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Hon Fraser to Premier -'dude stop apologizing for fighting for our independence'

Veteran Legislator and Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) told Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) to 'stop apologizing for fighting for our independence.' Photo: HoA/Youtube
t was at a press conference on October 6, 2023, that the Premier was asked by a radio talk show host about who gived him the mandate to fight for independence. Photo: GIS/Facebook
t was at a press conference on October 6, 2023, that the Premier was asked by a radio talk show host about who gived him the mandate to fight for independence. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Veteran Legislator and Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) told Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) to “stop apologizing for fighting for our independence.”

Hon Fraser was at the time speaking on October 13, 2023, at a special Sitting of the House of Assembly naming 10 persons as national heroes.

The list of the territory’s national heroes and heroines included; Mr. Shelly Martin, Ms. Perreen Georges, Mr. Augustus McCleverty, Mr. Obadiah Dawson, Mr. Henry Garnet, Mr. Theodolph Faulkner, Mr. Isaac Glanville Fonseca, Mr. Carlton de Castro, Mr. H. Lavity Stoutt and Mr. Noel  Lloyd.

The Third District Representative told the House of Assembly he heard on the radio a few days ago, the Premier apologizing for fighting for the VI's independence. 

Hon Fraser said, “dude stop it, why should you be apologizing. If you don’t do it in 2023 someone will in 2055 and the sad thing is we would have lost 30 years.”

We need our independence- Hon Fraser

Mr Fraser warned Premier Wheatley that nothing is wrong with fighting for independence and he does not have to sugarcoat it by saying he is only “fighting for self-determination.” 

It was at a press conference on October 6, 2023, that the Premier was asked by a radio talk show host, “Who has given you the mandate of independence for the territory? Was a referendum held to determine the direction the people would like to go?”

In response, Premier Wheatley said, “no one has sanctioned independence for the territory.”  He said he talks at the United Nations about “self-determination which means you have no longer placed yourself in a colonial situation and you have options,  independence is just one option” he noted.

Many local advocates of independence, democracy, and freedom saw Dr. Wheatley’s response as a cop-out. The country is believed to be split on the direction on whether to take the VI independent or maintain its status as a colony of the United Kingdom. 

51 Responses to “Hon Fraser to Premier -'dude stop apologizing for fighting for our independence' ”

  • OECS (14/10/2023, 16:26) Like (10) Dislike (23) Reply
    Independence now tomorrow and for ever
  • Saved by Lorna (14/10/2023, 16:32) Like (27) Dislike (10) Reply
    On the one hand, Lorna screwed us over. On the other hand, she saved us. Can you imagine the much quicker train wreck if Fraser and Sowande ended up on the same team? Oh fadda!
    • street reporter. (15/10/2023, 05:12) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
      I see nothing good about him.. Politician just want to control the people. The media especially online control the narrative, they can kill a story or kill a blog they don't like. We are not stupid we know whats going on. Thats why a lot of us in support of a short suspension by Britain, fix the place then return it..These people will not change..
  • lodger (14/10/2023, 16:35) Like (19) Dislike (44) Reply
    No fan of Frazer but agreed here 10000%
  • truth be told (14/10/2023, 16:37) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Ronnie does not deserve to be Premier. Mitch in the same boat. They preferred to back Fraser than reunite with the NDP. What is Ronnie doing as leader of the opposition? Everybody calling Marlon Penn for phone interview. Why not call Ronnie? Is it because he is not as capable as people erroneously believed? I am not hearing from the opposition leader. Where is the passion. Where is the fire?
  • we the people (14/10/2023, 16:37) Like (5) Dislike (14) Reply
    Let freedom ring
  • Well Sah (14/10/2023, 16:47) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    I see Fraser has popped out of his hole that he must of fell in after the last storm
  • a Lil boy (14/10/2023, 16:47) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Premier is soft
  • Purpoy (14/10/2023, 17:28) Like (14) Dislike (17) Reply

    Speak Fraser!

