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Hon Fraser calls for referendum over Governor's request for additional powers

- Says extraordinary sitting of the HoA must also come to introduce a revolutionary resolution for debate
Senior Opposition Member in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) has called for a referendum in the VI, ver the Governor's request for additional powers. Photo: VINO/File
Third District Representative and Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser is proposing to both the Premier and the Opposition Leader to immediately convene an extraordinary sitting of the House of Assembly and introduce a revolutionary resolution for debate, denouncing the governor's proposal to seek additional powers. Photo: VINO/File
Third District Representative and Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser is proposing to both the Premier and the Opposition Leader to immediately convene an extraordinary sitting of the House of Assembly and introduce a revolutionary resolution for debate, denouncing the governor's proposal to seek additional powers. Photo: VINO/File
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has said he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI Reform Implementation deadline and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered. Photo: VINO/File
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG has said he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI Reform Implementation deadline and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Senior legislator and Opposition Member in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA) Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) has called for a referendum in the VI, regarding the Governor's request for additional powers.

Hon Fraser made the statements during an Opposition press conference on January 9, 2023, when the Opposition Members of the House of Assembly announced they stand in solidarity with the Government against the governor's request. 

“I am tired and amazed at the insensitivity of the British. But even despite the current revolt by black people, specifically in the Sahel Region of Africa, namely Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, against neo-colonialism, this governor is doubling down on the colonisation of the Virgin Islands," he said. 

Calls by the Governor for more powers to execute CoI recommendations in the VI as laid out in his Fifth Quarterly Review published on January 5, 2024, have united both sides of the House, as the request has been described as one that will take the VI decades back in its constitutional advancement.

Governor's move 'An act of aggression' - Hon Fraser 

The Governor has said he was disappointed at the rate of reform ahead of an already revised May 2024 CoI Reform Implementation deadline and has reached the conclusion that he must request additional powers to help ensure the Framework Agreement proposed by the VI Government is delivered.

According to Hon Fraser, “Fellow Virgin Islanders, this is existential an act of aggression designated to discredit the government of the people of the Virgin Islands."

The long-serving legislator said such an action, if successful, can cause irreparable damage to the territory's reputation and set the territory back decades in "terms of our constitutional advancement."

He said moving forward, he is proposing to both the Premier and the Opposition Leader to immediately convene an extraordinary sitting of the House of Assembly and introduce a revolutionary resolution for debate, denouncing the governor's proposal to seek additional powers. which he said will undoubtedly require the suspension of certain sections of the Constitution or parts thereof, and undermine a sitting government.

“This action will give all thirteen elected members the opportunity to demonstrate to their constituents, which in effect is the entire territory, what their positions are on the matter, while at the same time explaining to them why they should do the same."

Hon Fraser added that the resolution should also call for a referendum that would clearly convey the position of the people of the Virgin Islands, the very people whom the Governor says he is acting in their best interests.

14 Responses to “Hon Fraser calls for referendum over Governor's request for additional powers ”

  • ???? oh wow (11/01/2024, 10:07) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser Get a hair cut ?
    • To “oh wow”!!! (11/01/2024, 14:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Paht head, no more!!
    • Let's get the ball rolling... (12/01/2024, 10:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      They are always calling for referendums and they have yet to administer one! All action as usual!
  • GateKeeper (11/01/2024, 10:47) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    I’m not averse to elected members writing letters or calling for a referendum or the opposition doublespeak that it is down with the government against Rankin bold, brazen, bombshell power grab yet refused to stand shoulder to shoulder with government at a press conference. WTF!!!! The colonialists are playing us like a fiddle, exploiting our predictable disunity knowing that their divide and rule strategy and tactics conditioning is still potent and working.

    Abolitionist Frederick Douglass: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Two of our national heroes Theodolph Faulkner and Noel Lloyd demonstrated unequivocally demonstrated that it takes struggle to make progress. Virgin Islanders want things on a platinum platter. They want change but they don’t want to sacrifice to effect change, hoping that a magic wand can be waved and voila, ie, there it is. Things are not going to happen or change on fantasy. Things will change with all hands on deck effort, people must jump out of their/our comfort level in the wagon and start pulling/pushing the wagon in unison as a group towards a define goal. Progressing towards and approaching the goal requires effective organizing, planning, unity, etc.

