Health Minister should replace doctors at Peebles - Commentator

“These doctors down there, some of them, some of them need to be watched. Some of them, if you get two or three complaints about them, please, as fast as you can [Minister for Health and Social Development Hon.] Ronnie [Skelton], replace them,” Mr Henry advised.
He urged that the hospital system ensure that persons who sought treatment were given ‘good care’.
The commentator’s views came on the heels of complaints made by a caller to the Speak Your Mind TV show aired on September 21, 2013.
One of the caller’s allegations: “My wife was also treated for high blood pressure at [Peebles] hospital whereby she was given wrong drugs from the pharmacist… she went back there again for treatment because the pressure was not dropping. When she went back there, they kept her for three days scrutinising her like a guinea pig.”
The caller, who also complained about treatment meted out to his son by a doctor, eventually stated that his wife received corrective treatment at another [named] facility.
While asserting that he was not excusing the behaviour, the host commented, “These are challenges that you will have. We got to do better.”
He encouraged persons who faced difficulties at Peebles Hospital to contact Chairman of the Health Services Authority, John I. Cline, personally. “Please, if you’re experiencing these types of problems, you have to let them know… and document the situation so they could fix it,” he urged.
“Some of us are stuck, we are stuck here, whether we like it or not we are stuck here because some of us don’t have the US passport to run to go to St Thomas… so we’re stuck here and they know that,” he said.
“I know sometimes it’s burdensome,” Henry added, “but Ronnie, it’s better to replace them because, a) they’re probably not qualified enough; b) they’re reckless and careless and not paying attention or they’re just not doing their research properly and giving you the wrong information and the wrong medicine…”



15 Responses to “Health Minister should replace doctors at Peebles - Commentator”
So of the personnel here we can't even pronunce their name - what a shame!
Name tags would be helpful going forward.
Transperancy and accountability is all the citizens are demanding.
These @$$h*les around here act as if Peebles is the only place where things happen. How many leave here good good to pay top dollar overseas and come back in a black bag or box? Cut the $h!t out man $h!t happens everywhere. BVI has a great hospital and care especially with the fact that it's basically FREE overall care for whoever needs it. We need a dose of real hard life in this place then you all will stop the damn bickering for every petty $h!t.
A person's life is not petty. We demand quality care be it free (which it is not) or expensive.
I'm not justifying anything being said here but what if complaints are lodged against you falsely & investigations are being made & they are untrue should the Taxi Association replace you Henry? I've been in the ER on numerous occasions because my child is asthmatic & witnessed some very uncouth & disruptive patients who insult you when their demands are not met. Those kind of unruly behaviours are TOLERATED ONLY in the BVI, it is NOT ACCEPTED anywhere else because staff would not tolerate that type of foolishness & disrespect for you will be ESCORTED out the building & off the premises IMMEDIATELY no questions asked. In addition i've been there & witnessed 'a big ONe' literally cursing staff members & she is very LOUD! I even asked a staff "if that's how she speaks to her workers", the lady said "no comments" & I was really appauled by her behaviour. I've heard several complaints but I witnessed an incident for myself & I do agree she needs to be replaced, you cant have Managers talking to staff like they are thrash, that is unacceptable, how do you expect quality performance with a motto that says "Only Excellence Counts" when you have a mean BOSS HOG!
euricka, miami,puerto rico,santodomingo all make mistake that leads to patients being permanamtly disfigured or even dead. stop ayo nonsense, those doctors and nerses at the hospital are over worked, over stressed,pressured and under paid... but atlease they save alot of ayo life right there @ Peebles.