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Gov’t paying for basic food packages for all ‘in need’- Premier Fahie

- details to come on how the food supply system will work
Photo not of actual food items to be distributed. The Government of the Virgin Islands will be financing food packages for those in need during the extended week of COVID-19 curfew. Photo: Morrisons
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has announced another week of complete lockdown, beginning Sunday, April 19, 2020, until Saturday, April 25, 2020. Photo: GIS
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has announced another week of complete lockdown, beginning Sunday, April 19, 2020, until Saturday, April 25, 2020. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- “The Government will be financing basic food packages, which are to be delivered to all persons, district-by-district, who are in need,” assured Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in announcing another week of complete lockdown in the wee hours of April 19, 2020.

The Government decided on the extension of the 14-day curfew, initially scheduled to end today, April 19, 2020, after a 4th confirmed case of COVID-19 in the Virgin Islands was announced on April 17, 2020.

The patient subsequently passed away at Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital on April 18, 2020.

The curfew has been extended to Saturday, April 25, 2020.

Fear not, panic not

Meanwhile, Premier Fahie said his Government will not spare any efforts to put systems in place to ensure “all those who are in need and those needy of the food supply” get.

“Fear not, panic not. We will reach you at your home,” Premier Fahie assured

“I repeat, during this extended curfew period, no one under my watch as Premier and Minister of Finance in this Territory will go hungry,” Hon Fahie also said.

He noted that for the system to work effectively, “it is important that we allow the measures put in place to be accessed by those who need it most.”

According to the Premier, following the meeting of Cabinet today, April 19, 2020, he will make some further announcements so that everyone in the Virgin Islands will be clear on how they will be able to access the food supply “that will be coming to you along with any medication that persons may need.

“This shows that your Government will continue to work with everyone to build the BVI stronger than ever through COVID-19 with BVI Love.”

45 Responses to “Gov’t paying for basic food packages for all ‘in need’- Premier Fahie”

  • no nonsense (19/04/2020, 09:12) Like (10) Dislike (27) Reply
    Look another hole in our treasury for us to pay for later! Sad!sad! My poor grand and great grandchildren
  • They Got Us (19/04/2020, 09:15) Like (64) Dislike (11) Reply
    Make the people reliant on the government with that comes more power and more control, you gonna eat when we get to you, stay at home and rely on us we’ll take care of you more than you can take care of you and your family
  • Eagle Eye (19/04/2020, 09:16) Like (82) Dislike (22) Reply

    We don't want no damn food packages because you don't know our different eating habbits.we need to pick up exactly what we need to remain healthy. 

    • @ eagle eye (19/04/2020, 09:40) Like (27) Dislike (4) Reply
      You can’t see clearly...where did it say they would be giving you items they choose in the package.

      Wait until additional information is released today before jumping to conclusions.
    • Blind Eagle Eye (19/04/2020, 10:04) Like (32) Dislike (7) Reply
      Take what you get or do without and let those that NEED it make good use of it.
    • @Eagle Eye (19/04/2020, 14:42) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
      Many of you are just showing your evil ungrateful hearts, who raised you’ll Wolves? You all know the situation the world is facing right now. Truly sick, mentally unstable behavior! Get on your knees and thank God you are alive and that you will have food to eat!
  • O Boy.. (19/04/2020, 09:42) Like (74) Dislike (4) Reply
    Premier u really trying...
  • Be Thankful in Everything (19/04/2020, 09:47) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Negative Nancy’s and Naysayer Norman’s out early.

    Do you not realize that there are persons who were in contact with the deceased who tested positive for coronavirus (awaiting further confirmation from overseas) who have fled with no idea if they would be out through the stores.