    Referendum are valuable tools but they should not be cast about Willy nilly. Whatever happened to the same -sex marriage referendum? Is it another case of overpromising and underdelivering? Is it a case of all hat but no cattle? Is it a case of swirling dark clouds, pealing thunder, flashing lighting but no rain? What is needed soonest is a referendum on self-determination,ie, independence, free association, integration, etc. Bermuda had a referendum on independence in 1995. The VI and people needs some stability on political status. They cannot have stability with the UK having absolute power, which is what Rankin fired the first salvo across the bow about. Virgin Islanders must set aside their differences and work close up collectively, cooperatively, and collaboratively for the good of the VI and people. Others are not interested in our best interests; we must do it for ourselves. Organize,plan, lead…It is time and opportunity for rock solid, exemplary leadership. Let’s get ah dun!!
    • Frig…. (11/01/2024, 12:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      To GateKeeper, the Frig…. here being a frig again. This is a painful body blow, a dagger to the heart/ticker with truth which will make many unhappy. And many will give you some blows, blows. No worries though, for you are a useful frig…. telling us what we don’t want to hear but need to hear, hoping your rass will stay quiet and let the colonialists do their deeds.
  • Help me understand. (11/01/2024, 11:10) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    If you gave someone a task as a boss to finish a project in 6 months and that person agreed it can be done, 6 months its not done, they ask for another 3 months you gave to them 2 months came and yet the task still,, undone, You gave them another two months and they assured you that the task will be done then..Tbe 2 months came yet the task hasn't been done. Don't you have the right tp be pissed and think that this person easier ain capable, and or playing games, or taking you for Joke.? Then how come we finding all kind of nonsense excuses to blame the boss...Come on. Get real, get honest.
    • @help me understand (11/01/2024, 11:29) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
      And on top of that, imagine if the person who keep asking for extensions already mek it to Timbuktu and the seven wonders of the world and back (because it was more important but the importance can't be proven) then have the audacity to call you unfair for requiring them to do what they suppose to do. They then through a hissy fit, call you bias, run bawling to the other employees and asking them to strike on his behalf in a conference in the staff kitchen. Sound like a spoilt brat cunoomoonoo to me.
    • @ Help Me Understand (11/01/2024, 12:51) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
      True, boss/supervisor normally sits down and set reasonable, fair performance expectations with timelines. Nevertheless, that the playing field is level and there is a reasonable assumption that there is fair dealing and that the task can be performed and attained in the time allotted. However, this situation is not the norm, for the colonialists know that tasks given and time alloted was unreasonable and cannot performed in the time given and know that government will not meet the requirements in the time given. But the colonialists wants failure, for that suits their agenda. Furthermore, the colonialists who have the absolute power can meet the timeline set for functions under their purview. Does anyone truly believe that government had much choice pushing back against the short timelines to complete the CoI recommendations in the best interest of the BVI when the threat constitution was hanging over its head as the Sword of Damocles? The constitution was suspended any way under an order in council and is held in reserve/abeyance like the Swords of Damocles. It is clear that the Colonialists goal was to suspend the constitution and the agreement with government was a pseudo play.
    • @Help me understand. (11/01/2024, 13:15) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
      Thank you for your wonderful transparent comment. I am so sick of them with the excuses and the wo wo wo every day. Yes, they want to drop everything on the Governor and turn the people against the Governor. You guys are at fault as well. Stop with the F ing I KNOW I AM WRONG BUT WANT TO/BE ENTITLED TO BE STRONG AT THE SAME TIME. I don’t want to hear anymore wo wo wo. GET THE F TO WORK FOR THE PEOPLE YOUR EMPLOYERS WHO HIRED AND IS PAYING YOUR SALARY. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. A employer hire you to do a job, you mess up, your services will be TERMINATED. THAT SHOULD GO FOR YOU GUYS AS WELL.
  • Really... (11/01/2024, 11:28) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    I vote yes, the government need to be straightened out and they not doing it themselves.
  • @ ? ? ? ? OH WOW (11/01/2024, 12:13) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
  • HEL-OOOOH (11/01/2024, 13:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Me pathner has stepped nuptials his game with that well needed hair cut but still kept his Hitler style . moustache , which defeats the purpose , but at least it's a start , hopefully in the right direction , chasing the COI may have given brim the incentive . Hitler was a dictator , we don't need those type around here , neither thinking , acting or looking like one
  • resident (11/01/2024, 13:41) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is inarguable that the imposition of direct-rule by the UK would be highly undemocratic and antithetical to the supposed values of the UK and the West more broadly; however, the public - and especially Virgin Islanders and Belongers who aren't members of the ruling elite (and there is a ruling elite in the VI) - should be highly skeptical of attempts by politicians and media organisations to reductively paint issues such as this one with the colours of neo-colonialism.

    The status quo is plainly not working for a large number of people in the BVI and the BVI continues to suffer from declining infrastructure quality, declining educational standards, fewer opportunities for Virgin Islanders and Belongers. The fact that the Hospitality and Financial Services industries are not overwhelmingly staffed by Virgin Islanders is a real shame, and there are a number of reasons for this, a leading one of which is Governmental policy failure with regard to investment in education (few people receive the education required for these industries) and infrastructure (those who do prefer to leave the VI for opportunities elsewhere). This is ultimately what the CoI hoped to address.

    Direct rule cannot and should not be the solution, but the Government needs to come up with an alternative solution - which it has to date failed to do.
  • Josiahsbay (12/01/2024, 08:33) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    They don't want us to pursue self-determination, it's obvious. Why would you hold on to the very power that defines self-determination? Now the Governor is seeking more power to exact more colonial control. The referendum we should be having should be for self-determination while it's still on the table. The UK is only concerned with its interest and has no problem with directing us down that path to attain it. Self-Determination Referendum is the way to go!

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