  • D1 (14/10/2023, 17:40) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
    Frazer hit it on the head.
  • 2023 (14/10/2023, 17:58) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
    how can one-man/our a group of 13 politicians determine the way forward for 30 thousands people

    let the people go to their various poling stations and cast a vote for independence or cast their vote against independence(use the same standard as we do during an election)

    some of us have this matter to be a joke,independence calls for some serious Self Reliance

    had not been for the very same united kingdom during the covid 19 global pandemic lots more of the people who called this place home would have suffered.

    the same governor had to call on the USA to have certain supplies released so our people could have them to safeguard our healthcare system(go play the tape)

    If the politicians act the way they do now, one could only imagine the conduct under independence (why you think the CoI hanging over the heads of our people)

    The CoI have nothing to do with the majority of the population of this city(mr politician U did it to the people

    when push comes to shove some among us can book their tickets and leave some have to remain and face the music

  • WHERE WERE U BRO (14/10/2023, 17:59) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    just talking for talking sake , unless U just trying to relevant / the brits ain't the enemy , we are our own worse enemy , we can't even feed ( WESELF ) the country deteriorating from. the inside out by those who is and has been running the country now all the hustler trying to play holy and using the UK as a scapegoat to hide their GUILT , U should of stayed in the closet , WE live here so know the games you all ae played and still playing ( no offence
  • Tire (14/10/2023, 18:37) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    This news source like the Fox News of the BVI
  • Slavery (14/10/2023, 18:48) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    We will not allowed this premier to stop our independence movement

    He left moo moo Cindy cow he
  • bbc (14/10/2023, 19:03) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    which fraser; the one who had the opportunity to for a Government
  • After Slavery & New World Conquest (14/10/2023, 19:38) Like (7) Dislike (16) Reply
    "dude stop apologizing for fighting for our independence"

    You couldnt have said it better. More people need to hear it.
  • Xxx (14/10/2023, 20:30) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    Cant believe it got silly people around asking what we going live off when we go independent as if we going stop being a part of the global economy
    • @xxx (15/10/2023, 11:19) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Silly is ignoring why the BVI is considered a safe jurisdiction for offshore business. Independence means all that cash from offshore businesses goes to Cayman Islands. The 'B' in the BVI stands for something you obviously do not understand.
  • Rick (14/10/2023, 20:53) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Natalie is a coward and is dead scared of the Governor. If you all don't create some jobs we will have more robberies
    • They playing we. (15/10/2023, 05:06) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
      Since the COI exposed their corruption and corruptive ways there is now a big rush for independence, though they know we are not ready, we neither have the infrastructure, the economy, and the leaders for such... But they so stuck on doing what they want, when they want and how they want without any supervision or have to answer to anyone, hence being independent is their green light to continue..
  • Xposed. (14/10/2023, 21:23) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    Since the COI exposes their corruption and corruptive ways they are anxious over zealous about going independent . They just want to do as they wish without any supervision or someone to answer to.
    • @ xposed (15/10/2023, 08:47) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
      The coi left out the corruption in the governor’s office and the police force because they are run by whites so it lacks justice and legitimacy so please go sit down!!!
      • @@ xposed (15/10/2023, 11:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        While you are on your feet would you please explain what corruption you are talking about? You seem to have information that was left out of the coi, so then now is your chance to tell.... I will grab my bottomless box of popcorn.
  • hmm (14/10/2023, 22:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Interested (15/10/2023, 05:31) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    You all go on and study Fraser,When the hardship comes down on us he can take his US passport and run.Most of us have no place to run to.
    • @ interested (15/10/2023, 08:43) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      Fool the hardship is on us now because we don’t have our independence and can’t help our people
  • resident (15/10/2023, 06:03) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am not for or against independence for the bvi. We really need education.
    1. How will the country be different?
    2. How much does the UK do for this territory?
    3. Can we trust our leaders?
    4. We don't have an army. We don't even have police. If there's a serious problem who protects us?
    5. After Irma this territory was heading into chaos, the British came and quickly restored discipline. What will happen in an independent bvi after a major disaster?
    6. How is being a BOT detrimental or a hindrance to the regular citizens?
    7. How is being independent an advantage to the regular citizen?
    Somehow it seems we have so much dislike for the u.k that we throw around this independence talk without really knowing what it will mean for us the regular citizen.
    • @ resident (15/10/2023, 09:48) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      How come you not asking if we can trust the governor and police commissioner? Set of Uncle Toms in this place who are full of hypocrisy and double standards
      • @@ resident (15/10/2023, 11:24) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        Because everybody already knows the answer to that question! "We" don't trust anyone who don't look like "we". Which is a primitive mentality. But hey, it is what it is.
  • E. Leonard (15/10/2023, 06:34) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    The VI people as people everywhere have a right to pursue self-determination, the process of voluntarily without hindrance choosing its own political status, which can include independence, free association, integration, etc. And the VI and its people should be unapologetic about exercising its self-determination right. As such, government must launch a robust public education and outreach programme on the pros and cons of self-determination options. Public education and outreach programme, completed, a Referendum Act must be passed, and a referendum held on choosing a political status option, ie, independence, free association, integration., etc. through either a) a simple majority or b) a super majority vote, etc.

