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Gov’t snubs D1 Rep @ reopening of WE Police Station

- Hon Andrew A. Fahie said despite the ‘disrespect’ he is glad the facility is functional once again
Representative for the First District Honourable Andrew A. Fahie had reason once again to blast the current National Democratic Party (NDP) for continuing on a path of disrespect, especially when it comes to effecting works in his community, but said is he non-the-less grateful that the cries of the people he represents are being addressed by Government. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Wendell M. Gaskin handed over the keys of the refurbished police station to the Permanent Secretary in the Deputy Governor’s Office, Mr David D. Archer on September 25, 2015. Photo: GIS
Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Wendell M. Gaskin handed over the keys of the refurbished police station to the Permanent Secretary in the Deputy Governor’s Office, Mr David D. Archer on September 25, 2015. Photo: GIS
Hon Andrew A. Fahie (D1) anticipates the re-opening of the Capoons Bay Fire Station as it was discussed with the Minister responsible who has given the assurance that it would be dealt with in 'short order'. Photo: VINO/File
Hon Andrew A. Fahie (D1) anticipates the re-opening of the Capoons Bay Fire Station as it was discussed with the Minister responsible who has given the assurance that it would be dealt with in 'short order'. Photo: VINO/File
WEST END, Tortola, VI – Representative for the First District Honourable Andrew A. Fahie had reason once again to blast the current National Democratic Party (NDP) Government for continuing on a path of disrespect, especially when it comes to effecting works in his community, but said is he none-the-less grateful that the cries of the people he represents are being addressed by Government.

In a statement circulated by Hon Fahie he said, “Despite the disrespect shown to me as the District Representative of not being invited or informed of the handing over ceremony/meeting of the keys for the newly renovated West End Police Station, I am glad that finally the people's voice was heard and that the Police Station is now once again functional.”

Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Wendell M. Gaskin handed over the keys of the refurbished police station to the Permanent Secretary in the Deputy Governor’s Office, Mr David D. Archer on September 25, 2015.

The West End Police station was previously closed to undergo major repairs to the facility. As part of the extensive structural works, a new roof was installed and renovations were made to the office accommodations and police barracks.

The completed works include the replacement of windows, the installation of a new security and fire system, the renovation and installation of interior finishes, painting to the interior and exterior areas, the removal and installation of an air conditioning system, plumbing and electrical works. The project was carried out to the tune of $318,000.000 and was completed over a nine month period, from January to September 2015.

The West End Police Station is expected to be fully operational by November 1, 2015.

Culture of disrespect

The culture of disrespect is something not only Hon Fahie has had challenges with to the extent of raising it several times at the level of the House of Assembly. The challenge was experienced by current Leader of the Opposition and Representative for the Third District Honourable Julian Fraser, RA, and former Representative for the Second District Mr J. Alvin Christopher.

However, according to Hon Fahie, it is not about politics or any political points to be scored by anyone but this is about ensuring the safety and security of the people of the First District among the rest of the public.

“This is about our law enforcement being given a suitable and safe working environment.

“This is about ensuring at all times that there is a heavier Police presence in the First District which has a large population and is also a heavy tourist oriented area. Repairs to public structures are ongoing tasks. These are not one off initiatives/projects. Over the years the West End Police Station has underwent minor and major repairs numerous times. So at no time was the station neglected in the past as some would want the public to believe,” stated Hon Fahie.

Lobbying to continue

Hon Fahie told Virgin Islands News Online that he anticipates the re-opening of the Capoons Bay Fire Station as it was discussed with the Minister responsible who has given the assurance that it would be dealt with in short order.

He said the problems that were addressed were being lobbied by the people through their District Representative to the current Government on many occasions, both in the House of Assembly and outside of the House, for quite some time before it was finally acknowledged and now addressed. According to Hon fahie, it was through this constant lobbying as a result of the people that was the catalyst in finally getting the Government to address the problem.

He said the records of the House of Assembly would lend credible support to the aforementioned.

“This shows that democracy is alive and well. As a Member of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition I do not have at my disposal the funds needed to do such major Capital Projects. Those funds can only come from the Government of the day/Central Government. My job as an Opposition Member and the First District Representative is to lobby to get such needed Capital Projects done.”

Hon Fahie pledged to continue lobbying to get many other Capital Projects in the First District done such as the cleaning of the many ghuts especially in the Carrot Bay area, many needed street lights for the district, the completion of the alternate Cox Road in case the main road gets blocked due to a storm or otherwise, the fixing and repairs of the schools and playgrounds in the district, completion of the Carrot Bay Cultural Village for which the reclamation, small beach area and the fisherman’s dock were always a part of the overall plan, completion of the drainage project at Capoons Bay, the re-opening of the Fire Station, the modernisation and expansion of the Sopher's Hole jetty, the repairs, modernisation and repairs to the Capoons Bay Clinic, repairs to the Towers Dock, among other projects.

Noting hence the reason for his ongoing meetings with Ministers of Government, Hon Fahie said “I will continue to lobby the government to allocate funds with the aim of ensuring these, among other Capital Projects, are done that are needed in the First District.”

