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Governor threatens ‘additional action’ if no significant progress in CoI reforms by Dec 2023

September 29th, 2023 | Tags: Governor Tortola CoI CoI Reforms press conference
Governor of the Virgin Islands, H.E. John J. Rankin CMG has threatened additional action, should the Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley government not progress with CoI reforms by December 2023. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Governor Rankin said by the end of December, he expects from the Dr Natalio D. Whealtey Government, a strengthened Integrity in Public Life Act, The Whistleblower Act, and an amended Register of Interest Act brought into force to prevent abuses highlighted by the CoI. Photo: VINO/File
Governor Rankin said by the end of December, he expects from the Dr Natalio D. Whealtey Government, a strengthened Integrity in Public Life Act, The Whistleblower Act, and an amended Register of Interest Act brought into force to prevent abuses highlighted by the CoI. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Unelected Governor of the Virgin Islands John J. Rankin, CMG has threatened additional action, should the Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley government not progress with the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommended reforms by December 2023.

The Governor; however, did not say what those actions might be.

The United Kingdom (UK) civil servant made the threats today, Friday, September 29, 2023, during an update on the Commission of Inquiry Recommendations Implementation - Quarterly Review and noted that much has also been done on the reforms across various areas.

He added that action plans have started to come to cabinet and public consultations are taking place; however, he said reforms must be appropriately resourced and prioritised, particularly to ensure that the scale of legislation required doesn't create bottlenecks that could delay implementation.

He said by the end of December 2023, he expects to see a strengthened Integrity in Public Life Act, The Whistleblower Act, and an amended Register of Interest Act brought into force to prevent abuses highlighted by the CoI.

He said within his responsibility, a law enforcement review is on the way and that a specialist has been recruited to work on the vetting process on a full-time basis.

“I'm encouraged by the Government Business at its Best Strategy, which was launched in July and offers a new reporting structure for the commission of inquiry, recommendations, themes of greater transparency, continued accountability, and effective communication alongside value for money, easier access to services are bringing to capture the spirit of what needs to be delivered,” he said.

Clear measurements must be in place - Governor 

Governor Rankin said the step is to have clear measurements in place to show that these things are being achieved and that the overall aim remains for the necessary reforms to have taken root no later than May 2024, for the VI to see real evidence of improvement in governance.

That may take the form of clear policies being consistently used, effective communication with the public, with public officers, appropriate budgets, and appropriate staffing allocations to ensure the delivery of government services.

“I do not believe that there is an immediate need for additional powers based on the plans and commitments the government has made. However, if we do not see significant progress in the coming months, additional action may be necessary.” 

The Governor said he will publish his final quarterly review as governor in December 2023, and that this will form part of his handover to the new governor, Mr Daniel Pruce. 

“I know that the Premier shares my wish in that area and understands the significance of the reforms and the team remains committed to delivering them. I look forward to continuing to work closely with him as we ensure that the people of the Virgin Islands experience the positive difference that good governance makes,” Governor Rankin stated.