    I know we are used to our freedom but it’s not only yourself the Government is trying to protect but others.
  • Wow! (19/04/2020, 09:52) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    Set of ungrateful people! I am afraid for us. When are we going to learn? We did not learn by Irma and Maria. It is obvious most have not garner anything from this on going plague. I saw where the Government of a certain Caribbean country cannot even do much for their people apart from going around handing out a few bag of bread and setting up washing stations in five gallon jugs and the people are so happy with what they have. What is wrong with ayo! be thankful for something! Eagle eye I am please to see you mentioned the word "Healthy" Hope you meant just that.
  • Thankfull (19/04/2020, 09:52) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    Please take what to get until u get what you want
    Be Thank Full.
  • Hmm (19/04/2020, 09:59) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    My problem is I’m not working and have been looking for work for a while, now I have been calling Fsn messaging them, they are reading the messages and don’t reply. Calling Red Cross can’t get them. They help who they want.
    • @hmm (19/04/2020, 14:51) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      Now is the time for the church to assist people in need as well. Call the churches in the community you live in, if they do not help then call other churches. Don’t give up!
      • @hmm (19/04/2020, 16:06) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        What do churches really do with the tithes they get when it is to supposed to help the needy? You raised a very good point and suggestion.
  • bvi (19/04/2020, 10:09) Like (9) Dislike (40) Reply
    I don't need no food package cause today is sunday and i want to be able to cook what i feel like eating an people can't go to the supermarket .......What you going to provide for us corn beef on a sunday for dinner ?
    • Thoughtful Sailor (19/04/2020, 10:31) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
      As I have been finding out, this week, corned beef can be pretty tasty. Try it!
      • @thoughtful sailor (19/04/2020, 14:16) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        Never did I think I would be enjoying cornbeef. Mmmmm
    • Be Thankful! (19/04/2020, 10:35) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
      Even if it's corn beef the fact that it can feed you Be Thankful and stop complaining it's better than nothing and only having water to drink.
    • hmm (19/04/2020, 10:52) Like (43) Dislike (2) Reply
      What’s wrong with Corn Beef? That’s my favorite with White Rice and Corn
      • People Please. Stop it. (19/04/2020, 15:27) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
        I beg all u all who saying this is worst than Irma to please stop it.... Please i beg you...Stop it... I still cry when i look back and see my wife and kids crying panicking in fear...I still cry.. Watching the windows and the roof leaving their stable position with force. I still cry.. When i watch Peebles Hospital shake and left to right and see vehicles and containers flying like birds, I still cry....This wont no fear game or fake shxxxit... Some kids that live through Irma when they hear storm coming they cry...Nothing like Irma. Stop it.
        • True (19/04/2020, 18:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          I really felt this comment and I agree.

          Some people have a short memory. The hurricanes were much worse. Another hurricane season is fast approaching as well. The government are doing their best. They have families too that are not getting their full attention because they are trying to take care of the people of the country and keep everyone safe. We as a people should try to show a bit more gratitude because what may seem bad now could always get worse. SHOW APPRECIATION in EVERY positive, even though there may be some negatives.
    • Observer (19/04/2020, 11:37) Like (1) Dislike (19) Reply
      So why is it essential workers coming home with groceries from the supermarket? Is it because they work in uniform? There are people out there really suffering.
      • @observer (19/04/2020, 16:29) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
        Shame on u
        These ppl out there running the country while we home scratching ass
        I don’t mind they get fed first it’s on fair
        Should we have a fireman a police officer doc or nurse drop down on work
        Stupes soo ignorant can’t see they are running the show for all of us
        those ppl are of paramount importance.
    • @bvi (19/04/2020, 21:56) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      I see you as a very ungrateful person or maybe you just don’t know how to prepare corn beef, there are different ways you can prepare corn beef. Have you ever try corn beef hash for breakfast with a fried egg on top? Can corn beef is good and spam is also good. Sauté some spam cut in cubes, make some box macaroni and cheese, stir in the sauté spam in the macaroni and cheese. Serve with corn or string beans. The kids is home and they are eating more so I had to figure out different meal plans and for the food to stretch until I can get back to the supermarket.
    • to BVI (21/04/2020, 05:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • old (19/04/2020, 11:11) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply
    This worse than Irma. No one knows this was Comming. Food finish. What's next, food shortage to the Bvi. I Hope Not.
  • eat (19/04/2020, 11:48) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    In the olden days we were so grateful so thankful for what we got. It seems like because we are more wealthy today that steak is all we can see so corn beef gone out the door. Hold on you haven't seen nothing yet you will come back here and say thank you.

