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Hail of bullets fired @ Manchester home last night

February 21st, 2018 | Tags: Manchester shooting gun crime injured spent shells
A home in Manchester, on the main island of Tortola, was riddled with bullets last night, February 20, 2018; however, no one was injured. Photo: Internet Source/File
MANCHESTER, Tortola, VI- Information reaching our newsroom is that around 10:00 P.M. last night, Tuesday February 20, 2018 a residential house located in the Manchester area, on the main island of Tortola, was the target of gunfire.

It is believed several shots were fired at the house that was allegedly occupied at the time; however, no one was injured.

Moments later police officers went to the scene of the shooting and found several spent shells at the home.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), through its Information Officer Diane L. Drayton, confirmed the incident.

"Police are investigating a shooting incident in the Belle Vue/Manchester area last night where a home appeared to have been targeted. No one was injured in that incident. No further details can be released at this time," Ms Drayton stated in a press release today, February 21, 2018.

We will being you more details as they become available.

Gunshots ringing out in the nights have been a frequent occurence lately, with reports coming in almost every night.

At least two persons have been injured and two killed in shootings over the past two weeks.

It was on Saturday February 10, 2018 that two Virgin Islanders, 24 year old Clevaughn Sweeney and 26 year old Michael Stevens, were shot to death in the area of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School.

62 Responses to “Hail of bullets fired @ Manchester home last night”

  • Johnny be good (21/02/2018, 10:07) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    These gunmen weakness will be revealed little by little.
  • vex (21/02/2018, 10:12) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    They know who they going for
    • wize up (21/02/2018, 13:43) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Vex: I agree with you 100% however you might be the right place at the wrong time: one thing gun shots don’t respect no one
    • Greg (21/02/2018, 14:50) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      Seems as though we have gangsters from Columbia and Venezuela. What the hell is going on? So they could be after one person and they shoot up an entire house??
      • JC (21/02/2018, 19:36) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
        Gangstas right in ur back yard. We always ready to blame the outsiders..smh
    • Fed Up (22/02/2018, 01:16) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why is the police and government allowing a small group of young thugs to destroy this country. You know who they are. Round them up dead or alive.
  • The Watcher (21/02/2018, 10:13) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    gunshots went off long trench lastnght also.
  • RealTalk (21/02/2018, 10:18) Like (23) Dislike (4) Reply
    Not because street lights and camera are not up that means people ain't seeing this white Suzuki grand vitara on the crimes
    • Could it be (21/02/2018, 11:38) Like (35) Dislike (0) Reply
      A white Suzuki was also seen at West end before the gunmen showed up on the scooters. One can only wonder if the incidents are connected and maybe JUST MAYBE it's true what the streets are saying, that they targeted the wrong people and vehicle at West End. And who will be brought to JUSTICE for the innocent child's murder???? Imagine she was months away from graduating and going to High School,who gave those DEVILS the right to Rob her of that??? I hope if the police can't catch the KILLERS someone else can because we need JUSTICE FOR TRINITY.
      • No vigilante justice (21/02/2018, 14:13) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
        Let the Police do their work. Let the Community assist them, as best as we can. But let a G*d be the Judge.
    • Say Something (21/02/2018, 15:39) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      Did you give the police any tips to help with their investigation? If you know something, say something. You may spare an innocent person’s life...
    • tretretrete (21/02/2018, 16:17) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Sound like u kno sonethjng pls talk fast enough
  • Huh? (21/02/2018, 10:23) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    Where dis Manchester place be?
    • Yes (21/02/2018, 11:34) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      For real first time knowing this
      • Historian (21/02/2018, 14:05) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        go up to Ridge Road, turn left at Belle Vue and you reach Manchester
    • ?? (21/02/2018, 12:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Manchester, Tortola???

      Come on even the first 2 pages of google has one reference to this place.....this article!!
    • mercy (21/02/2018, 12:48) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      Take up. A book and read
      • pete (21/02/2018, 17:58) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ mercy, in what book is Manchester on Tortola listed? Seriously, tell me and I will look it up. I even googled it and it said could not be found. We have a lot of areas not known to people by name. Now that another blogger said where it is, I know the area. Everyone is not as informed as you, who I am sure knows every nook and cranny here. Give me a freakin break!
    • wize up (21/02/2018, 13:46) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      @ Huh?: maybe in the UK?
    • answer (21/02/2018, 14:51) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      It is between belle vue and long trench in the vicinity of Eileen parson residence and the secret day adventures church.
      • wize up (21/02/2018, 15:57) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ answer: go to the head of the class(you are correct)
      • Da wat?? (21/02/2018, 18:54) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
        Did U say Secret Day Adventures Church ahahahahaaaaaaa
        • wow (22/02/2018, 12:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Lmaooooo @ Secret Day Adventures Church... wellsaw I just love reading these comments hahahahah
      • @amswer (21/02/2018, 19:10) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
        You are correct on the location. The SDA church is a much newer addition to the community, but you don't have to defame their name to make a point of reference.