73 Responses to “Governor threatens ‘additional action’ if no significant progress in CoI reforms by Dec 2023”

  • jack (29/09/2023, 17:50) Like (15) Dislike (72) Reply
    Ok little black children do as I say or else!!
    • Blame yourself Mr. Gov. (30/09/2023, 06:44) Like (43) Dislike (9) Reply
      You had the opportunity to take over and make things right you drop the ball. Look at Caymans and how they are striving positively in every way after Britain took it over fix it and hand it back to them...That was what should have happen here.. Things are so bad here. Woke up 630, trying to get water. No water.. This is just one of the many ignored problems. I am certain that they are never late for their flight or forget their passport and their money. But everything to do with the country they ignoring forgetting..
      • @Blame yourself.., (30/09/2023, 09:58) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        @Blsme your self…., when did the UK take over the Cayman?
      • @Blame yourself Mr. Gov. (30/09/2023, 10:26) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
        If you really think if the UK takes over everything will be better in the BVI then guess again because you are living on false hopes. It will get worse and they will silence any one who opposes.
      • Move now (30/09/2023, 11:20) Like (6) Dislike (11) Reply
        It is time to challenge these actions by the Governor & UK in the courts because the UK is behaving as if the people of the BVI have no rights other than what they give us.
        • @Move now (01/10/2023, 09:48) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
          @Move Now, it is an age old attitude of those who consider themselves the dominant majority and racially superior, entitled to special privileges and entitlements that Blacks have no rights or privileges they should honor and respect. It was advocated in the 19th Century and is still true in the 21st Century.,
      • @blame yourself (30/09/2023, 19:50) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
        You are a wh*te supremacist
    • Eldread (30/09/2023, 10:31) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      I understand the feeling of a white man giving orders. But that restraint you have in place is so great , because in the in the independent countries the governor is just a figure head like a statue to just sign as instructed by the prime minister, and during stealing of funds you protest the prime minister in that system ask the police to tear gas you or shoot you with rubber bullets. The black man takes on the same role of the white slave master and treat it's people with cruelty, at that time they have coconut head, brown outside but white inside, and desire just like the white man to keep it's people poor and they alone get rich, since they feel the money stolen has make them arrive at white status, the democracy thing have to change and do like china socialist system where you are executed for corruption, that's why the capitalist system of America hate china who don't support a democratic system of government. Our leaders love all the colonial formalities the white man enjoyed like been chaffeured driven, and if you become independent the black governor then will just like the amenities of office and just be a stooge for the premier. Only love for the black castle of our skin can change things to lift us from neo- slavery.
    • To: jack (30/09/2023, 10:35) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
      It is as simple as how you said it because that is how they think of us. But I ask of the Governor to please tell the people of the BVI the TOTAL cost of your COI including: All travel, salary and other benefits of the Commissioner & each staff (even if they were UK public officers), accommodations, consultancies (including psychic cloaked as consultant), all fees to lawyers including Rawat and others, housing, all accommodations, security(even if RVIPF), man hours and fees per hour, and everything else under the sun leaving out nothing. Please tell if any of these services were tendered and if not why not? Is so, which ones and where was the ad lodged? Until the Governor answers these questions truthfully then I do not want to hear nor see him as he has loss all credibility in most of the public's eyes due to his do as I say but not as I do colonial mentality.
    • @Jack --- the reality (30/09/2023, 11:13) Like (17) Dislike (24) Reply
      There is no satisfying the Governor and his UK Officials who are his bosses. Even if the BVI meets the unrealistic deadline and implements all 48 COI prearranged recommendations it still will not satisfy them. They will always continue to shift the goal post because it is not really about good governance but about control over a people.
    • Comment (01/10/2023, 15:29) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Every Afro-person should watch!

  • vi (29/09/2023, 19:15) Like (12) Dislike (43) Reply
    I think by the end of December people like you should be out of here for good.
    • Right on vi (30/09/2023, 11:03) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
      The slavery mill is grinding slow but grinding still. Always be concern about anyone who calls you corrupt and call themselves clean. It is a sign of oppression as there is good and bad in everyone and everywhere.
      • Where is the fairness & balance? (30/09/2023, 11:22) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
        The new register of interest act makes it mandatory for all elected and public officials to register their interest and make them public knowledge. However, the Governor and all his UK staff working locally in the BVI have insisted they be exempted from doing the same. It is these kinds of high handedness that bothers people about the actions of the Governor and UK while trying to portray that their goal is fairness and balance when in fact it is about dominance and control. We must fight these things and speak out against them.
      • @Right on Vi (30/09/2023, 15:20) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
        Never heard them say anything about the UK not being corrupt. Where you got that from? Stop the slavery talk bs man. This place need help but y’all so focused on skin color and then screaming racism. Then we got the bunch that living on the fantasy that everything is just fine here so we need no guidance. I don’t give a damn about skin color a purple man could manage the prison once it running like a damn prison and that goes for the port etc.
    • i said it (30/09/2023, 11:16) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
      Most of the recommendations were written by the Governor and his UK gang and given to their hand picked Commissioner of the COI through their UK staff they assigned to work with that evil man. It was never transparent. They think we are a set of a@$.
  • Citizen (29/09/2023, 19:25) Like (16) Dislike (37) Reply
    Ohoh…. Time for the Whip!!!! Set of lames in government. No one to fight against the whipping. We would have stood a chance with the Drew.
    • @citizen (29/09/2023, 21:23) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      Yup, that’s why they had to set him up and take him out of their game.
    • @citizen (30/09/2023, 10:31) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      Well said. Imagine some people see NOTHING wrong with a few men in the UK passing an order in council to suspend a constitution of a country (in the 21st century) unless the country functions how they say and want as dictated by their preauthored recommendations of their own prearranged COI which they have the audacity to be calling it independent which also conveniently found no fault of any Governor for the past 40 yrs. BVI BETTER WAKE UP.
  • Manjack (29/09/2023, 19:58) Like (28) Dislike (29) Reply
    Clearly, the intent of the UK was to suspend the constitution of the Virgin Islands (VI) [British] and insert direct rule. The planned take over was engineered through a one-man, handpicked commission of inquiry (CoI) led by Sir Gary Hickenbottom. The findings of the CoI were pre-determined. The CoI was set to start work as former Governor Augustus Jaspert was bolting from the territory. The Sir Gary Hickinbottom’s CoI findings included 49 recommendations, including suspending the constitution.

