‘Gumption’ wants to hear from Dameon Percival regarding $2900 donation

The ultimatum was made on Creque’s Facebook page on Saturday, September 2, 2023.
“Dameon Percival you have until 9am Monday September 4th, 2023 to get back at me either on WhatsApp or Facebook messenger. And I’m asking you in a nice way.
If not, I will step out and an office that’s wear professional clothing who takes their job seriously will be reaching out on my behalf; Once that office get hired there’s nothing I can do,” the Facebook post stated.
The post also included a cheque number and a figure of $2900, which seems to suggest the amount Mr Creque donated to Mr Percival to help save his house from public auction back in June 2023.
Asked to give a comment regarding the post, Mr Creque said he “was advised not to.”
What happened to the $$ raised?
The genesis of the case stemmed from a public auction notice from The National Bank of the Virgin Islands (NBVI) in a June 22, 2023, Facebook post announcing that a property co-owned by Mr Percival will be up for sale via auction.
This prompted the proprietor of Tola Radio 100.5 FM, Mr Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’, along with radio co-host Rosemary Cindy Rosan to start an emergency on-air telethon to save the home on June 29, 2023.
Some $30,000 was reportedly raised, which according to Percival was enough to save the home; however, in a shocking notice on August 18, 2023, the Bank announced that the house would be up for auction again on August 31, 2023.
Since then questions have been asked about what happened to the amount raised.
There has since been a falling out among radio show hosts Rosan and Burnett and Percival and there have been allegations that Percival failed to use the funds for the intended purpose.
Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) has tried to reach Mr Percival through multiple platforms to no avail.



60 Responses to “‘Gumption’ wants to hear from Dameon Percival regarding $2900 donation”
Why wouldn't Damien want to volunteer information about what is going on since he has collected the monies?! I would have been LIVID had I donated my hard-earned money to help him and to still see his house up for auction again with no explanation from him as to why that is!
And to boot, you are hearing all kinds of rumours (not saying any of them are true) about what he is doing from what he is not doing for somebody who doesn't have any money, just came into some money and still in the same mess that started all this.
I'm sure he can come and give a general update even if he might be limited as to what he can say to some degree, whether legally or contractually. He owes it to all who has helped him.
Mr. Creque produces as normal and get your $2900 back. You deserve it. Don’t mind the talk we know who you are and what you’re about.
No one saying he not right . He just be like a RAT he looking like putting it on The news . He could of gone to make his report with out the news.
Are you planning to take back the book bags with supplies from the kids you gave them too if they drop out of school like you did or you will give them a chance to go through the school year? It is not the first donation to students and I never heard you making any claim that they must give back the school bag supplies or even pay it forward. I’m sure Percival is making an effort to sort out the matter so give time for him to redeem himself. After all you always bragging that your bank account loaded so no need to make this a public outcry like you on hard times.
Humble yourself deh man with lawyer bullshit talk because you have no contract with the donation so don’t waste your time. Just like how you donated to a worthy cause, call the man phone or even pay him a visit. He is easy to find. The matter will soon be solved.
You like to do things for attention well show you are a real philanthropist working for humanity and not vanity.
Governor, Premier, Commissioner of Police, 5th District Rep DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!
Put up CCTV cameras from Huntum’s Ghut all the way up towards the Ridge Road for when they speed up there after but add in Lower Estate and the road towards the Police Station.
Fore day morning week before another set were fired while chasing a scooter up the hill.
Police NEED TO PATROL THIS AREA DAILY/NIGHTLY not only for that but the high-powered type cars that make so much noise speeding up the hill near midnight and after at times.
If not, the public has all rights to ask questions. The money was given without full consideration of all the facts so it means he can keep this money and use it for related expenses.
If not she too is a liar and a thief.
He seems to come off as someone who is lazy, don’t care and non ambitious. You mean to tell me owing 3 to 4 years mortgage didn’t force him to get a real job to save his house. If is me 2 months owed and I would have to find employment or even come up with creative ways to start a business to save my house and to take care of my family. It would appear that the people who help was more worried than him about losing his house !!
I hope he never gets his money back, along with everyone else who donated.
No one told these idiots to donate money, this wasn’t a loan, or a contract or agreement of any kind. They DONATED (GAVE AWAY) money to someone.
The money no longer belongs to them, they no longer have any rights to it.
Gumption is only an idiot looking for attention, he should be smart enough to know that no one but himself can be held accountable for his own stupidity.