    Take what you get, eat stay healthy simple
    • Worst thsn Irma. Hmmm (19/04/2020, 15:40) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      At Old.. U say this worst than Irma. U wont living in the BVI...3 months with no electricity...Half the house roof Gone, Just those 2 alone. Think about it... With this one The fear they selling us is working...Irma hmmm.
    • Well said (19/04/2020, 18:27) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      The level of selfishness nowadays is unbearable
  • HAHA (19/04/2020, 12:01) Like (9) Dislike (9) Reply
    I honestly dont know how some of y'all were shopping and food done already. Y'all hold up the shopping lines for hours for this? It seem like some idiots pick up exactly 2 weeks worth of goods. All I need is a few more snacks for the cravings and I'm good.
    • @HAHA (20/04/2020, 08:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      For real, I have plenty of food and I was able to help two of my neighbors with children who ran out of food. I shop wholesale because the food last longer. I just box up some food and water to take to the elderly couple down the road from my house. Honestly, when I help others, I get this wonderful feeling inside and that makes my day.
  • musa (19/04/2020, 12:37) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    If Slater house have glass wall none of you will harm a cow
  • BET (19/04/2020, 12:52) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of the same people here talking about they don't want no food, etc gone be some of the first to send their food list.
  • wondering (19/04/2020, 12:55) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    So I have read all comments here, and many on FB. I remember when there were no supermarkets in the BVI. I remember, local shops in neighborhoods. They had usually, rice, sugar, flour, maybe sardines and corned beef and a can of Mrs. Filberts margarine. Tortola didn't have fat people, then! Yes, I said it. No restaurants existed except one in Road Town, The Perch. There were no phones at all in most parts of the island. No television stations and no internet. People made sugar cakes out of coconut and sugar. Some made specials out of limes. Most people did not even have refrigerators. No body starved. Yes we had fish. We had wells and cistern water. Where did all the cisterns go?? Why do people pay money for water that they have no idea if it is clean instead of drinking out of their cistern..We have regulations about roof square footage and the corresponding size of the cistern before a house plan can be approved.. We just went thru Irma and I did not get power back until end of March. Why is everyone whining? Constant complaining will not help, only discourage those who are trying to help you. But for those who don't want what ever the Government decides to give them, I SAY you are not truly hungry. You go sit on your expensive cell phone and play another game, Andrew and his government are doing an amazing job and I am sure they are trying to make the best decisions for the country. Life was so hard in the BVI at one point, the Brits wanted to move everyone out and make it a Bird Sanctuary. Sit down, relax read your Bible and be happy and be a good example to your children and the folks around you. This Covid19 Pandemic will be talked about for the rest of your life. What will you be telling your grands. Will you tell them how loud you complained or will you tell them you were thankful for life??
    • thank you (19/04/2020, 17:16) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      We needed that memory lane experience. As Virgin Islanders we should be proud of ourselves and our ancestors to see

      We needed that reminder. We should be proud of what we have done to a bird sanctuary. Let us brace ourselves and do whatever we can to survive this. Let us teach our children national pride and train them how to handle themselves when times get tough and enjoy it when times are good. Our fore fathers work hard to get us where we are . We have to stop letting people define who we are. Let us eat our corn beef, sardines and rice and be happy this will pass. Be thankful that you have a Government that care for you. We are bless.