    The predetermined findings were things on the UK to do list and structured so that they would be challenging and/or impossible to attain in the set time, giving the UK reason to move in and suspend the constitution and insert direct rule.

    The completed CoI was held close to the vest with a deliberate planned release. However, the arrest of former Premier Andrew Fahie accelerated the release of the CoI. The sole commissioner Sir Gary Hickinbottom recommended the suspension of the constitution but there was little push back by the VI people. They were quiet as church mouses. The sitting government led Dr. Natalio Wheatley rushed to form a Unity Government to try to delay suspending the constitution, proposing that they could complete the recommendations in 24 months, promising to complete things in 24 months which the UK knew would take years longer. There was much suspense as to what the UK would do. The UK eventually agree to the Unity Government proposal for it met their intent.

    Nevertheless, the UK did suspend the constitution through an order in council and it is being held in abeyance and is being held over the head of the VI like the Sword of Damocles. The VI overpromised and the UK knew it was overpromising and would fail to deliver on time and it would have the excuse to move in and suspend the constitution and insert direct rule, putting the BVI back under the tentacles colonialism/imperialism, regressing on self-governing progress made. Colonialism/imperialism is back without a fight.

    Thomas Sankara eloquently states :”Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms, a loan, food aid, blackmail . We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on Earth to rule all of humanity.” The Uk is not returning and taking over by force but by administrative action.

    Well, the current Governor John Rankin, CMG, is threatening that if more progress on recommendations are not attained by December 2023 as he is bolting from the territory back to UK to take up retirement further actions would be taken. Notice the pattern. Former Governor Gus Jaspert commission the one-man CoI as he was bolting from the territory. Now Governor John Rankin is threatening further actions as he also is bolting from the territory.

    The UK is imposing its will unilaterally because Virgin Islanders are quiet as lambs , behaving as George Hegel said: “ The one who values liberty over life is the master; and the one who values life over liberty is the slave. It pains me go here but my fellow Virgin Islanders are behaving like slaves. They have succumb to the divide and rule conditioning; they are afflicted with the Stockholm Syndrome. Some are paid out with trivial meritorious manumission. Theodolph Faulkner, Noel Lloyd, lavity Stoutt among others of our departed forebears and warriors must be tossing disgustingly in their resting places. Thomas Sankara also notes, “ that he who feeds you, controls you.” The colonialists, Mount Olympus, have fed our people through its divide and rule conditioning and it is taking roots, nourishing and flourishing in some Virgin Islanders. . They value the conditioning of colonialists, preferring their(colonialists) interests, actions, etc , over their own and that of other Virgin Islanders. There is disunity among Virgin Islanders, allowing colonialists to put them back under the yoke of colonialism, an extractive, exploitive, exclusionary, violent, rapist, racial supremacy, special privileges and entitlements, etc., institution.

    Frederick Douglass : “ No struggle, no progress.” Virgin Islanders must regain their footing, their focus, their value system, their pride, their swagger, their thirst for freedom and liberty. If Virgin Islanders want to move the VI to next self/determination level they must unite through group all hands on deck effort. They must peacefully protests, agitate and advocate for change, more liberty and freedom, more self-governance,etc. if we continue on the same course with the same attitude and behavior, subjugation is our station. We have to make a choice freedom/independence or subjugation.

