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Grim projections put UK returning to lockdown next month

- Gov’t experts warn of possible 1,000 & 2,000 daily hospitalisations & 100-200 deaths a day by August
Experts from SAGE, the independent health advisory group to Whitehall in the United Kingdom, have now suggested a u-turn could take place in mid-August if hospital cases continue to rise. Photo:
United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson aka ‘Boris’ has warned Brits that using their common sense is critical in ensuring the country can resume normality. Photo: Wiltshire Times
United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson aka ‘Boris’ has warned Brits that using their common sense is critical in ensuring the country can resume normality. Photo: Wiltshire Times
LONDON, United Kingdom- July 19, 2021, was dubbed ‘Freedom Day in the United Kingdom (UK) as face masks become an advised measure as opposed to law, as well as workers returning to offices and social distancing outside limitless; however, freedom may be short-lived as government experts have warned of another deadly pandemic peak by next month.

Experts from SAGE, the independent health advisory group to Whitehall, have now suggested a u-turn could take place in mid-August if hospital cases continue to rise.

Nearly 2000 daily hospitalisations & 200 daily deaths projected

The advice, according to Wiltshire Times on July 21, 2021, comes as latest data from July 14, 2021, showed there were 745 new patients admitted a day, with 4,500 people going into hospital in the last seven days.

It said SAGE scientists have pleaded with ministers to take onboard the increasing cases and take action to avoid the NHS becoming overwhelmed again by late August.

“Current projections show the UK could be experiencing between 1,000 and 2,000 daily hospitalisations and 100-200 deaths a day could happen by the end of August, unless Borin Johnson takes action to reimpose restriction measures.

Calls for face masks to be reintroduced

“SAGE suggests reintroducing face masks and work from home in mid-August, to limit the spread of the virus before the peak is reached,” the Wiltshire Times reported.

United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson aka ‘Boris’ has warned Brits that using their common sense is critical in ensuring the country can resume normality, as he stressed in his latest media briefings that the pandemic is “far from over.”

As he appeared via Zoom from isolation at Chequers, he refused to rule out reapplying measures if a third wave looms, adding he is "humble in the face of nature".


From July 19, 2021, National Health Service (NHS) workers also do not need to self-isolate if ‘pinged’ by track and trace, as the NHS attempts to stay afloat while coping with the inevitable rise in cases which is expected as socialising and events take place unrestricted.

Dr Yvonne Doyle, Medical Director at Public Health England, said "We can all reduce the risk by getting both doses of the vaccine, testing ourselves twice a week at home and spending more time outside or in well-ventilated rooms. Let’s all remain vigilant.”

18 Responses to “Grim projections put UK returning to lockdown next month”

  • FireFighter (25/07/2021, 13:07) Like (29) Dislike (20) Reply
    This is fake news. I'm in the UK and the daily infection rate is dropping day by day.
    • conrad (25/07/2021, 17:16) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      Just wait. It will take a couple of weeks from "Freedom Day" (remember, one person's freedom is another's loss of liberty) for higher infection rates to figure in the statistics.
    • Jones (26/07/2021, 04:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      6 months ago it was 2000 deaths a day - now with the high vaccine levels 200 a day is the peak projection with a population of 60 million+. How does that compare to BVI ratios?
  • Absolute garbage (25/07/2021, 13:37) Like (12) Dislike (42) Reply
    Between 19 July 2021 and 25 July 2021, 267,875 people had a confirmed positive test result in the UK. This shows a decrease of -15.4% compared to the previous 7 days. COVID is being well managed in the UK with 46,563,452 people having taken a first dose of a vaccine, and 37,160,659 people having taken a second dose. The UK is nearing herd immunity and restrictions are being lifted on a daily basis.
    • @ absolute garbage (25/07/2021, 17:05) Like (3) Dislike (30) Reply
      Keep blogging lies
    • @Absolute garbage (25/07/2021, 19:37) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      88.5% of people n the UK have had their first vaccine.....
    • voiceofreason (25/07/2021, 21:28) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ Absolute garbage

      You chose the right name for your content. I know you are one of the Pro vaxxers but comprehension is essential. The article did not speak about infection numbers as that can be easily reduced by reduction in testing. It spoke about hospitalizations which is spiking upwards. Add to that 40% are double vaccinated if we are to believe the scientific adviser who misspoke when he said 60%. 40% is still a startlingly high percentage and they expect that number to rise:

      The real test for this is another month from Freedom day then we will know the real picture.
  • Reply (25/07/2021, 16:30) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
    Look at the uk high numbers and thoes oppressors want to tell the bvi what to do!
    • Per capita (25/07/2021, 16:57) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Didn’t listen in math lessons did you.
    • @Reply (25/07/2021, 19:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      England has 2,000 times the number of people that the BVI has.... so multiply the 1,600 cases here by 2,000 and you get 3.2 MILLION. Clearly they are doing much better than we are!!!!!
      • @@reply (26/07/2021, 07:58) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        Nah our way of handling the pandemic which stemmed from VI leadership was effective.

        if only they didn’t drop the ball allowing the virus to walk right in via the vaccinated through no respect to the incubation period.Pressured and advised by external non VI agencies.

        Lesson is if your doing right keep doing it don’t study who has more status or who is pushing vaccine freedoms, when your numbers speak for themself at 1 death for over a year.
    • @Reply (25/07/2021, 21:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      There are 2,000 times more people in England than are in the BVi.
      Multiply 2,000 by the 1,600 cases here last week and you get 3.2 MILLION.
      Truly the results are much worse here!!!!
  • voiceofreason (25/07/2021, 20:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    First of all any numbers now will not take into consideration the restrictions that have been lifted for Freedom day 19th July. These numbers were before Freedom day so let us see if those numbers continue to drop or slide back up in 2-4 weeks.

    The real test of their vaccine the sole solution will come in the Autumn and Winter as the cold season means the virus can survive longer and add to that it is yet unknown how long the immunity will last from these vaccines.

  • @ REPLY (25/07/2021, 21:54) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
  • devon (26/07/2021, 02:19) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am in the UK.... fake news !
  • Dont Understand (26/07/2021, 08:27) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    so basically you monitoring the U.K now, no matter what you post or try to find! THE COI IS GOING TO CONTINUE!!!!!\
    stop trying to distract.
  • Rubber Duck (26/07/2021, 09:13) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Uk cannot get its act together shame on them

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