        Manchester has been a formal community name in the BVI well before my great grandmother and she would have been 120 plus years old this year. She wasn't from that specific area, but near by in the East Central side. She had relatives by blood and marriage from Mays through End East. When I was very young it was a community rich in tradition and history. I was too young to help, but I tagged along as everyone from hope hill, belle vue, manchester to Long trench took turns helping each family plow and reap provisions from their farms. The women would meet up at each others home and cook the meals early in the morning and by noon go out to the "ground" to serve the men their meal. They did the same for weddings in the community. It was an awesome time that taught me love of family community and respect for the soil, sea and animals. By the way Manchester and belle vue are not one in the same. There is a point where each starts and ends. Dont be like the expat realtors who have been trying to rename parts of that area. That part of the district also consists of butu and Cooten Bay (and yes people do live in cooten bay and have been there for years). Beautiful areas that use to be scuffed at in the early years because only Road Town was cool to live in back in the day...the rest of us who lived in the hill sides were looked down as Hill Billies and isolated from town except to get small amount of groceries and attend Methodist church in town. A side children our elders shared stories of snow and hail (blocks of ice) falling in Manchester when they were out there helping the families there reap ground provisions from the soil.
    • Yes (21/02/2018, 15:19) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply

      The article clearly states where Manchester is....
  • Tolaoneluv (21/02/2018, 10:28) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    Them man shooting but no one killing nothing lol gun clowns you call them just saying one group of man getting target and no one of them get kill with all the bullets firing look man stop man put the guns down them things ain't for you'll you all better off fixing those schooter even them don't look like them work to good lol
  • NezRez (21/02/2018, 10:32) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    These shootings happen within seconds and the criminals then flee the scene. By the time people call police, there is no way they know where these criminals went. If this house was targeted with people inside, the police need to question them because they know why bullets were aimed at them, not that they will tell. My goodness, this place has turned into a war zone and is dangerous for we citizens who ha e nothing to do with them. I don’t know what is going to become of this place. Scared for my life.
  • Whiteman (21/02/2018, 10:35) Like (22) Dislike (35) Reply
    Eating popcorn and being entertained watching y'all destroy yourselves. This is the greatest show on earth. Please continue to "mash" up your island and try to blame someone else. I love it!
    • @Whiteman (21/02/2018, 11:39) Like (22) Dislike (7) Reply
      Really? This is the most in sensitive and pointless comment I've ever seen on these blogs..............
      • Whiteman (21/02/2018, 14:00) Like (28) Dislike (5) Reply
        If you're thinking i'm the only one with this opinion and point of view, you're in for a rude awakening. After God spared your island from a huricane that had the potential to wipe it out it seemed no lesson was learned. After an innocent child was murdered no lesson was learned. The youth on Tortola are your future. Don't worry about how I feel about what I'm seeing. Worry about how our maker feels about your destruction of yourselves.
        • Blackwoman (21/02/2018, 14:24) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
          The mind is such a terrible thing to waste. I think that just the name alone has y’all going. If the name was ‘ras white’ or ‘shaboonda’ or something local it would be a fatal opposite reaction when you fully well know this is the truth. For all u know it could be some one of y’all aunty. Silly setta people. WE ARE KILLING EACH OTHER. If you have a better description of it, please feel free to share.
          • @Whiteman and Blackwoman (21/02/2018, 18:18) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
            I think that "y'all" are the same person (funny how you write exactly the same way). Speaking as a "white man" myself, why don't you stop using sockpuppets to stir up trouble between races.
          • wize up (21/02/2018, 19:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
            @ black woman: a “mind” is terrible thing to waste however a “waste” is also terrible thing mind!!...just keep the faith and remember the longest rope have an end
    • :( (21/02/2018, 12:27) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
      Whiteman - you are a twat. I am pretty sure you used that nickname to be racially divisive too! Idiot!
    • Harold (21/02/2018, 23:36) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      a whiteman...So you think bullets will not get you too? Ignorant statement you made. No one is safe around bullets. Keep sitting there eating your popcorn and being entertained, until one day it will hit you or your loved ones, and then you’ll want sympathy. Stupid person you are, all of us are not involved in criminal activity and want a happy fear free life. This just shows your small pea brain mentality. So where you come from they don’t have good and bad people? I think you and blacwoman are the same hateful person.
  • cay (21/02/2018, 10:49) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    happy no one was injured
  • 3 o'clock road block (21/02/2018, 12:06) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Yes (21/02/2018, 12:32) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    What the house do them mon
  • Street reporter (21/02/2018, 12:44) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    The best info Police can get. Then again. What can Police do. One mistake and they are on their own. Possible deportation.. It's tuff.
  • soon and very soon (21/02/2018, 13:18) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    no one will be left in the BVI especially the youths to pay back the borrowed monies.Every day as you wake just give God thanks to see another day as anything can happened the day and night before.The way how things are going only the animals and the bushes will be around perhaps to pay back the national debt. Young people put down the gun and pick up your lives. Life is so precious .YOLOLO