    • @Manjack (30/09/2023, 10:18) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
      @Manjack, tough but truthful commentary. You know you strike a nerve and drive folks nuts is when the dogs that got hit with the rock stone only defense is hitting the convenient coward Dislike button and cannot provide a credible counter point. Just like pretending racism does not exist does mean racism does not exist. Similarly, hitting the Dislike button with credible counter argument does nothing to dispel the stated truths. Positive debate is healthy.
    • @Manjack (30/09/2023, 11:07) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
      Well said. The BVI is in the middle of a revolution but the colonial masters' witchcraft have them fast a sleep.
      • Putting things in perspective (30/09/2023, 11:25) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
        We all agree our country has done well but must now strive to improve in certain areas and is doing its best to do so. But what about discussing a modern day slavery whip of an order in council to suspend a constitution in the 21st century until things like the judiciary, the 48 unrealistic COI recommendations, and others are operating how a mere few men from the UK want it to operate & be implemented. How can this be correct when there is no law in place to also hold a Governor and UK accountable. People still want to know and see the ad with the criteria and salary offered to the person selected to do the COI. Was this tendered? Was this advertised? Who vetted the applicants? Was the person hand picked? Who decided the salary and terms of reference? Who paid for it? Was this all done according to the COI AcT in BVI? Why can't these questions be answered? Why only one Commissioner for the COI was selected? Was this by design to get a specific result? Why was he from the UK? Why the UK, UN, CARICOM, and OECS, could not each independently name a Commissioner to sit on a board of Commissioners to allow transparency and fairness to do the COI? Why was the staff for the COI selected solely by the UK & were all from the UK? Why was all the COI staff persons from the same UK department as the Governor? Was the COI really independent and transparent as the Governor is claiming? Would we think so if what was done by the UK to initiate the COI was done by our local elected officials? Did the Commissioner of the COI lie to immigration and Customs when he came to BVI and did the Governor on Why he was entering the BVI? If so, is this not an illegal act punishable by law? Who really wrote the 48 recommendations in the COI report? Where they written before the COI started? Where is the other government UK lawyer Cox report? After all every story has 3 sides, yours, minds, and the truth. Where is the letter the Governor wrote to the UK in confidence asking for the COI? Was it factual? Where is the letter the Governor wrote in confidence asking for the Order in Council to suspend the constitution? Was it factual? The BVI public needs to see all these things so history can be accurately recorded. The BVI public needs to know all these things. The BVI tax money pay for a seperate lawyer for the Governor for the COI so why is the Governor, UK, & some locals upset about the speaker's lawyer bill being paid by taxpayers? What is the difference? The Governor is im charge of the police. Is he using them with the UK Commissioner of Police to promote their cause through abuse of power? The well organized intentional negative narrative the Governor & UK Officials is painting on the BVI is seeming as if it is currently working somewhat because the REAL TRUTH is not getting out. The FULL TRUTH NEEDS TO BE SET FREE. Then and only then will the BVI & ITS PEOPLE be set free.
    • @Manjack (01/10/2023, 07:21) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      @Manjack, the UK discrediting the truth, distracting,,etc posse is out in force. I notice in another blog, you challenge a blogger (Yes to UK) to provide credible information/feedback to dispute/concur your posting, but so far crickets, nothings, silence. Frauds and cowards, empty suits, etc. The real deal is that this is a powerful post and a must read for every Virgin Islander, though a bit long. Nevertheless, it is a good read. There are a number a number of other good reads in regards to the threat from the UK-appointed governor. To my fellow bloggers all of has a right to criticize, disagree,with postings but we also have an obligation to provide credible feedback as to why you disagree. This creates for a healthy debate if we truly want a positive discourses, debates.
    • Contrarian (01/10/2023, 10:35) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Manjack, real, powerful and truthful talk. I have seen much in the responses to counter.
    • Disinterested (02/10/2023, 04:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Manjack, you laid it all out on line for all to see and examine and all the appeasers can do is hit the dislike button, doing what haters do when they don’t have any valid counter.
  • Go Home! (29/09/2023, 20:18) Like (17) Dislike (9) Reply
    The governor need to go home! The UN put a stop to this colonization crap this is the year 2023! I for one have had enough of these westerns coming to my country trying to threaten the people!
  • taxpayer (29/09/2023, 20:50) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Look at the roads, schools' heck all the infrastructure and remember we were offered a loan to rebuild and modernize our Islands and a navy to secure our borders.
    The drug trade has been ruining our islands for a while now it is time for transparent government..
  • Samuel Ride (29/09/2023, 21:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    This Devil need to ho.

  • bruh (29/09/2023, 22:28) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    So this is the reason things are quiet? Our politicians are too busy dancing to the governors tune than attending to our needs & development.

