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‘God showed me there would be a woman leader’- Sandra Phillip-Hodge

- says Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE being appointed was ‘God’s will’
Commentator, local author and 'prayer warrior' Sandra Phillip-Hodge, right, has said it was only right and fitting that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) was re-elected as it had 'unfinished business' and that God had shown her a woman was going to be in leadership. Left: Deputy Premier Lorna G. Smith, OBE. Photo: Facebook/GIS/File
The ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government. Photo: GIS/File
The ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Commentator, local author and 'prayer warrior' Sandra Phillip-Hodge has said it was only right and fitting that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) was re-elected as it had "unfinished business" and that God had shown her a woman was going to be in leadership.

Speaking during a livestream on her Facebook page which she titled, ‘God has spoken,’ on April 26, 2023, Mrs Phillip-Hodge said that when Deputy Premier Honourable Lorna G. Smith, OBE was sworn in, it felt like it was the most natural thing to her and that it was God’s will being fulfilled.

“Last week God gave me this word regarding the elections…God showed me, that there would be a woman leader in this election, and he showed me who the person was. But I didn’t want to call any name. And I’m here today to testify that God’s word is truth…He does not lie. When he gives a message to any of his prophets…to come forth with it, is our duty to do so and if there are consequences for it then we have to trust God,” she said.

As such, Mrs Phillip-Hodge went on to encourage others to speak up if they have a revelation, adding that said she does not want to be called a prophet just for the sake of it.

She also spoke about what she described as the church being ‘silent’ in relation to various topics and withholding prophecies.

“Because sometimes I do feel as if the church is so silent and so many things, and I want to believe that if we are such a godly people, we are a Christian nation and if we have so many church leaders, so many people in the clergy out there, God must be speaking to them and giving them a message for the nation. But too often things are happening and you’re not hearing the voices, you’re not hearing anybody stepping out boldly in faith to prophesy a word from God,” Mrs Phillip-Hodge continued.

No issues with Hon Smith's design to join VIP

She went on to state that she does not see anything wrong with Hon Smith’s decision to move from one group to another.

“Because, the leader on that side, his Party gained the majority of persons to form the government- that is something that we cannot dispute. The other Parties barely had half enough, they didn’t even make quite half enough of the persons required…,” Mrs Phillip-Hodge noted, as she posited that it was only right and sensible that the VIP be allowed to finish its unfinished business.

“I want to say to the nation, to the people who are out there complaining and criticising, we have to acknowledge God’s hand in the affairs of man. It is not always what we want or what we like,” Mrs Phillip-Hodge continued.

She further stressed that she tries to be neutral since it is not easy taking sides and doing God’s work, while she established that she is not on anyone’s side but God.

“Our people need to start putting God first. When we put God first we accept God’s decisions…He knows the outcome of every election even before the process starts. God’s will must be done,” Mrs Philip-Hodge said.

37 Responses to “‘God showed me there would be a woman leader’- Sandra Phillip-Hodge ”

  • The watchdog (30/04/2023, 15:56) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
  • 911 (30/04/2023, 15:57) Like (40) Dislike (2) Reply
    predictions usually come before an event
  • smh (30/04/2023, 16:21) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why you didn’t come out and say it before. Then we would know you said it but now how can one acceptat. Keep it to yourself just like yo did when you received it. Please ? Smh
  • liar (30/04/2023, 16:48) Like (29) Dislike (6) Reply
    I need you people to stop saying God told you and quit bringing shame on my Heavenly Father with your familiar spirits. My God is not an author of confusion. That spirit of Jezebel is alive in this territory pushing for female leadership. I am not saying female leadership is not important or necessary but forcing it and not allowing God to choose is devilish.
  • Unfinished (30/04/2023, 17:16) Like (21) Dislike (9) Reply
    My beloved I don't know you, and as long as God did not confirm it then we can not say if it is truth or error. God forbid that I should say no and He did.

