Homosexuality is everywhere in the VI - Bishop John I Cline
The two men were addressing the topic of the prevalence of homosexuality in the Virgin Islands.
Church to blame
Bishop Cline blamed the churches for allowing homosexuality to take root and growing to the point where it now seems acceptable in society.
“The church has lost its effectiveness and its influence to address a lot of other things… We have no effect on the society at large in terms of bringing moral change and impacting the spiritual and social fibre of our community. That’s a sad commentary right there.”
The Bishop also recalled that one time he was called to a meeting of the Christian Council to address a matter that had come up with a same-sex situation that was in the schools. “Three churches came and, when they realised what was going on, they walked out of the meeting. They said ‘we are not here for that; we are not at liberty to address that’. So, the church has lost its effectiveness and its influence to address a lot of other things,” Bishop Cline said.
Churches closing
He argued that once the church begins to be bound by the laws of man then God walks out of it and leaves the church to their own devices.
“And I think that’s what happening in the world; there is a lot of churches closing. I said to our church a few weeks ago, if the salt has lost its flavour, Jesus said, then it’s good for nothing. If the church has now stopped becoming a watchdog of our society, and the moral conscience of our nation, then what is it good for? Is it just good to tell you that Jesus is coming soon and you must get saved to go to heaven when you have no affect on the landscape of our morality…?” he reasoned.
It was on May 22, 2016 that this news site reported about two men, including a Virgin Islander, alleging on the BVI Community Board on Facebook that they were treated like “garbage” as an “openly gay couple” by an expat from the United Kingdom while they were in the Virgin Islands recently.
The Facebook post made on May 20, 2016 by a ‘Pinky’ Callwood had seen the “couple” receiving huge support by members of the Facebook group, with many condemning the alleged behaviour of the expat.
71 Responses to “Homosexuality is everywhere in the VI - Bishop John I Cline”
Please stop bathing in the toilet people!!!
God is man made
The bible is total nonsense - read it for yourself and you will see that
Churches are closing around the world because people are becoming more educated and the evidence overwhelmingly points to no such thing as any of the gods.
But there are still plenty of sheep and Pastors like Cline are doing everything they can to maintain their income
Hope they protect themselves and don't give their innocent wife any disease.
That's my humble opinion
There are a lot of things that the Lord deplores, I'm sure...but Homosexuality, not one of them.
The best cure for christianity is to read your bible, but the vast majority of you have never actually read the whole thing, but will quote certain passages.
Note me not support homosexuals either
Even though he's kinda right, thats like the kettle calling the pot black. Steups!!!!
So is killing, stealing, white collar crime, adultery, fornication, breeding members of the church, divorcing a spouse when they didn't commit adultery etc, so just don't condemn some sin and leave the others to get away!
In fact, the only people who have continued to make homosexuality a big deal are heterosexual people. You all have demonized this one sin more than others, though God has made it clear that all sins are created equally. So to spell it out for you, heterosexuals have made the only sin in the bible that they know that they can never commit the worst sin of them all in order to appease their own guilt about committing the other sins that the bible clearly holds in higher contempt.
Mr cline check your life first
Interpret it as you wish.
Homosexuality was not mentioned a lot in the bible but when it was, God stepped in and destroyed those affiliated with the abomination. Every where this spirit goes it takes over. Well educated men and women are the main target because the intention of the spirit is to control and take over.
It is our duty not to turn a blind eye on this abominable act beginning from our pastors and leaders. We must stop this unholy alliance and consecrate out country from the desecration or else we have to watch out for destruction from the one and only God, our creator and deliverer. Who are we to pick a fight with God. The repercussions we are not ready for.
Wake up! We have fallen asleep!