    When are you going to do something for the people governor?
  • Black Eye (29/09/2023, 23:45) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Premier has been too busy planning the Monaco boat show trip to worry about the country
  • @Manjack (30/09/2023, 01:01) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    What’s here that the UK so desperately wants? Money? BVI GDP is about $ 400 million, theirs is several trillions. Workers? Can’t be more than 15-18,0000 here. Seems to me the CoI was about BVIslanders in power acting in their own interests rather than in the interests of the people that voted them in. If true, why would anyone, want to assume managing/resolving such issues? If anything, surely the UK would just as soon be rid of a problem child.
  • Forbidden Truth (30/09/2023, 02:27) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    This Devil needs to go.
  • Lion without Teeth. (30/09/2023, 06:38) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    The people in authority already realized that the Gov and Britain are like Roaring Lions with no teeth so they are wilfully provoking them then sit back and laugh..
  • @Manjack (30/09/2023, 06:43) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    Total dribble - the usual JW response based on zero knowledge!!
    • @@Manjack (30/09/2023, 10:01) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      @@Manjack, what is your alternative version of the truth. Who is JW? Don’t have the courage to say who it is?
  • E. Leonard (30/09/2023, 06:53) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    Shakespeare wrote in his play the Tempest, a tragic comedy, “ What’s past is prologue.” British Empire 1 and 2 operated for over 400 years. The British Empire was the largest empire ever, covering over 25% of the globe (all continents) with over 450, 000,000 people. The Empire made the UK wealthy and powerful, ie, Britannia ruled the waves, and the sun never set over the Commonwealth. Its Overseas Territories(OT) are the last remnants of a collapsing / collapsed Empire. As such, the UK/Britain’s current actions in regards to its OTs, the last remnants of its once mighty empire, has its roots starting in the 16th Century with the slave trade, slavery, colonialism/imperialism, plantation system, empire building and collapse, wealth building, racial supremacy, designating the enslaved/Blacks as an inferior underclass whose role was solely servile and they and their activities had to be strictly controlled, etc.

    Colonialism, an extractive economic and political, violent, exploiting, expropriating, exclusionary, racially discriminating with special privileges and entitlements and a strictly controlling institution, especially for slaves and their descendants. Their lives, livelihoods, freedom , liberties,etc. were strictly controlled. Colonialism was structured so that the inhabitants of the colonies were totally dependent on the plantation owners/overseers, the slave masters, upper class, etc. That control and dependency mechanism are built into self-governing measures. For example, the boiler plate constitution for OTs is a dependency-modeled constitution. Further, any devolved power can be easily reversed, ie, suspending the constitution and inserting direct rule. This is the current situation/scenario for the Virgin Islands(VI) [British]. Its constitution was suspended by an order in council but is being held abeyance as insurance for implementing CoI recommendations, and like the Sword of Damocles over the head of the BVI and its people. Control, control….Moreover, the VI is supposedly self-governing yet the UK-appointed Governor has unilateral power and influence, ie, reserved power, assent power, ie, any bill passed by House of Assembly ( HOA) has to be assented to by the Governor before it can take effect, retained powers, etc. These powers are embedded in the constitution which has to be granted by the UK.

    Virgin Islanders like people everywhere has the right to choose, pursue their self-determination status choice, blessings of liberties, and freedoms; and basic human rights. However, though they have the right to self-determination, self-governance, etc is not going to occur automatically or easily. They have to be fought for peacefully with “group” effort. Disunity will strangle and handicap any desire to get free from the strict control l, control of colonialism. “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who wants crops without plowing up the ground.”—-Fredrick Douglass. Freedom does not come free.

