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Former W&SD boss said she was starved of resources to fix water & sewerage woes

- but said she was still able to accomplish much & those will be made public in due course
Independent Seventh District Candidate Mrs Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard, who said she is very passionate about the Virgin Islands and nation- building, blamed policymakers and a lack of resources for her inability to perform to expectations as the then Director of Water and Sewerage Department. Photo: Facebook/File
Former Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), Mrs Perline R. Scatliffe- Leonard is contesting the Seventh District as an Independent candidate in the 2023 elections. Photo: VINO/File
Former Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), Mrs Perline R. Scatliffe- Leonard is contesting the Seventh District as an Independent candidate in the 2023 elections. Photo: VINO/File
The territory continues to be plagued by water and sewerage woes. This has been happening before and during the tenure of Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard as Director of Water and Sewerage Department. Photo: GIS/File
The territory continues to be plagued by water and sewerage woes. This has been happening before and during the tenure of Perline R. Scatliffe-Leonard as Director of Water and Sewerage Department. Photo: GIS/File
FAT HOGS BAY, Tortola, VI- With former Director of Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), Mrs Perline R. Scatliffe- Leonard stepping into the political arena as an Independent candidate for the Seventh District seat in the 2023 general election, the obvious question was how she plans to successfully run a District when she has been perceived by some as a “failure” in her leadership capacity as W&SD Director.

The question was posed by a reporter at a press conference on Thursday, February 9, 2023, to announce Mrs Scatliffe- Leonard's election bid.

In response, Scatliffe-Leonard, who said she is very passionate about the Virgin Islands and nation- building, blamed policymakers and a lack of resources for her inability to perform to expectations.

The territory has been plagued by water and sewerage woes before and during her tenure in office.

Lack of resources

“In order to build a house, you have to have resources to build that house. I would have loved for resources to have been provided to the Water and Sewerage Department, while I was Director, to solve the problems that exist in the field. I would have loved it…But, at the end of the day, the policymakers are the ones that decide what’s priority for them. And so, I fall in line…I do not want to cast blame on anyone in particular, but certainly, I’m not going to let my performance fall either”, Mrs Scatliffe- Leonard told reporters.

She went on to state that she has accomplished much in the W&SD and these accomplishments, she noted, will be made public.

Mrs Scatliffe- Leonard said it is important to understand that she wasn’t just sitting in the Department.

“The records are there with what I was trying to do, the recommendations I made”, she argued.

How she will make a difference in District?

The former W&SD Director said the issues with sewerage and water are national budget-related and are the responsibility of all thirteen elected members, not only the District Representative.

She pointed out that the difference with her is that she knows what to do and she will push to have it done.

“Of course, a District Representative is going to push, once the push is there; and they will get a lot of push here because this representative knows what needs to be done”, she declared.

Mrs Scatliffe- Leonard continued by indicating that unlike her former role, as District Representative her approach will be more hands-on.

“She knows the plan. She knows what needs to be there to get it done. And so that energy will be there to get it done. It’s no need to go and ask engineers and administrators again about this. We need to get it done, it’s gonna be done”.

According to Scatliffe- Leonard, there are budgets specific to each District and the funds for various projects are separate.

Hence, she noted, when it comes to community projects the money is there and there will be no stopping her since she knows what to do.

What sets her apart from other candidates?

The former W&SD boss said she grew up in the Seventh District and as such her capabilities are well-known.

“When you set about to representing people, you have to be open, you have to be transparent, honest, integrity and you have to understand governance and accountability to the ‘t’…I stand on those principles, and, you know, everyone who is in contesting must deliver themselves accordingly. This is the District where I grew up. This is the District that raised me”, Mrs Scatliffe- Leonard noted.

She said while she will not seek to make a comparison with other candidates, she will leave it up to the District to analyse and make a decision after hearing the commentaries.

'Let’s put the plans to work'

Mrs Scatliffe- Leonard explained nevertheless that she is focused on genuinely delivering herself to the community.

