike (31) Reply
    This was one of the best presentations I have ever heard Honorable Malone do and I do not have a dog in the race but right is right. Reports of this nature must stay away from subjectivity and politics and seek to get all the facts before forming any conclusions.
  • lodger (03/03/2023, 08:32) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    They wont give up. Sweep the boards clean.
  • Hmm (03/03/2023, 08:32) Like (15) Dislike (5) Reply
    The waccine kingpin speaks.
  • Unvaxx 4eva (03/03/2023, 08:37) Like (14) Dislike (11) Reply
    Forcing the public to take poisonous vaccine was lacking balance also. Alot of leaders need jailing ASAP.
  • True (03/03/2023, 08:38) Like (5) Dislike (20) Reply
    Any fool can see the report is incomplete. Lots were left out. I ain’t no hater. Always a lot of unanswered questions.
  • HMMM (03/03/2023, 08:41) Like (4) Dislike (39) Reply
    It was a known fact the last Governor hated the VIP government because he wanted to be in charge of the pandemic, but the laws of the land did not allow. He wanted the laws ignored and it could not happen, and he vowed to destroy them at all costs. He had a lot of help with his devious plots based on one sided stories and gossip from the M & M Ministers, the Igowoy PS, the former PS CL, now candidate & former ps LS, and a few others including their influence over the lady and her deputy who writing reports now. Many night meetings plotting. With time it will all be revealed. They try to sell out and destroy their people for power and to be loved by the colonial masters. With time it will all be revealed.
  • Amazing (03/03/2023, 08:45) Like (6) Dislike (33) Reply
    What is amazing about this report is that no where it mentioned the then UK fast talking questionable commissioner of police during covid hired many of his kind luxury boats to do the same thing and paid them close to just under a million dollars of taxpayer's money. I guess once you are white you are right and once you are UK you are OK.
    • @amazing (03/03/2023, 09:08) Like (4) Dislike (16) Reply
      You are on point. He also had his kind helicopter that drank a lot of fuel and other cost the taxpayers paid and it was never made public not even in the one sided report.
    • Nonsense! (03/03/2023, 09:27) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
      @Amazing, once again you repeat your nonsense on here - there were no such payments by the police of nearly a million dollars but local people gave their boats to help for free. Stop trying to make up plots that don’t exist and let’s stick to getting to the truth for the people!
    • @amazing (03/03/2023, 12:02) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Read the report. These people lent their boats for free. Not a dime spent on luxury boats.
  • Your Qualifications Hon Malone? (03/03/2023, 09:04) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    You Malone are a businessman spending old money, and the Premier is a history student. What qualifies either of you to dictate how an audit is conducted? Facts are facts - and "excuse" from the other side that is in cahoots with the "special arrangement" is a moot point. You lot need to have several seats - a bunch of inept politicians.

    We really need to stop electing these people on the basis of charisma or a popularity contest. We BVIslanders have more sense than this man! We are electing people in government to manage MILLIONS of dollars, who have not even had so much as a CAR LOAN in their life, and then we sit back and wonder where we went wronggg? Howwwww? WE HAVE TO DO BETTER!
  • Yes to UK (03/03/2023, 09:06) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    @Amazing You are such a fool.
  • What a country (03/03/2023, 09:24) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    I am convinced that all these reports and actions and their timing are an attempt to try to influence voters minds thereby influence the outcome of the elections. People of the BVI wake up and see beyond the plot.
  • ratatat (03/03/2023, 09:25) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    Those Virgin Islands Party ppl in the house of assembly should be SHAME of THEMSELVES. They are illiterate as to how the Auditor General does her work.
  • Reality check (03/03/2023, 09:43) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    Although he owns a financial services company he has no idea of the confines of an audit. The, apparently, only person in Government who understands the confines of her job and is doing it brilliantly and diligently, is being dissed for her professionalism.
  • hmm (03/03/2023, 10:08) Like (1) Dislike (16) Reply
    The report woman and her section of loyal staff on these stories blogging away. LOL.
    • @ lol (03/03/2023, 16:35) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let’s make one thing CLEAR.

      That lady did an audit in the 90s (my first experience of the department I worked at being audited) and as a teenager observed that she was no-nonsense in the way she conducted the process.

      NOT because majority is against an opinion means it’s orchestrated comments.
  • jack (03/03/2023, 10:29) Like (1) Dislike (19) Reply
    She was under instructions by the white man trust me
    • @Jack. Stop it. I blame Britain (03/03/2023, 13:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      They were to take control from day one and make these mad people pay for their crimes...These people did so many wrongs now they get caught its someone elses fault...Leave hon Webster alone. Hon I say, only she I can proudly call honourable...
    • Malone is done. (03/03/2023, 13:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Soon we wont have to hear from you anymore spitting these heap of nonsense. You will be gone for ever..
  • Not political (03/03/2023, 10:38) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    I am neither for nor against but I am for the best for the BVI. Some of us need to hold up and always look at any situation as if it was you involved. No report of this magnitude should be concluded nor draw any damaging conclusions without ensuring that all the facts from all involved forms part of the report. This is an issue in all reports over the years and it needs to be addressed as person's reputation and business are at stake. Also, the government is opening up itself for lawsuits if the contents that is in the report proves to be questionable. This must be said and it must be done.
  • white man (03/03/2023, 13:25) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This "White Man:" wonders why our government paid for rusty barges to patrol the territorial waters when the British Navy (who are trained for this) offered free policing of our waters, they were refused.
    Why would our government pay so much of the people's money needlessly??
  • street reporter. (03/03/2023, 13:43) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    We have a divided house, good against evil, corrupt against clean...All those who Britain caught and called out and ban from holding ministerial position because of their corrupt ways and its the majority, they are now trying to tarnish and discredit the good and honorable lady. God bless her, she put a hault to the gravy train and the dishonesty...
  • WEW (03/03/2023, 15:52) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    How can one write a "balanced" report when the whole operation was a scam from the start and you were in on it !
  • saying (03/03/2023, 17:46) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Those were two of the minister's who almost broke their necks running across by ez shipping when the news about the coi surface,there were about six ministers there,I thought legco had moved up there.
  • Spititout (04/03/2023, 13:55) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    I praying for good to come out of Carvin, although he wont get any of my votes..he screwed us up with the Covid, he screwed Frazer with the internal, and he screwed us up on many other things, thats why he is crying foul.
    If the COI hsd gone back any further he would have been in the same position that Claud is in right now for the Bardges he had next to Customs when he was doing the works at the Hospital.
    Hear Facts? We are to swift to forget conveniently.
    We need to leave him out he is without sin, politically. Please print.

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