    Undoubtedly, the CoI unearthed some poor governing practices which needs to be corrected. Nevertheless, a one-man commission of inquiry led a commissioner out of the UK should not have the power to unilaterally drive changes on the VI people without their consultation and consent These changes should be decided by the VI people who have to live with the changes. Therefore they must have their input and say. That is the democratic process. The Magna Carta of 1215 under King John was written by the people to protect rights and property against a tyrannical king. The Glorious Revolution (1688-1689), bloodless revolution, permanently established Parliament as the ruling power of England, representing a shift from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy, limiting the power of the monarch and provided protections for English subjects.
    • RealPol (30/09/2023, 10:42) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      @E. Leonard, indeed freedom is not free; it requires personal sacrifices, struggles. However, Virgin Islanders want change, wax all day about wanting change, ie, things are not going right, but we don’t to fight for change. We want others to sacrifice to effect the change we want while we sit back comfortably. This unwillingness to sacrifice makes it easy for the colonialists to do whatever they want, when, where, and how they want, for they know Virgin Islanders are not going to resist. If they offer any pushback, it will be a disorganized few for a minute. The many will hide in shadows like they did during the early days of Theodolph Faulkner 1949 massive and effective protest of Mount Olympus egregious actions. This unwillingness to fight, to struggle, to sacrifice, etc, is a marked departure from the fight and struggle, and sacrifices of our forebears. It is simple if we want change and progress there must be struggle. Frederick Douglass is on point. Disunity, putting the interest of others over their own, distrust in other Virgin Islanders, jealousy among Virgin Islanders, etc is Virgin Islanders Achilles heel hamstringing their progress.
    • Ne Timeas (30/09/2023, 11:22) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @E. Leonard, Virgin Islanders have to engage in battles, to fight for change and fight to protect their homeland, for they cannot rely totally depend on the promises and goodwill of outside agencies, UN, OECS, CARICOM to fight their battles. We cannot forget that dividing up the Americas and the scramble for Africa, and the conquest and colonizing by European countries was a cabal among them. For example, the Americas initially was divided between Spain and Portugal based on line 370 leagues west of Cape Verde Islands in June 1494 through a Papal Bull and the Treaty of Tordesillas. Anything west of the line belonged to Spain; Portugal, east. That is how Brazil is the only Portuguese speaking country in South America.Nonetheless, Spain and Portugal forget to get the agreement of other European countries, eg, England, France, Holland, etc. Consequently, they engaged in conquest and colonization of their own. Britain lost of its most profitable colony, ie, American colonies,,energize the scramble for Africa and colonization of the Far East. The Berlin Conference of 1884 divided up Africa among seven nations, ie, UK, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Germany and Belgium. The US was at the conference but did not partake in the spoils.

      The point is that it was a cabal among European countries to divide the spoils of the New World and Africa, so other countries may not get to energized over how a member of the cabal is treating its colonies. Birds of a feather flock together.
      • @Ne Timeas (30/09/2023, 14:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Ne Timeas, are you saying that we should trust members of the cabal, the big boys, etc, for they only give lip service about support they are really trustworthy. All colonial powers stick together, ie, Haitian Revolution. Haiti is still isolated, punished , ostracized, simply for declaring independence from France in 1604. You saying the Virgin Islanders must fight their battles, not depend on others. Unfortunately, some of us think the UN is the panacea for our problems and can force the UK to act. That is false sense of security.
      • @Ne Timeas (30/09/2023, 20:26) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        @Ne Timeas, this is some deep stuff tying and bringing the past into the now, the present. We thought the past was behind us but no it lives in future. Colonialism, a divisive , exploitive, discriminatory, vicious circle, etc tool of the past has raised its ugly head again in the UK overseas territories. Colonialism really was not dead, for its adverse legacies lives on with the people in the region. Clearly, the UK with its order in council action to suspend the BVI constitution has not yet put the final nail in the colonialism coffin. The ghosts of the Treaty of Todesillas, the slave trade, slavery, the Treaty of Zaragoza, the Berlin Conference, etc, is active and alive.
    • Stealth (30/09/2023, 13:38) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Leonard, I see a constant theme, the core of your commentary, —-Control. Indeed, this a power play of control. The playing field is not balance. The local government is force to bend over backwards to meet the whims and Fancy of Governor. However, the local government has no means of redressing concerns about the Governor, for there is no daylight between the Governor and the FCO. The Governor has tremendous unilateral power and Control.
  • COI the COI (30/09/2023, 07:50) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    I think that the government should have also completed their own independent COI and not just take the one man, one sided observation/investigation. This would of help put more people at ease or confirm if it was otherwise motivated. We all know it was released intentionally at the time it did as it was planned to catch the V.I. with our pants down. Putting pressure on the government is good when it is the betterment of the country but not also that the UK can use it as their back door entry for other reasons.