  • Yes (21/02/2018, 13:18) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just how that lil boy uncle was living his life he wants to live his life the same way remember uncle is rip lil man going down that same road to bush was real people but he wasn't invensable cool your lil as boy you digging your own 6feet whole
  • oh boy (21/02/2018, 13:24) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
    I agree with White Man because all Virgin islanders are doing in casting the blame on every one else except themselves. The dah that they start to call a spade a spade it will be too late.
    • @oh boy (21/02/2018, 19:21) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      I am an expat.....lived here all my life.....the BVI problem is they too nice....let too many ungrateful people mix with them thanks to the slack immigration yes its their fault for allowing too much negative influence into their country with them slack immigration laws.
  • wize up (21/02/2018, 13:38) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    can someone tell some of these young people that they are the future; they should also understand if you ride like lightning you will crash like thunder!!!!...what a lifestyle(my goodness)
  • Concerned (21/02/2018, 14:25) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Parents, Satan is a liar. Plead the blood of Jesus over your children and their lives. We have to keep praying. God will help us. He is able once you pray believing with all your hearts. Our country is at stake.
  • concern (21/02/2018, 14:53) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is going on with our young people? You're not invincible, what you sow u will reap. However u live,u will die,this is getting out of hand. My thing is,,anyone can loose their life. Just by being in the wrong place ,at the wrong time. Our little ones are not safe, these people have no regard for life. These youths have no fear or respect for God or authority. Parents make sure u play a positive role in your little ones life, who are coming up. And pray that God will deliver our youths.
  • Wild West in the making (21/02/2018, 14:58) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    Now it's not hard to figure out where most of the "blocks" are located where these young boys gather on a daily and nightly basis. Belle Vue itself is known to have it's own gathering of these young fellows who sit roadside and act like the own the place, even when cars trying to pass the young boys are usually blocking the traffic flow with their scooters and so-called car wash... now tell me how often have you seen or heard of the police raiding those areas?almost never. I am sure if the police used to patrol around these "blocks" island wide,they will be far less criminals on the road.
    • Imterest! (21/02/2018, 21:00) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      I think you are the kind of person who would criticize anything the boys in Belle Vue do. If they have a car wash at least they are trying to earn the money honestly. It is people like you always looking down on some of these children that drives them to illegal activity. They just want encouragement and acceptance even when they chose menial jobs that you wouldn't do. Some of you on Tortola are so damn miserable and hateful.
    • wow (22/02/2018, 12:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don't go placing blame on Belle Vue Youths! Not all that hang out the Block engage in criminal activities. Yes, there are some bad apples in the bunch, but not all are rotten. Just saying...
      • tretretrete (24/02/2018, 06:43) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        If their hanging out with criminals, then they’re criminals waiting just act.
  • John bruder (21/02/2018, 15:00) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Life like a movie
  • smh (21/02/2018, 15:16) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Guess Hon. Walwyn's plea fell on deaf ears... Oh well, at least he tried.
  • ... (21/02/2018, 15:16) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the ndp crime plan?
  • tretretrete (21/02/2018, 16:10) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    How are these guns getting in so easily?
  • influence (21/02/2018, 16:47) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    SOB vs. Z6one massive, where is the doughnuts, that your all have for US, that all want.
    • schupes (22/02/2018, 06:49) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Here you go again trying to divert the police. You well know SOB and Z6one not around and not part of your fight. You don't fool nobody blogging under two names (All Clear). SMH. The police only need to follow the blogs. Your name been calling for weeks. Huntums Ghut kidnap the big man (or should I say lil man) from West and West retaliating. Get your shit straight and leave other people out of your equation!
      • Interesting (22/02/2018, 08:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        I recall seeing the G4L name being posted in almost all the shootings. Not sure exactly what it means but I would assume it's another gang or something
  • All clear (21/02/2018, 18:57) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    SOB and Z6one is responsible for all the S!#t that is poping off. Both gangs want that top spot/alpha dog position.
  • wize up (21/02/2018, 20:17) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why will I allow anyone be he or she black or white get me upset in my own territory(I will have to be loosing my mind).....every one is entitled to his or her comments: there is a big difference between a persons saying what they want, and that same person doing what they want..I seriously think once you pay your taxes you should have your opinion
  • car (22/02/2018, 05:36) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    SOB is a group of low level street punks looking for a come up. Bunch of idiots wearing all that fake outdated gold looking like 1960 throw backs.
  • White man? (22/02/2018, 05:47) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Agree with who? A virus? That’s like a human being agreeing with a piece of feces ......impossible.

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