Governor lied? BVITB never consulted on ‘Police in Paradise’ video – Clive McCoy

The Governor on July 1, 2022, at a press conference alongside the Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had said, “My understanding is that there was some consultation with the tourism board, but I don’t have the exact details of that.”
The Governor added, “Obviously, if any crimes were committed then that should be investigated properly but I’ve got no evidence to believe that is the case.”
However, BVITB Director Mr McCoy said the board only became aware of the video when it went viral in local chat rooms and on social media last week.
“We are not aware of when the footage for this production was shot, as there is no record of permission being sought. Furthermore, the BVITB did not issue a film permit to allow the filmed content from the video to be captured in the Territory,” Mr McCoy declared in a statement on July 3, 2022.
No permission granted for similar project- Mr McCoy
The Tourism Director, while confirming that the RVIPF did consult with the BVITB four years ago, in 2018, about a similar project, no approval was granted and it was not in favour of the proposed project.
“The BVITB does not have any record of consultation being made regarding the filming of the Police in Paradise video which has been recently circulated. In fact, the BVITB first became aware of the project when along with the entire community, we saw the video being shared in WhatsApp messages and social media platforms,” he reiterated.
Mr Mccoy added that he is not in support of this video as it negatively portrays the Virgin Islands.
In a recent statement made on ZBVI radio, Mr McCoy said his agency was preparing to counter any negative effects of the leaked video.

41 Responses to “Governor lied? BVITB never consulted on ‘Police in Paradise’ video – Clive McCoy”
Rankin didn't meet with Fahie before putting him out.
Rankin wants the BVI to look as bad as it can before putting our Constitution out.
Rankin's plan to get everything done that he was sent down here to do, is working, no matter how sloppy and transparent it is. All of you who want UK rule is going to get it, right up your A--ES.
London Bridge is Falling-Down and some of us know London believes in Exploitation(do you remember the old slavery days)
Even, London white associates set plans in place to plans to come out of “Great Britain” Scotland & Wales(running for cover having the same skin colour)
Once Great Britain pulled away from the European union they began stumbling now Great Britain is falling
London will not try to manipulate Scotland and wales they white associates but they will set out to come back into the territory where it is occupied by the black folks
London just want to grab a hole of cash flow in this territory and will conjure up all manner things
We now see how dishonest John is
As for this consultation issue, asking for ones opinion on a issue and then turning around and doing something else does not constitute an approval. I’m wondering what was truly discuss at this consultation. It no way in hell any sane person could agree to this. No one benefits from such deceptive behaviour.
I have seen the video and I found it to be very insulting to the people of the BVI.
I am from the UK but I have no horse in this race and I call it how I see it.
As a UK citizen I am embarrassed by it.
The CoP starts off telling the viewer that he began his career in the Police Force walking the beat on the Old Kent Rd in the Elephant & Castle. That area of London is far more dangerous than anywhere in the BVI. So this only brings me to two possibilities. 1) He is completely lying with the intent to deceive the viewer or 2) He is completely out of touch with the BVI and incompetent. Either way I think the man should resign his position.
I also have been asking myself Why? The video was filmed and edited in such a way that it was very relatable to the popular TV show in the UK.
I believe the video was aimed towards the UK market. It was made by one of the most established UK TV stations.
Maybe they were trying to recruit British born young police officers who would welcome the opportunity to police in the Caribbean, the more danger the better as far as they are concerned or ITV were planning on making some kind of reality TV show here in the BVI. Possibly it was aimed at the British public for reason only they know.
In my opinion the whole thing stinks of a hidden agenda that certainly doesn't have the best interest of the BVI in mind.
This is the same scene that was created during the previous Governor,'s term and the end result culminated in ugliness, uncertainty and continues with the help of folks of evil disposition and intent.
To me though, the production had a start, a middle and an end and was modified in preparation for possible publication. That is what I am referring to when I say edited.
It doesn't take away from the fact that it is in bad taste and misleading. I think the CoP showed very poor judgement and was extremely tone deaf.
I am still confused as to why it was made and what exactly they were trying to do. Like I mentioned, it seemed like the trailer for a reality TV show which is just absurd but that is just my opinion.
Maybe you can answer me as to why it was made? I am not picking sides here. Just confused. gets-ridiiculed-online
I was skeptical as to the motives but I now realise that the CoP was trying to go about things in the right way and it kind of blew up in his face. It seems like it is more of an ITV production issue than anything else.
I welcome anyone who was as skeptical as I to copy and past the link and read this for themselves before jumping to rash decisions and letting others talk for you.
I would like to apologise to the CoP.
The Governor can only respond based on what he was told by whomever.