    We have to stay vigilant as Trust is in God and not people. Especially if they were not elected by the people to represent the people.
    • @COI the COI (30/09/2023, 11:30) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well said. But the Government did do a counter audit through a UK Lawyer name Cox. The people now need to know what was his findings. What did the report say as every story has 3 sides...yours, mine, and the truth. We are hearing the UK's side. We need that other UK report from lawyer so the people can then hear the other side. Then let the courts and the people decide the truth.
  • facts (30/09/2023, 09:24) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    What the UK is asking us to do is in our own best interest though. We cannot allow our elected representatives and civil servants to continue to take us down this destructive path. That's what we needed to speak up about decades ago, then we wouldn't be in this place Manjack.
    • @facts (30/09/2023, 10:04) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Facts, give us the facts about what the politicians and civil servants are doing or not doing. We must support what we say.
    • To facts (30/09/2023, 10:53) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
      You mean they are playing their old tricks to make the people of the BVI believe it is all in our best interest but let me educate you that the UK cares about one interest for centuries which is their own. Your point of accountability is well taken but the Governor has always been in charge of the public service so how could he be exempted from the failures of the service over the last 40 years and blame elected officials only. This is wrong and duplicitous to say the least. If they could find money to now give scholarships and youth works and COI and investigation, then why couldn't they find the money to improve and develop the public service seeing it is their direct responsibility. This is why I am deeply concerned about the onesidedness of the COI report and recommendations. It is cloaked as good governance when in fact it seems to be a good old fashion hit man job.
    • @facts (30/09/2023, 15:27) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      Talk it!!!! Cause everybody acting like these politicians ain’t been shitting on us and living life.
  • Yes Governor (30/09/2023, 09:32) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
    Time for the elected politicians to stop lying to the public about the alleged progress of instituting the 43 CoI recommendations into BVI law. The smoke and mirrors show by these elected clowns is pitiful and a disgrace to all inhabitants of the BVI. Direct rule by the UK next year is becoming more certain as 2023 expires in 92 days.
    • @Yes Governor (30/09/2023, 10:24) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
      I am always amazed how some of you think the Governor and his UK people are always correct and the only people with integrity and have all the answers. It shows the chains of slavery are still in some of your minds.
  • Yes to UK (30/09/2023, 10:02) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    @Manjack Its bad enough when people like you write a few lines ob BULL Shit but you didnt stop at a few lines making you the biggest bull shit artis. The COL found what was there.
    • Manjack (30/09/2023, 13:04) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      @Yes to UK, please tells what is untruthful about what I wrote? You just cannot say it is bullshit and walk away. The readers need an answer so they can decide for themselves who is bullshitting whom. You or I cannot decide for them. I give mines. Now, you, give yours. I doubt you will provide anything of substance. People like you are expert critics but poor at providing qualitative and quantitative information to support your disagreement. I wait eagerly for your substance based reply. I doubt you will though , for you want us to trust what you say which is nothing. Prove me wrong and I will come back and give you a thumbs up, a mea culpa.
      • Manjack (01/10/2023, 16:44) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
        @Yes to UK, it has been over 24 hours yet nothing countering my comments. What you say champ?
      • Manjack (03/10/2023, 07:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Yes to UK, it has been 3 days now but nothing from you, crickets, deafening silence, etc. Common on bro, get a spine, stop behaving like a wimp,a Pu ...y, tell the readers what your point of view is. You behaving like expected—- an empty kerosene pan, a cheap empty suit or blazer. Common on man , make me eat crow.
  • PT09 (30/09/2023, 10:07) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Governor John J. Rankin suspend the constitution before you leave it would be the best thing you have done for the BVI. It can’t be under the UK leadership than it is now. Thank you.
  • NDP supporter (30/09/2023, 10:46) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    It is for these same reasons why I continue to say those preauthored and prearranged "so called" independent 48 COI recommendations needs public input & some challenged in court before rushing to implement them wholesale as most are not in the best interest of the people nor economy of the BVI. While the Governor is busy using them claiming good governance, he is setting up himself using the same things he is trying to kill that worked for us for years (like grants & scholarship for youths) but just needed to strengthen in accountability rather than elimination of them or putting in layers of bureaucracy so only few can now get needed assistance. They are trying to cut off our powers to govern ourselves so they can steadily increase theirs so we MUST become dependent on them and slaves to them. Our leaders are fast a sleep. The Governor is abusing his powers and think we the people have no choice but the adhere to his wicked intentions or else suffer the consequences.
  • vg youth (30/09/2023, 11:00) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
    The position of Governor needs to be an elected position
    He is playing politics but do not have to run for office yet hold power without accountability to the people. Until the Governor is elected by the people, he can never have loyalty or accountability to the people rather only to his bosses which is the UK. Whatever he does will be in their interest only.
  • No more blind support (30/09/2023, 11:09) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    I use to support the Governor but a few things made me wake up and stop my blind obedience. First, it is becoming clearer and clearer the COI was not independent like the Governor is saying. Second, I have an issue with every week the Governor giving speeches only highlighting all his perceived challenges in the BVI and what seems to be wrong. For him BVI can do nothing right. Last, I got totally turn off from the Governor when he said out of his mouth that all past & present Governors never did anything wrong and was blocked from implementing certain new initiatives to strengthen good governance. Beware of anyone who behaves as if they have no sin
  • Hypocrisy (30/09/2023, 11:11) Like (1) Dislike (9) Reply
    Britan and their Governor make it seem as if they are promoting good governance and transparency but post for me where you can find the detailed steps/procedures of how an OT like BVI, Anguilla, etc can follow to the "T" and apply for independence. I have not met anyone who can find this information because it does not exist. Why? Simple! Britan says with their mouths who want independence can have it but their actions show they do not intend for that to happen as there is no transparency nor fairness in this "so-called" modern partnership. They cannot insist on things they are not doing themselves. This is where the hypocrisy lies.
  • Clearly (30/09/2023, 11:33) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    There is an abuse of power by the UK & Governor including through misusing the police force with their UK Commissioner to try to justify their actions through high handedness.
  • Question that needs asking (30/09/2023, 11:37) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    The Governor needs to be asked what will cause the slavery whip of the order in council to be removed from the BVI. I get the feeling he will never answer straight as I am sure it has nothing to do with the recommendations although they are using it as a front. Ask the Governor if all the recommendations are implemented in the unrealistic time alloted then will it be removed. His response I am sure will be the same as you can never trust these people.
  • Pointless (30/09/2023, 12:05) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    It does not matter what it looked like before. The UK gave the BVI time and the government is not worthy to be in power at all . SUSPEND THE GOVERNMENT! NULLIFY THE ELECTION RESULTS AS A FRAUD BASED ON NO FRANK AND FULL DISCLOSURE OF THE WITHHELD REPORTS. DUE PROCESS DID NOT TAKE PLACE DURING ELECTIONS. IT IS NOT THE WISH OF THE PEOPLE OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. If all else fails, SUSPEND EVERY LAW AND POLICY put in place that is not in the interest of the BVI and FIRE SOWANDE AND COMPANY. Sowande and company should have ZERO access to my tax money, whether as a salary or as a pension or otherwise. Let he go find a job!!!
  • Going to say it (30/09/2023, 16:13) Like (4) Dislike (10) Reply
    John Rsnking needs to go fast!
  • 2023 (30/09/2023, 16:30) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    the average person in this territory had absolutely nothing to do with the commission of inquiries however we stand to bear the outcome: poor political leadership have the people of this territory wondering what is next for them and that is unfair

