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God is the axis of the VI

November 8th, 2016 | Tags: Lorna M. George God politicians Jamaica money
Lorna M. George. Photo: Provided
Lorna M. George

While a student at Tuskegee University in Alabama USA, one morning I was sitting at the table in the cafeteria with some young men from the other Caribbean islands having breakfast. A young Jamaican man beaming with pride declared that Jamaica is the axis of the Caribbean. Without missing a beat, I shouted back, “Jamaica may be the axis of the other Caribbean islands, but God is the axis to the [British] Virgin Islands.”

As the secretary for the International Student Association, I always made myself available to International Students as much as possible. Although I had office hours the cafeteria was a good place to meet International Students, listen to their problems, concerns and to socialise with them.

Coincidentally one morning when I was having breakfast this same young man who told me that Jamaica is the axis of the Caribbean leaned towards me, looking at me eye ball to eye ball, said quietly, “Lorna let us live together, we can save money.” I became mute immediately and I had a massive stroke in my tongue. I was so angry that I wanted to spit. This Jamaica man truly insulted my intelligence.

Can you save money living with a man? My friend you now have two mouths to feed.  According to the Laws of mathematics, it cost more money to feed two persons than one person. If I live by myself and I bought a tray pack of chicken wings, I could eat one chicken wing with extra gravy, rice and California blend as vegetable on the side for a meal and I am satisfied. On the other hand if I live with this Jamaican man he will eat four or five of my chicken wings for one meal!! This would leave me with nothing…  This is a very depressing and deplorable condition.

There is no way I was going to let a Jamaican man suppress me. His kind invitation to live in the house with him was subtle way of putting me in a position so he could manipulate and control my mind with sex and take my money. My friend had it all figured out. He was deceptive. He would destroy me to get what he wanted. If I did not have a relationship with Jesus that Jamaican man would have taken me for a ride. My faith and my conviction are in the man Christ Jesus. My hope is built on the immovable and firm foundation that He has laid. He is the bedrock of my soul.

Jamaicans have a king of the jungle mentality. They survey by taking the smaller islands as prey. Jamaica as a country controls, bullies, bulldozes and plunders the other Caribbean countries in order to survive and set herself up as a head of state in the Caribbean. In the process it has destroyed its own people. I reached out to that young Jamaica with compassion, I felt sad for him. He could not help himself. His mind was control and all he knows to do is to control other people’s minds.

Jamaicans are our brothers and sisters and we must not reject them but we must show them the love of God. I said to my friend, “Live with you for what?” I am still waiting for an answer.

In the VI we think that politicians are gods. They are only mortals – flesh and blood. We foolishly look up to politicians thinking that they have something to give us. We seek their recognition. Politicians are human beings just like us. They eat and use the bathroom just like us. They do not drink water through their ears. God is sovereign and He rules supreme. We must get rid of the mentality of looking up to Politicians. They are not gods. There is no dignity in such behaviour.  We must shatter the glass ceiling and look to Jehovah God.

When you take things from the politicians you feel compelled to vote for them. This is control. If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish you feed him for life. It is a wicked and diabolic act to control a person by giving him things. Anytime you put man on top of your head he will suppress you.

Many politicians do not have any use for people but for every four years to put them in power. Sad to say they use that same power to control. Men should not control men but they do. Man was given the authority by God to control animals and the environment. When you control a person you control his mind and he cannot communicate with God. Thus he is reduced to a mere animal. He no longer can think for himself. That is the problem in our society. Our country is destroying us, but we do not see it because the government is controlling us with money.

I am a trained medical technologist and I work at Town and Country Planning. I love it. My integrity and completeness as a human being created in God’s image comes from my relationship with God not money. I am not one of those that will kill his or her mother for a dollar. I went to school on a Government scholarship and after four months; however, I refused to work in the Government hospital laboratory. I took an integral stand. My integrity and my uprightness are more important than the Government’s measly and puny two cents. I stood firmly on my professional code of ethics, which said, “being fully cognisant of my responsibilities in the practice of Medical Technology I affirm my willingness to discharge my duties with accuracy, thoughtfulness and care. I hold inviolate the confidence placed in me by patients and physicians.”

The pittance I receive at Town and Country is nothing in comparison to the salary that I would have received at the hospital. The love of money is the root of all evil. God is looking for young men and women with integrity and purity not a big bank account. Nobody suppresses my spirit. I was born to be free. I will soar like an eagle in the [British] Virgin Islands- the land of my birth.

7 Responses to “God is the axis of the VI”

  • Just saying (08/11/2016, 17:33) Like (2) Dislike (14) Reply
    Oh my she again
  • VG Realist (08/11/2016, 20:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Excellent article
  • John (09/11/2016, 02:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Four things Ms George, in the order of your presentation:
    1) I suppose you are assuming the Jamaican is planning to have you pay all the bills. But from an economic point of view, if the bills are split evenly, you are talking about half rent each, and if you buy food for two you can get quantity discounts. From a moral point of view, well, thats your call.
    2) You seem to have something going for you because If I had written an article so critical of Jamaicans, vino wouldn't have posted it.
    3) I fully agree with your views on those "politicians". I expect the current bunch who think that they are in power to be tried for corruption and maleficence.
    4) With your background you should be doing Ms Cumberbatch's job.

    Good luck, but watch those "politicians".
  • wondering (09/11/2016, 16:02) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Are all Virgin Islanders the same? I'm not Jamaican, but how do you lump all Jamaicans in one basket? SMH!!!
  • Turfy (09/11/2016, 18:39) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    This article is a waste of space. I guess there wasn't anything worthwhile to publish....
  • I agree but..hmmm (09/11/2016, 22:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with some of the points made with the other bloggers but please do tell why it was so against your morals/integrity to work for the Government Hospital...(that's saying a lot (whole mouthful) without saying anything at all)
  • eee (11/11/2016, 06:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You are right sister God bless you amen

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