  • Desperate (19/04/2020, 14:26) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    Is there a way to legally leave this mayhem ? Or illegally what the heck
  • In time to come...Rasta Vision. (19/04/2020, 15:06) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    When this is all over thats when the true struggle starts.. We will be a country with no money and a mountain of bills... A tourism industry on long term sick leave.. Our financial industry they are trying to take from us, some of it will be gone when this is over, Whos going to help us...We on our own...the people will be all u have stop letting these ourside forces encourage u to lock your people down and treat them badly, the people of the BVI are all u have, we are your true soldiers, set us free treat us right... When this is over Its we the people will be in the fight with u to bring our country back..Let your Citizens in, let fhe people who live here in.. These are the people the BVI people who will be in the fight with you.. Not those who putting fear in u and us for you to treat your people badly.. Because if an invasion starts where outside forces take up arms against us its we the BVI people have to take up arms to defend our BVI, not the people who are encouraging u to cheat us your people, defend your people, and your people will love and defend u... Not just the people they have in fear, the big forces also have our leaders in fear...Fear is their weapon..Lets rise and fight together.. eliminate the fear.. Now we know The WHO "world health organization" could have stop this but its away for them to prove that they are working and that they are relevant so they let it go.. Good thing the world have one leader that they all hate but he aint no fool, no one dictates to him.. he calls it as he sees it... Now tbe WHO is under investigation along with china for Crimes agsinst humanity all because of this one man Donald Trump yep, they dont like him because they cant shut him up and they cant dictate to him... He stop funding WHO one half a billion, no more...Wicked set a people...Rasta is Courageous. Rasta is wise....Rasta is a visionary.....yea.. No friend, no enemies, no favours, red is red.
  • anegada (19/04/2020, 16:05) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Reading some of these comments...oh boy.
    You know the premier is only human... and oh gosh the man is doing his best..
    You all saw him last night.. I feel for him... but he still try to give us an up date..
    Set a ungrateful people... always complaining...
    In every situation there are things to be thankful for.... # ONE.. the thing call life... give thanks for that.. Others are fighting just to breathe..
    Me I doing my garden. .. get my little home grown goodies.
    Going to get some of those chickens running around.. will get my own eggs...
    Stop complaining and find ways to feed yourself and family.
    And yes you don't have to get a yard to plant.. a few containers could do the job..
    Serious days ahead of us..
    All of you all who balling to go back to work... really.... WHERE.. WAkE up please..
    Life will never be the same..
    Sorry to say.. but it's reality...

  • Showing Off (19/04/2020, 16:11) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Food you bought two weeks ago now run out from showing off on Social Media to see who feel they could cook and who dish look better. It's those who aren't showing off is who could throw down a pot. Not everyone posts their every move, every pot, every thought, on Social Media. Life happens outside of what other see.

    Not once did you stop and think would the curfew be extended, completely disregarding the fact that Government did say to shop for a MINIMUM of 14 days.
  • Jaigon (19/04/2020, 16:57) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    Always appreciate the small things in life, you did not expect anything do be grateful if someone offer something. People please understand that the situation at hand is not designed to punish anyone but to protect everyone. Wh just don’t know who out there with this virus, allowing everyone to go out there and roam the streets at will can be very detrimental to this territory, yes it’s difficult times which calls for difficult decisions but let’s understand that this thing will not last forever, take little and live, please make adjustments to cater for the circumstances at hand, appreciate what is been given and let us stop display our ignorance
  • vinzen (19/04/2020, 20:10) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well, good night. I don't know what will happen to all of us and so the children need milk and the things necessary for them to be well, if not, how are we going to get up in all this chaos.
  • Thanks (19/04/2020, 22:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please contact Harneys hr to get a list of all laid off and which they don’t care about.
  • @Wondering (20/04/2020, 04:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    There were no island people by the trailer loads like strays through the place neither ... do you remember when BVI had BVIslanders, today a rare find... What is corn beef and Spam made from???... eat for nutrition not taste, cause that’s how they killing you black people.

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