'Go back to 1950s; When our people in power the country blooms’- Hon Skelton

The Member was speaking on Friday, October 13, 2023, at a special sitting of the House of Assembly to name 10 national heroes and 'sheroes'.
Hon Skelton, the Leader of the breakaway group the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), opined in his presentation on the resolution that a lot of sinister things had happened to our foreparents, including the atrocity and genocide of slavery in the Virgin Islands but “none of our colour had anything to do with slavery" in the Virgin Islands.
The former Finance Minister (2003-2007) told the Legislature that back in the days "none of the plantations were owned by us”; however, he said after the 1950s when our House of Assembly (HoA) was restored under our people we made progress. “The history shows that whenever our people are in power the country blooms” and warned us to reject the naysayers that “everything is bad”.
While he admits there will always be bad apples, they cannot allow the rest of us to suffer because of some who did wrong.
Is the CoI recommendations a noose on the country’s neck?
Hon Skelton lambasted the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommendations without calling it by name and noted that the Minister for Communications and Works “even cannot clean up the place because he needs to get competitive bidding” even in an emergency.
The Opposition Leader noted that these kinds of polices have “retarded the progress of the Territory and they are just wrong."
He noted that when he drove around after Tropical Storm Phillipe, the place was dusty and there were pebbles in the road that can crack vehicle windshields, and argued that having to wait for competitive bidding in a time like this is “just wrong…you can’t condemn the whole country because a few people made mistakes."
The CoI Report
Following the CoI Report and its many recommendations, petty contracts have been removed, therefore, all goods and services needed by the Government, even in an emergency, Departments and Ministries are required to obtain two, sometimes three quotes. The HoA was also forced to pass a Procurement Act, which gives no flexibility in getting small projects done in an emergency, which has placed a noose around the neck of the country.
The CoI investigation exempted the corruption in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force and the Judiciary, both subjects under the UK appointed Governor John J Rankin, CMG.



60 Responses to “'Go back to 1950s; When our people in power the country blooms’- Hon Skelton”
PLAN #1 --- Attempt a bloodless takeover by having the local government kill themselves and the their people by implementing without debate or adjustments all of the 48 preauthoured by UK COI recommendations. Most of them are set up to allow the UK to run the show by way of how they are written. The elected official will just be a figure head if that at all. One thing for sure the people of the BVI will suffer as the UK will bring in all white UK people to takeover all top government public service and security positions and more thereafter. This way they do not have to use the order in council to suspend the constitution.
PLAN #2: Implements the suspension of the constitution if they meet any resistance and claim it is because the local government refused to implement all the preauthoured UK written 48 recommendations they claim will ensure good governance but rather is an oppression of a people cloaked as good governance. Then the UK will run the show with their people & by way of how they wrote the recommendations. The elected officials will be no more and neither will democracy in a pure form . One thing for sure the people of the BVI will suffer as the UK will bring in all white UK people and put in all top government public service and security positions and more thereafter. What we will realize is life will not get better for the average person but worse. But it will be too late when most local people realizes this.
PLAN #3: Pressure the local government to get many belonger status to the people waiting like what the Governor is pressuring to do now. But this is not with any good heart to the Caribbean people. The UK will use this opportunity to flood the BVI with white UK residents to significantly out number the locals and Caribbean people. The UK will then have the numbers to ensure a prominently white VI population with an all white elected government and a white Premier who is really themselves as they will have the numbers to do it. They will use the UK Commissioner to do a series of arrest whether justified or not to instill fear and try to eliminate any local or Caribbean person who rises up against them. Of course independence will always be voted down as they will be in charge and it will never be in their best interest as they will have the Financial Service Industry and Finance. The local people will only be talking about how BVI use to be and they will still have us blaming each other because of how well organized they are doing their plans and actions as is the case now.
BVI & Caribbean people now is not the time to fight each other. Government & Opposition now is not the time to fight each other. Now is the time to unite. Ensure transparency and accountability without destroying the economy and livelihood of your people and local businesses by turning it over to the wicked people with their wicked plot at hand cloaked as otherwise. If we do not unite and get serious about it we will become prisoners in our own beloved BVI. It is time to chart a way and deadline for independence. It is time to take & make the next step. Do not mind those who want everything perfect before we move because we will never achieve that as the UK to this day has not as well as no other country is perfect.
If only the government and the opposing government will do it. We will see it happen.. All He wants is true repentance. I begging you all to just do it.
History tells us that independence is not always good. The average person living in many former British Colonies across Africa and the Caribbean will tell you that independence has resulted in poverty, and a greater divide between the rich and the poor. The rich politicans in these countries will of course tell you something different.
This is how the UK have some of you behaving and thinking about your own people and leaders. But believe me when I say for those who want the UK to take over thinking life will get better & be better you will regret the day it happens because their history shows where ever they took over they made life worse not better for the people. Becareful of their nice words now. Beware of their end game by playing the corruption and abuse of power card. Be mindful of anyone who claims everyone other than them are bad, corrupt, and greedy. BVI Becareful. This is a well organized plot to suppress and enslave using modern day tactics. We are proud of who we are and where we came from and where we are going as a VI people.
This special sitting of HoA was to recognize our heroes and foreparents for standing up against the atrocities, genocide, exploitation, etc of slavery and colonialism, ie, Perreen Georges , Shelly Martin, Obadiah Dawson, Augustus McCleverty, Henry Garnet, Theodolph Faulkner, Isaac Glanville Fonseca, Carlton de Castro, Lavity Stoutt, and Noel Lloyd. These heroes and foreparents fought, struggled, sacrificed, etc valiantly and gallantly against the extractive and evil institutions of slavery and colonialism, attaining some rights, equality, improved living conditions, etc for Virgin Islanders. The work is unfinished but this generation(s) seem content with state of things, refuse to fight as their forebears for liberty, freedom, democracy, etc. it is sad and painful to watch Virgin Islanders sleep walking through time, raising the white flags, refusing to fight. Where has the rugged individualism gone, etc.?? If we refuse to fight to add to what our forebears fought for, we should be ashame to celebrate the sacrifices, exploited, toil, etc if our forebears. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of watching Virgin Islanders refusing to fight, demonstrating altruism to the whims and aims of the colonialists. Sad. Sad.
Moreover, the BVI is disaster-prone, ie, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, etc. Consequently, it should have contingency con tracts in place so it can rapidly and agilely responds to disaster. Petty contracts allow agencies to quickly respond to customers need. Petty contracts streamlined the administrative work and bureaucracy to deliver responsive services. For example, small dollar requirements,ie, $1000, can be awarded based on verbal quotes. $3000 or bigger 2-3 written quotes. Further, agencies should have contingency contracts in place to quickly execute during emergencies, ie, Time and material, etc.
Retire this fool man. Don’t know why people voted for this man.
Corruption corruption, international law bla bla they will squawk
That one move snuck in a huge win for the budget of the local government, employment of our people in government is possible as a direct result of that financial services legislation being passed years ago.
When will the UK be serious about legal weed, the next boost to the local economy. Will the BVI & UK legalize after Germany? After Germany? Our progress is halted.
Well, you said it right . Our people. Now go look for your own credit . Go help the people that elect to to the House.
We have a long way to go. Just face the facts. Our last premier is waiting trial on drug dealing…