    Moreover, as a point of reference, VI sister Overseas Territory, Bermuda, held a referendum on independence on 16 August 1995. Approximately 58% of registered voters voted in the election; approx. 74% of the 58% voted in favor of remaining a British colony.
    • Contrarian (15/10/2023, 11:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E. Leonard, the Premier among others have been dropping independence, integration and free association as self-determination options. What examples, if any, are there for integration, and free association options? By the way, anyone know what ever happened to the same sex referendum? Did it die a natural death by procrastination? Another unfulfilled promise; the old overpromised and underdelivered game.
      • E. Leonard (15/10/2023, 14:07) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
        @Contrarian, Guadeloupe and Martinique are integral part of France, and the Cook Islands, and Nuie have free association status with New Zealand. It is interesting though that the British Empire was the largest empire in history, controlling approximately 25% of globe on every continent. The British Empire was rich and powerful based on the exploitation of resources, exploitation and expropriation of people through enslavement in the new annexated territory. Yet not one colony was integrated into or has free association with the UK.
    • @E. Leonard (15/10/2023, 11:32) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Well put, and very true. All people have a right to self determination, but sadly you forget that very few actually do. Do you honestly believe that in an independent VI the people are going to have self determination? The current elected officials have no interest in empowering the populace, even with the UK looking over the shoulder. Take away any scrutiny and what do you think VI elected officials are going to do, serve the people? Don't make me laugh over breakfast please!
      • @@E. Leonard (15/10/2023, 17:36) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
        @@E. Leonard, Independence would not mean Government/politicians can do as they like. There will be constitution and laws which politicians will have to follow. And if the politicians are not following the constitution and laws are not being adhered to, it is because the people will let it happened. Politicians have done or are doing what they want now it is because the people, the electorate, are letting do what they want. The BVI is a representative democracy, meaning the people elect politic to the HOA to represent their interests. The people delegate responsibility to the politicians to do things on their behalf. But the people still has the power to hold politicians responsible and accountable. We need to let go of the false narrative that the politicians have all the power and the people have none. That is false. The people has the true power. If the politicians have the true power, why every four years there is an election. The voters have the true power in an election. They can reward politicians for good performance or it can kick to the curb for poor performance. And the people power does not stop after the election. It continues .Too often after an election, the electorate go in hibernation rather than staying engaged., staying touch close up with elected members. The people must effectively used its inherent power. Self -determination is a process to decide what political status a country desire. Once the political status is determined, it stays on the shelf until it is needed again. The people have the power to keep politicians in check but the power is useless if is not used.
  • motive (15/10/2023, 06:37) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let us not forget that the mostly autonomous territory of the British Virgin Islands suffers widespread corruption. The last thing the Elected Members want is the UK keeping check on what they are doing. So that is why the politicians want full independence.

    History tells us that independence is not always good. The average person living in many former British Colonies across Africa and the Caribbean will tell you that independence has resulted in poverty, and a greater divide between the rich and the poor. The rich politicans in these countries will of course tell you something different.
    • RealPol (15/10/2023, 09:29) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      The BVI is not a mostly autonomous territory, for its constitution is a dependency/modeled constitution and the Governor wields tremendous unilateral power, including reserved and assent powers. Devolved powers can be easily reversed. For example, the recommendation of a handpicked, lone commissioner of an inquiry can result in suspension of its (BVI) constitution as is currently the case with the VI. Its constitution was suspended through an order in council and is being held in reserved, hanging over the BVI like the Sword of Damocles. What sought of almost autonomy is that?

