Green VI Compost Workshops “Turning Egg Shells into Earth”
These Workshops are interactive “Trash to Treasure” experiences where participants can learn how to turn everyday “throw-aways” into rich, life-giving soil.
This is according to a press release dates March 5, 2019, which states that Green VI, in collaboration with the Departments of Agriculture and Waste Management, will host five free workshops to explore the surprising world of Home Composting with local growers and visiting experts from Cornell University. Two of the Workshops will also provide an opportunity for attendees to see the new school gardens that Green VI and community partners have established at Bregado Flax and Althea Scatliffe schools.
Refreshments will be provided and participants are asked to bring their own reusable drink container to support Recycling awareness. The five free-of-charge Workshops will be held on:
Virgin Gorda, Saturday, 9th March:
9:00 am to 12:00 Noon at Bregado Flax School Garden
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Hog Heaven
Jost Van Dyke, Sunday, 10th March:
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at JVD Primary School
Tortola, Monday, 11th March:
9:00 am to 12:00 noon at Francis Lettsome School Garden
A special Workshop for Farmers is offered on Wednesday, March 13th at the Department of Agriculture from 2 to 5pm.
Green VI, its partners and presenters look forward to getting together with community members at the Workshops to move Recycling forward for a greener, cleaner and healthier BVI - and grow bigger pumpkins! For more information, contact Green VI's Garden Project Director, Nea Talbot, at 340-9335 or email



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