33 Responses to “Gov’t snubs D1 Rep @ reopening of WE Police Station”

  • nuff talk (29/09/2015, 09:42) Like (29) Dislike (24) Reply
    oh lord the NDP and MVW culture of disrespect has started early..SMH
  • good (29/09/2015, 09:49) Like (11) Dislike (20) Reply
    I do not feel for he because he went hugging that facety Ms. P and Funny man after he try to overthrow Frazer Now NDP give he a bitch slap he on here crying NEXT!
    • @good (29/09/2015, 11:00) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
      I feel for fools like you. Anyway you will soon realize that Fahie is doing well and will continue to do well without bad minded & evil minded people's like you support. If you read the article you will see that you are talking foolishness.
      Maybe you can't read hence your ignorance.
    • lolololo (29/09/2015, 11:34) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      Lol now thats funny wa kibd of slap u say lol dwl
    • To good (29/09/2015, 11:36) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      To get things done Fahie has to go to the Ministers/Government of the day so I don't see your point. Also no one tried to over throw Fraser. Fraser has to face the way why not overthrow him because other than trying to bully his way to be Premier what else is he doing in and/or out of his district? At least the blind can see Fahie is trying to represent. Bitch slap right back at you.
  • weed (29/09/2015, 10:44) Like (9) Dislike (12) Reply
    Fahie got bite he thought the NDP had changed hahahahe hehehehe
  • hey (29/09/2015, 10:53) Like (6) Dislike (24) Reply
    Please someone buy this man another shirt please. Its like that's the only shirt in his closet. I swear if I see that green shirt one more time! Lol
    • @hey (29/09/2015, 11:14) Like (38) Dislike (1) Reply
      Please get a life. The media used this picture more than once for different news items so that's not Fahie's fault. Tell the media and not Fahie to do better.
      • @ hey at hey (29/09/2015, 13:04) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
        Not true. I see Andrew all the time and like they said he do need to change unless he like Homer Simpson and have 12 of same shirts. Because when. I see him in public. Same shirt!
        • well saw (29/09/2015, 13:23) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
          Ayo could lie on Fahie. A few haters are always good to have around though.
    • @hey (29/09/2015, 11:42) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      lolol u shame???
  • My boy (29/09/2015, 11:02) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
    Fahie is my boy to the ground. He is a fighter for the people. He is real people. God bless him.
    • New Low (29/09/2015, 11:35) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply

      so shameful that f**** got to be on VINO all day blogging about himself SMH

  • Glad (29/09/2015, 11:04) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Glad to read that the Fahie got Mark to agree to open the fire station soon. We welcome this.
  • thank you (29/09/2015, 11:10) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Although in the Opposition you continue to work and lobby for the people and we appreciate your efforts. Don't mind the few haters, there are more with you than against.
  • On Point (29/09/2015, 11:18) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    As a 1st District resident I appreciate Fahie's efforts especially seeing the challenges he faces being on the Opposition with little or no direct access to get major needed things done in a more timely manner. That is up to the government of the day to address and finance.
  • Grateful (29/09/2015, 11:22) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fahie we know that you are working & trying your best even though you are in the Opposition. As a first district parent I thank you for the back to school gift certificates for my children & I. You have no clue of what a great help it was to my family & I. Thank you sir & may God forever bless you & your family. Keep strong.
  • wize up (29/09/2015, 11:27) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
    the member for the first need to understand old style politics is done; we now have at large officials that represents the entire territory inclusive of districts so district representatives should not fell disrespected: nothing personal because the mindset is the development of the country: so if a project or projects are done through out the BVI at the end of the it is for the people and for political mileage....
    • @wize up (29/09/2015, 12:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      That is the stupidest thing I ever heard. But if you are right then I hope it holds true for all the NDP members who represent a district. Smh.
      • wize up (29/09/2015, 13:51) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ wize up: its not personal because NDP been operating that way from 2011 excluding the elected district repersentatives so there is no use to keep complaining; just hope that work is done in the district: I live in district 1 and I am glad to get back the police station and frankly speaking don't care who gets the job done: we need the fire service back, again I don't care who reopens it...I want to see progress over politics
  • support (29/09/2015, 11:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am in full support of Fahie. Two things he did that I respect him for:1) The youth summer program at YEP; 2) The ongoing First District Home Work after school program. Mr. Fahie my child is one who is benefiting from these and I thank you. My prayers are with you. You have your good & you have your bad like everyone but your good far out weigh your bad hence why I will always support your efforts.
  • Rick (29/09/2015, 12:48) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    What Sopers Hole jetty? ferry dock yes, but jetty?
    • Sherry (29/09/2015, 14:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      good question. Please clarify plans? Considering a huge new outside landowner is aiming to build a marina and take over several houses and Little Thatch.
  • for real (29/09/2015, 13:07) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply

    He thought M*W had changed and tried to reach across aisle and work together. But you can't make a deal with the d*v*l and think you not going to get trick and cheated in the end.

  • vip (29/09/2015, 13:17) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    Andrew has killed the vip let him go sit down
  • peace (29/09/2015, 17:49) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    The prophet said Fahie is God's man in the HOUSE. You cannot touch him. He is bless, he refuse to be stress. He is favored of God. And the good part of this is: NO WEAPON FORM AGAINST HIM SHALL PROSPER.
  • west (29/09/2015, 19:10) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    That one who handing over the key thinks that he is king of all kings but time longer than twine day light will catch up with moon light
  • facts man (29/09/2015, 23:44) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    he killed the VIP good thing we will never make him chairman
    • @facts man (30/09/2015, 11:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      If I was Fahie I would not want to be the Chairman of the VIP with people like your kind in it so maybe that is a good thing what you are saying. No one with sense will ever accept the notion that VIP was killed by Fahie so nice try but what is for a man no one can stop it from being for him.
  • Clearly (30/09/2015, 11:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

    he is clearly not a leader because if he was then as a leader he would be uniting the party not have himself and those close to him trying to destroy Fahie so he can stay C>>>>>>. It is a shame what he has brought the VIP to.

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