      Moreover, independence is a process that must be prepared for both economically and politically. The UK exploited the resources and people of former African and Caribbean colonies and push them into independence with poor , underdeveloped economies, infrastructure, institutions, etc. These countries have had to incur massive and overwhelming debt to develop their economies and to improve standards of living and quality of life, some falling into cost debt traps. Another mistake that former colonies made was adopting and taking wholesale into independence the same corrupt and extractive institutions the UK had in place. For the most part, they are still in place stifling growth and development.
  • Native Tongue (15/10/2023, 07:58) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    National Heroes
    All Olympians who represented the Virgin Islands.
  • for real (15/10/2023, 08:31) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    There's political independence and there is economical independence, many caribbean countries gain independence politically but are struggling economically, the bvi is the complete opposite an asset more than a liability for England...they don't give us $#!+......
  • jack (15/10/2023, 08:48) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    Thank God it got people fighting for our independence we need it fast
  • BVI Hopeless (15/10/2023, 10:18) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    We don't have an army so we can't go independent, We don't have our own currency so we can't go independent every coward cop out reason to remain a British subject dictated to by the white man. The psyche of our people has been severely damaged leaving us as sitting ducks for the colonialists. Why do you think there is this mad rush to grant citizenship to the majority expatriate population. We should have acted long ago to secure more autonomy and chart a course toward self determination. Our leadership from Ralph O'neal to the present have been sadly lacking and mostly self seeking. Don't forget to leave the offering...a generous donation...setta jokers.
  • Yes to UK (15/10/2023, 12:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    @@ resident You say a set of Uncle Toms in this place in this place it also have a set of $tup1d people like you.
  • Outsider (15/10/2023, 14:14) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    We are an oppressed people fighting racist forces for independence. End apartheid now. Freedom for Virgin Islanders.
  • Interested (15/10/2023, 15:31) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I have one question for you all. If independence is soo good why are all the citizens of the independent territories flocking here ? Why aren’t they at home enjoying the prosperity of their own countries?
    • @Interested (15/10/2023, 17:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why are they often deported and why they are not readily welcomed in other countries where they migrate and are immediate contributors to rising crime rates. The plight of the countries in the Caribbean that have chosen Independence are pathetically disheartening and are perfect examples of what the BVI should not do..When the VI was a population of "our people" it could have been a promising path to take. Since this is no longer a country of "our people" but rather an abberation and a majority cacophony of the peoples of failed Government, society and failed economies with conflicting mores ,customs and propensities, failure is a given.

      without a doubt , Independence can in no way be successful.
      no way are they examples for these VIthe places
  • @ E Le Nerd (15/10/2023, 16:17) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    has resurfaced again and responded to contrarian very Quickly BUT the great historian cannot answer or afraid to respond to our Questions on the HOW / the & WHY WE CALL OUR CARIBBEAN / CARICOM , BROTHERS AND SISTERS ( MISLAND PEOPLE ) AND WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF IT / BRO YOU BARE SUCH A HYPO
  • @@E Le Nerd (15/10/2023, 18:11) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I was born and grew up on another Caribbean island and heard people from that Iskand referring to Antiguans as Garrots so when I moved to the BVI I was surprised to be referred to as a garret. My point is, that regardless to where in the world you go people will always call people who are not locals some other name. Also town folks calling country folks country man. Big deal.
  • Dude Stop (16/10/2023, 06:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Third district only see Fraser every 4 years the flood that happened recently you didn’t see Cathy interview him,Mr.Parillon was out in full force assisting people.I have being living 24 years in the third district and I will say thx to the media I know what Fraser look like.It’s awesome to get independence but you need to fix your territory first,their are so much issues to deal with in this territory.For all the BVI islanders you all are to comfortable with nonsense so therefore you all will punish.
  • Bruce (16/10/2023, 06:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Never stop fighting for our freedom!
  • 367 (16/10/2023, 21:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look at who votes for our current premier? Who is calling for independence? 367 people out of 30,000???
    Get back to government and running this country. We need roads, schools and hospitals. Independence is a just another way to ignore the the important stuff.
  • Common Sense (17/10/2023, 20:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s long past the time for the government to hold a territory wide referendum on independence, if the people vote in favor of independence, the UK should grant it immediately. If, however, the people vote otherwise, the politicians should cease discussing the subject, or, resign. Let’s get this put to bed once and for all.

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