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Has ‘Supa Cop’ Callwood ticketed a fellow police officer?

-Top brass confirms, ‘it was just a warning’
Police Constable, Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop,’ issuing a ticket to a fellow police officer? Photo: Team of Reporters
 Infamous traffic officer Glenn Callwood aka 'Supa Cop'. Photo: VINO/File
Infamous traffic officer Glenn Callwood aka 'Supa Cop'. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI: Social Media was on fire yesterday, Monday June 4, 2018, as a short video clip circulated, featuring Police Constable, Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop,’ and depicting what appeared to be him, issuing a ticket to a fellow police officer.

The individual was parked in a police vehicle outside the Law Offices across from the Labour and Immigration Departments in Road Town. Checks by our newsroom with senior police sources revealed that that person was in fact a civilian worker attached to the Forensic Unit and while no ticket was issued, ‘supa-cop’ gave the driver in the Government vehicle, ‘a warning.’

Even his mom?

There have been unconfirmed reports that Mr. Callwood had attempted to give even his mother a ticket some years ago. Our newsroom however, cannot independently verify this.

Mr Callwood is infamous for his aggressive enforcement of the Territory’s Traffic laws. In 2013 however, he was interdicted and charged—after he reportedly grabbed a man's genital/private part—and tossed out of the police force but was reinstated by Commissioner of Police, Michael B. Mathews, in 2016.


30 Responses to “Has ‘Supa Cop’ Callwood ticketed a fellow police officer?”

  • Nice (05/06/2018, 11:36) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    to see some who have been generously helped by govt in the past, giving back a little.
  • Welsah (05/06/2018, 11:37) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    Supa cop ain’t playing.
  • good (05/06/2018, 11:41) Like (53) Dislike (0) Reply
    I like this. Hope he does it to every other officer that does wrong on the public roads
  • nun (05/06/2018, 11:51) Like (54) Dislike (0) Reply
    No one is above the Law...
  • just asking.... (05/06/2018, 11:52) Like (38) Dislike (2) Reply
    well saw, no one is above the law but how come this does not apply to them political crooks?
    • Nice (05/06/2018, 20:08) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      yes it does, he have issue ticket to ministers before. thats something i have seen with my own eyes
  • CGB resident (05/06/2018, 12:03) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    So would a non police vehicle also just been given a warning?? Or a ticket?
  • west (05/06/2018, 12:10) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    he bias they should have gotten a ticket deman
  • notSO FAST (05/06/2018, 12:17) Like (3) Dislike (22) Reply
    FAKE NEWS. He wasn't giving no ticket trust me. It was just for the cameras
  • WiseUP (05/06/2018, 12:32) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    Everything we see should be not be placed on face book or make news people.
    In this case, a traffic ticket were given to the officer. The caption should
    not be placed on face book by that person who captured it.
    That was not wise People just want to be in thing. This will cause contentions.
    That's just my opinion.
  • Halo (05/06/2018, 13:13) Like (8) Dislike (49) Reply
    He makes me sick
  • Supa Cop (05/06/2018, 13:27) Like (34) Dislike (4) Reply
    We need you on Friday at the government complex to hand out tickets to the NDP if they misbehave and don’t answer our questions.
  • shark (05/06/2018, 13:33) Like (65) Dislike (1) Reply
    A true son of the soil.dont mind the noise the only bvislander who wants to clean up this country.keep doing what you do.
  • John (05/06/2018, 14:00) Like (5) Dislike (19) Reply
    He is dumb enough to do it..No discretion at all....I hope this is not the case.
  • Just do your thing (05/06/2018, 14:13) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    If he aint do nothing you all gonna talk and if he does you all still gonna talk.So blah blah blah
  • Patriotic (05/06/2018, 14:55) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    Nothing wrong with that. He doing his job. That area née to be clear at all times. Some top government officials are guilty of parking there as well. No one is above the law. We need more Supa cop. I got a ticket from him as well and I took it gracefully because I was wrong.
  • impact (05/06/2018, 14:59) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    You work hard for your money brother you was not paid to sit down. May God give you strength and his covering over you. Keep focus and continue to train Ms. Smith that's succession planning. From the outside looking in great job
  • the rock (05/06/2018, 16:23) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    Put him on the drug task force let's see how supper he is.
  • NezRez (05/06/2018, 16:33) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    Supa Cop is telling his fellow officers that they must obey the laws and set examples for the public. Case closed.
  • super cop (05/06/2018, 18:52) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
    Does as he pleases,goes to court, gets convicted and suspended from the police force and gets his job back without rehabilitation. Super Cop. Get him a suitable name.
  • aint sure. (05/06/2018, 20:39) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply

    ...tolans when this man retire thats the time aryo gon need him because when these down island police ready for aryo , you all sure to call supacop name. and to some of you who bashing on him , i hope when a uninsure car knock you down you dont have to call his name either.

  • Great Job (06/06/2018, 08:54) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    I like super cop's work to much lawlessness going on in this territory. People doing what they want, when they want without regards for other persons. Gosh man. Do you work supa cop don't mind the noise. You need to be vigilant for persons with darker tints than the limit. But when ever they driving in the day their windows are down so in the event you bounce them up, but when night comes all glasses are up. Keep your eye out supa cop. My country is any thing goes. I am tired of it. Locals and non locals alike. Sickening.
  • example (06/06/2018, 10:35) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with you @ great job. Tint what a thing some cops you can't see inside their vehicles neither. They have to respect the law first. If they don't how is it they want to stop the public. Mr. Commission in house cleaning is a must along with respect. Time to tighten up loose ends. One day I saw a officer giving a ticket to an individual for being on the phone few minutes after she was doing the same thing driving and on a phone laughing. I should have stop and remind her of what she had just done to the other person but time longer than yeinr
  • Harry O (06/06/2018, 19:52) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Suggest that any and all drivers,, male in particular,, Order the special Heavy Duty Jock Strap.. " just to be safe"
    Mr. Callwood has crossed the line.
  • Waiting (06/06/2018, 20:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so why no tickets from 'supa cop' on those scooter trash? or those having a contest of how loud their motor
    vehicles can be, including thru speakers, to interfere with everyone around them? why no tickets against those
    who behave like human garbage? tortola sounding like an american ghetto now. and the driving, well i do
    believe in gun ownership. clean the place up.
  • @waiting (07/06/2018, 22:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Give him time. He can’t do it all in one day and remember, he is the only one in the force who cares and is brave enough to reinforce the laws. He will get to all of the things you mentioned.

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