    But you lost your credibility on three fronts. 1) you should have spoken before. I could say that God said the rain will fall sometime this year, but where, when what day. 2) how do you know that if Hon Smith had stayed put that she would not have been DP or even P. We don't know. 3) if it is one thing that i am in agreement with is that the VIP will indeed finish what they started. They will completely finish mash up the country. And a bless day to you my sis
  • nonsence (30/04/2023, 17:23) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    I really wish you all would stop lying on God if someone told you about a woman leader it was the devil read 1 John chapter 4
  • Morning Anthem (30/04/2023, 17:38) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Hey Mitch, Ronnie, Fraser and Marlon when you get up in the mornings listen to the voice in your heads humming WHOS SORRY NOWWW. You four has got to be the biggest laughing stock and running jokes on the Island. I AGREE, GO HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME. YOU FOUR OVERPLAYED YOURSELVES. SIT IN THE OPPOSITION CHAIR AND MARINATE IN THE KARMA SAUCE. PLAY DIRTY, YOU WILL GET PLAYED RIGHT BACK.
  • THEY (30/04/2023, 18:01) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    They just need to stay focus and do the peoples work. Do it by the books. Obey the laws cause remember the opposition bitter.. and bitter bad! So put God first and keep marching towards a better BVI for all!
  • Final Analysis (30/04/2023, 18:02) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Predictions and prophecy are two different things. One can predict base of signs and statistics etc that a large earthquake is likely to take place in the Caribbean within the next few years. When one received a prophecy from God will not only an earthquake will accurr, but it will say the date, time year and even the size of the earthquake.
    • @Final analysis (30/04/2023, 20:50) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      When you received a prophecy from God, he will tell you the exact day, date, year, time and size of the occurrence and that is long before it's occurrence and if it dosen't happen that way it is not of God
  • ??? (30/04/2023, 18:26) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI full of SELF proclaimed Phrophets muh boi
  • no no no (30/04/2023, 18:32) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    read 1 john 4 if you say God told you chances are you heard from the devil. search the spirit and say if it is of god and stop using Gods name to get recognition and make people think that you are so spiritual go pray
  • herbs power (30/04/2023, 19:17) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    You should have predicted the cricket jumping to let me take back my vote. old battle ship you.
  • controversial (30/04/2023, 19:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ Unfinished. I second the motion.
  • RedStorm (30/04/2023, 19:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    A vision does not come from no one who does not hold God command aright. You follow a patter and make an assumption, then it’s likely , you have seen all the women involved and because of their affiliation, experience, travel and networking you conclude that it only had to be her.

    Tell us the vision or the dream, remember God is specific, so if there is no specific there is no vision from you.
  • Hotmess (30/04/2023, 19:51) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Liar. Talking about God Say and God say. Y'all going straight hell.
  • Ho,ho (30/04/2023, 19:58) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Maybe she,s sick
    Take care of the lafy
  • Fake prediction on the rise (30/04/2023, 20:02) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    God showed me there would be a woman leader’- ""Sandra Phillip-Hodge""

    STROOOOOOPS For God sake.
  • Free Thinker (30/04/2023, 20:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lol. God also told me that a nsn would be the leader. These fake so called prophets. Stop using god to spread your lies. Do you even know God? God told me there would be a female leader
    Yeah right. Stop your foolishness. What else did God tell you?
  • wise up (30/04/2023, 21:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We seriously need to read isiah 3:12 and see why the Bible tells us the wicked shall err
  • Curious (30/04/2023, 21:07) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is church in politics?
    • @Curious (01/05/2023, 09:39) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      I keep telling them RELIGION AND POLITICS SHOULD NOT MIX OR EVEN BE IN THE SAME ROOM. People here is to damn hard headed and think they know everything. You warn them that a tsunami is going to hit the Island and they should prepare themselves and they will say noooo that can’t happen here, then when it do happen, they start scrambling up the hill like soldier crabs trying to avoid getting suck out to sea by the giant wave the height of a 20 story building.
  • Bible sense (30/04/2023, 21:25) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Well lady that voice you heard was not God's voice. That woman leader righ there have a spirit of deception. She campaigned using her deceptive spirit to get there. Hear this That's not GOD. What she sow she shall surely reap. Sow deception reap deception. It will return to her bosom. Watch and see . That's my prediction.
  • BVI LOVE NOTES (30/04/2023, 23:55) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Who wants to believe, believe and who don't want to, it's up to them. We all have freedom of choice. Everyone may not have faith in God. But some people do.
  • 90210 (01/05/2023, 01:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yea ok. God just showed me that yesterday was Sunday. SMH ????????
  • number 7 (01/05/2023, 02:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I've learned that, 7 is God number, it take 7 to form the Government, we had 7 women @ large and 7 women in the districts running for leadership. Question is , which one of those women did God shows you?
  • God I serve (01/05/2023, 08:34) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    So you telling me Sandra that YAWEH will was to have Lorna elected? In the near future when cancer ravaging your throat and mouth remember this blasphemous post. Lorna will be in one the levels of hell like the rest of you all soon.
    • @ God I serve (01/05/2023, 09:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lawdy. you don’t have to go so far with that all thought. Peace be unto you Sandra.
    • fact check (01/05/2023, 10:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Go view the Facebook videos and draw your own conclusion.
  • All I can say is (01/05/2023, 10:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    There is to much greed, envy and bad mindedness on the little 2x4 Island that you can cover by vehicle if that much in an hour. How is it that you want to slit a man throat or put a dagger in his back for trying to better himself. That is why I don’t f^&* anyone. The ones that is closest to you, dap you up, eat with you at the same table and always up in your face smiling is the ones that is plotting to bring you down. YOU CAN SEE A PERSONS FACE BUT YOU CANNOT SEE A PERSONS HEART. PEEL DOWN A PERSONS FACE LIKE YOU PEEL A BANANA AND YOU WILL SEE ALL TYPE OF DEMONS UNDER THE PEEL.

  • hmm (01/05/2023, 13:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a postdiction..doesn't have the same ring as a prediction.
  • Heads up people (01/05/2023, 14:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They don't want to believe Sandra but would believe they so called false prophet Fire. He is just mo ey driven

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