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Ground breaks for Economic Zone to 'empower' Fifth District people

– Hon Kye M. Rymer says project is not a 'handout'
Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), left, and Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) break ground for the construction of the Economic Zone on October 19, 2020. Photo: VINO
The Economic Zone in the Fifth District will have three warehouses; each will have space for six businesses. Photo: Facebook
The Economic Zone in the Fifth District will have three warehouses; each will have space for six businesses. Photo: Facebook
According to Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) the Economic Zone initiative is a way to make the people of the Fifth Electoral district feel ‘empowered.’ Photo: VINO
According to Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) the Economic Zone initiative is a way to make the people of the Fifth Electoral district feel ‘empowered.’ Photo: VINO
The elected members of Government were present to show their support for the Economic Zone in the Fifth District. Photo: VINO
The elected members of Government were present to show their support for the Economic Zone in the Fifth District. Photo: VINO
HUNTUMS GHUT, Tortola, VI- Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities and Fifth District Representative, Hon Kye M. Rymer has made it clear that the soon-to-be constructed Economic Zone in his district is not a 'handout'.

Hon Rymer said the initiative is a way to make the people of the Fifth Electoral district feel ‘empowered.’

The Economic Zone will have three warehouses; each will have space for six businesses.

It will be located near to the Huntums Ghut Basketball court.

“With this investment, we are adding to the development of our community because our community will now have an economic zone that will now bring a host of commercial businesses that will bring goods and services closer to your door and very important it will bring jobs and offer spin-off economic activities for the people of the community,” he said on Monday, October 19, 2020, during the groundbreaking ceremony.

Be creative!

Hon Rymer said while the community has many types of businesses, persons interested in capitalising on the opportunity must be creative.

“You have to be innovative and creative with your business ideas. If everyone is in the same business, then it’s tougher to succeed. You need to differentiate your business, and we are aiming for a diversified mixture of businesses and offerings. I want to be clear, this first step programme for entrepreneurs is not a handout, but a step up. That is why there are conditions attached to these spaces, such as a qualification process for applicants and a user fee. This is about helping people to become empowered,” he added.

In the meantime, the minister said, there will be a mini library and a food pantry for residents in need.

Several ministers of government, including Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL), and Premier and Minister for Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) gave remarks commending Hon Rymer on the initiative.

14 Responses to “Ground breaks for Economic Zone to 'empower' Fifth District people”

  • Vision (20/10/2020, 08:07) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hon Rhymer I applaud you for your effort but there is a problem in your district with those young men who hang out at the court. It needs to be addressed nobody is going to go in there to any business having to step over them to get through or worry if their business will be broken into at night. Most of these guys are young some don't work and all seem to have an addiction problem that has lead to disrespectful chaotic behavior.

    I remember having heard after the storm they congregated at the church and when they were asked by the pastor and members to cease with the noise and the smoking they curse them out. They need to come to grips that their behavior that they are pattering off of inner-city America is not the norm and it will only lead to destruction. If this does not address all these efforts will be futile.
    • Social Being (20/10/2020, 11:41) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      Men & women by nature find groups to congregate among. That is what primates do smoking or no smoking, men will congregate.

      Thus society by pushing colonial ideals let those young men down by criminalizing them for a therapeutic plant.

      Young people who are capable of seeing through the lies, end up respecting authority even less.

      Now they identify as apart from society. Who to blame who to blame.

      Smoking weed how uncivilized! The very justification of our ancestors & the Amerindians being brutalized.

      Who really needs to come to grip with their behavior & the future consequences of it?

      Mathew 5:7
  • facts (20/10/2020, 08:07) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    seems like the VIP at least have one seat Kye boss you jamming
  • political gimmick (20/10/2020, 08:53) Like (16) Dislike (19) Reply
    Yet another non-revenue generating project
    • gerry (20/10/2020, 09:58) Like (4) Dislike (20) Reply
      Don't be a hater.

      As for the issue regarding "young men hanging out" this may very well be the impetus needed to create jobs and something to do. So, once again, let's not be haters.
    • josiah'sbay (20/10/2020, 10:01) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      How do three warehouses with six businesses each translate into non revenue generation?
  • tretretrete (20/10/2020, 09:24) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Seems like the rebuilding of Elmore stout high school for the kids/children future not on anyone’s mind everything else before school
  • @ facts (20/10/2020, 09:38) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    Nonsense, please tell me the sense in that building. The roads in the fifth district are the worse. The young men in the area need jobs. That building is only going to harbor more uselessness and smoking, I don’t understand, where is the vision and everything foolishness that this government do people saying it’s good. Forgive me but I don’t see it.
  • FIX THE ROADS (20/10/2020, 11:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • best (20/10/2020, 13:31) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    What is it we really want? The man trying his best as a first timer and in my humble opinion he deserves credit.
  • Ghut girl (21/10/2020, 00:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kye is the man bottom line

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