    Mr Politician get your act together
  • Yes to UK (30/09/2023, 16:44) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
    @Move now, The UK owns the BVI but not the people so if you don’t like what’s going in the BVI leave. The UK stand by and let the people of the BVI govern themselves but when a government minster called for a COI that’s when they took note of what was really going in the BVI. I hope they take over because if something is not done to change what’s going on we are doomed.
  • Sam (30/09/2023, 17:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Only idiots and haters and traitors of the BVI want to see the UK suspend the BVI Constitution.
    • Sambo (01/10/2023, 07:30) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Sam, the Sambos are siding with the UK to do just that. They are Benedict Arnolds, Neville Chamberlains. . Sad.
  • Interested (01/10/2023, 07:54) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    I don’t understand most of you. The government at the end of the COI agreed in writing to implement the recommendations by the set deadlines.They agreed to do it !
    Why are we blaming the Governor and the UKGovernment ? For those of you saying Rankin needs to go,when he does,the one who comes will simply continue to carry out the agenda just as Rankin carried on from Gus.
  • Get on with it (02/10/2023, 16:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Integrity in public life
    Register of Interests. These Acts still pending?
    Get on with it guys, stop wasting precious time.
  • LIES (05/10/2023, 16:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    Imagine being so gullible to believe anything this man call john Ranking says at this point.

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