Governor to bring in 'UK support' for Acting CoP Vanterpool

Governor Pruce was a guest on Talking Points’ on Monday, January 27, 2025, on ZBVI 780 AM.
The question is whether one of these UK consultants may be the next CoP for the Virgin Islands (VI).
The Governor has previously said the next CoP would be someone with not only extensive policing experience and credibility to lead an important and complex organisation such as the RVIPF but also possess the ability to demonstrate that they have led transformational change in a complex organisation operating in a very challenging environment.
The search for a new CoP began last year, 2024, ahead of Mark Collins’ departure from the job in November 2024; however, the recruitment process was stopped due to the first volume of the Law Enforcement Review indicating that the requirements initially advertised had to be reviewed so the right person for the job is chosen.
The Governor had also stated that they are awaiting the second volume of the review before restarting the recruitment process for a new CoP. In the interim, Vanterpool has been acting in the office of CoP.
‘Supportive package of assistance’ being developed’- Governor Pruce
Governor Pruce explained on Monday’s Talking Points that a “meaningful and supportive package of assistance” is being developed to help Commissioner Vanterpool achieve the objectives she has set out for her time in the office.
“We’re working out details with colleagues in the UK but what I’m seeking to put in place is experience drawn from colleagues in the UK which can take its direction from the Acting Commissioner,” he said.
These individuals who will be brought in will work in proximity to her and be stationed in the VI. He quickly added, “She’s in charge of them and she will direct them what to do”.
6 or 7 individuals to be brought in from UK
“Do you have a number in mind, Governor, regarding the number of persons you would like to have in this capacity?” Co-host Damion C. Grange asked.
Governor Pruce said he intends for a “couple” of individuals to come in to work with Vanterpool closely on the Law Enforcement Review and in an advisory role.
He also plans on having another individual come in to assist with the practical delivery of the Law Enforcement Review Volume 2. “So this would be more of an implementation manager who can work for the police, also help other law enforcement agencies as well. We had a similar advisor help with the first volume and that proved to be very effective,” he explained.
Gov wants UK officers to work long-term in VI
Then, the Governor plans to bring in what he called a “combination of different officers” to look at key operational areas to provide practical assistance to "make things better". These key areas include the RVIPF’s Marine Unit, intelligence, data management, and evidence gathering. “That may be another three or four people,” he said.
Governor Pruce added that his objective is to bring in people with practical experience and stay in the VI for a “meaningful period of time”.
“I don’t want anyone to do one-week wonders, people that fly in and fly out,” he said.
The Governor has said he thinks Vanterpool is doing a "fantastic job" however he stopped short of saying whether or not she is being considered for the role permanently.
The individuals being brought in, he emphasised, are to support her as "this is her team, this is her force".
See link to previous story



27 Responses to “Governor to bring in 'UK support' for Acting CoP Vanterpool”
Wake up and Live former Slave Masters Back: Law Enforcement Is Very Serious Thing
With the Passing of those New-Laws in A Black Community
Run chat that
Do you really think the UK doesnt know who all is selling and moving the drugs from 20 years ago and beyond???
They know just like they said to Andrew Fahie when governor Jas smiled on stage. They let it continue until they can score political points and make a COI and do whatever the hell they can to make us look un-able to care for ourself. They tempt our people too and we wonder why they are in a greedy circle. You only need to look at Andrew to see the agents are in the tight circles and causing some of our mess and we blame the local who they push to greed. All they have is money.
Yes we are unable when you continue sabotaging us. Dangling a dollar in our face to do wrong meanwhile you are the police.
What happened to that taboo guy who they said was running gun for years. nothing. When they say the white UK police are coming to help, they are on a whole other mission creating and maintaining chaos...
Here we are today…. Local police may not look out for the interest of the whites in the territory. To put a check on that, Great Britian sends her representative in the form of a governor which is the long arm of colonialism to remind us who is in charge until we go independent.
The local acting commissioner of police Ms. Vanterpool has done just what the past white commissioners have done. She may have done more to stamp out internal corruption among the ranks. However, notwithstanding Mr. Pruce said she is doing a “fantastic job”, he still to avoid embarrassment, that we always had the potential to police ourselves, is bringing in UK officers on the ground. Why did he not do that with the UK commissioners?
There were murders, robberies and serious crimes being committed under their watch. Now to play the psychological and colonialist mind game, is bringing in UK officers to minimize whatever good Ms. Vanterpool does as to say her success is as a consequence of the UK officers he brought in. So UK is holding our hands because we cannot manage. But under their watch, there were several murders under the last three UK commissioners. Where was the UK help?
The mind gams continues. Our politicians are crippled to the point that the focus is on tit for tat, fighting over who stole the cookie, who hates who, who is friends with who ect, while UK laughs at us. Poor “liberated slaves?????” They will never growl up!!!
Governor Pruce is da…n lying when he says he has a hands off approach in selecting the next CoP. His plan is as clear as mud , as true as the sun rises in the east, etc. He wants a white Briton to be the next CoP and black experienced and qualified local or regional persons need not apply. Did Pruce not stop the recruitment for selecting qualified applicants when he noticed there was a lack of White Britons was not making the cut. Now, he is engineering another farcical tactics of bringing in white Britons to supposedly support Acting CoP Jacqueline Vanterpool. Is the Guv pissing on us and telling us it raining? Yes. What is the Guv doing ? He is creating employment for white Britons at the VI taxpayers expense. He is crafting language for the next recruitment ad. which only specific white Britons can meet. He is writing the recruiting ad. to target specific white Britons. It is a common practice in recruiting to write the job description in a manner that only a small cadre of people can meet.I’m not speculating, for I have seen it done and have it. Guv Pruce is determined come hell or high water to put a White Briton in the CoP position and Virgin Islanders cannot do s..t about it. He sees BVI people as weak as wet noodles and useless and don’t matter.
Do Virgin Islanders find it not interesting and distressing that after 300+ years of colonial conquering and colonizing the Virgin Islands have yet have either a Uk-appointed black commissioner, administrator or governor or a woman or another minority? Is this a confidence? The bottom line is that Guv Pruce wants a white Briton for the position. Only Virgin Islanders don’t look out for their own. They deserve what get, being treated like s..t. Damn weaklings, kiss @$$es.