“That’s my strength and I am going to speak with them and see where they go. They have to make a decision, whether they want to continue or whether they want somebody who they know is gonna push for them”, she said.

Asked about one of the things she will be looking to execute once elected, the District candidate said there is much to be done.

“From my former position, I can tell you, the plans are there. Let’s put the plans to work…to put the plans to work we have to ensure that the resources are there”, she said.

31 Responses to “Former W&SD boss said she was starved of resources to fix water & sewerage woes”

  • zero (10/02/2023, 12:30) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    Nothing will change unless Water and Sewerage is given priority, right up there with bringing our waste management practices into the 20th century. Neither are important enough based on government performance over the last 40 years.
  • Mustang (10/02/2023, 12:34) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    The NVI is ravaged by shiving round pegs in square holes and when failure occurs, we wonder WTF. We shun non-tech folks in tech positions and non-managers in management positions. This attitude is weakness in the political system of assigning ministers of government, etc, W&S, PWD among others.
  • Xxx (10/02/2023, 12:37) Like (26) Dislike (7) Reply
    The girl not ready for prime time
    • Nate (10/02/2023, 17:27) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Never talk badly about your past job. Let others vent, but not you because that will send a message to your future bosses that you will talk badly about them too, and they won't hire you. You forgot this is a little gossiping island and words spread like wildfires.
  • 2023 (10/02/2023, 13:01) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    let the woman spread her wings
  • facts (10/02/2023, 13:09) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply
    Her hands are not clean.
  • One word (10/02/2023, 13:21) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
  • breath of fresh air (10/02/2023, 13:25) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    • island man (10/02/2023, 17:07) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
      We may need a woman but pick another one. That one is incompetent
  • Putting things in perspective (10/02/2023, 13:37) Like (30) Dislike (1) Reply
    Look at how many years this lady has been head of water and sewage. It spans several governments and many Ministers for the subject, and she complained about every government and Minister. Now look at the Head of BVIEC who was in position for the same length of time and conditions. His performance was admirable despite the challenges. Every improvement to W&S this lady blocked, and she shut out all her technical experts. Her leadership style leaves a lot to be desired.
  • Retro (10/02/2023, 14:25) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    How old is that pic?? And why didnt she fix the problems when she was at W & S fondling money?
  • DONT BLAME HER (10/02/2023, 15:38) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    • vex (10/02/2023, 17:12) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is Kye's first term that woman has been there forever. I believed she meant well but lack the expertise. Plus I hear she never takes advice and that's a bad combination for any leadership roll.
  • AYO AINT FAIR (10/02/2023, 15:40) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
  • WHAT!!!! (10/02/2023, 17:09) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    She will make a great politician blaming her failures anything but herself.
  • 5648 (10/02/2023, 18:11) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Ms go sit down. You can even manage a fowl pen you think you can run a district.
  • Truth (10/02/2023, 21:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Quiet Storm (10/02/2023, 22:12) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    A manager/supervisor is never going to have all the resources needed to ideally perform the job. That is an unrealistic reality. Nonetheless, he/she must use their skill sets to get the most from assigned resources. He /she must make the best with limited personnel, equipment/equipage/machinery, and finances. Effective management of assigned resources is how one climb the ladder. True talent is demonstrated with less than ideal resources.
    • Real Hablar (11/02/2023, 10:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      That is real talk Quiet Storm. Doing more with less is an emerging new normal. Our managers must harness their skillsets and talents to make things happen with fewer resources. Many managers can throw abundant resources at problems and make things happen but flounder with limited resources with their go to defence being I didn’t have enough resources. Well, there will never be enough resources. The song and dance invariably among other managers is’ Indont have enough resources.’ Instead , what we should hear is’ look at what I did with limited resources and these are things I can get done with additional resources.’
  • getting personal (11/02/2023, 00:30) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    He laid his father in the old people home while she laid hers to rest
  • Is this a vip site? (11/02/2023, 01:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is very strange how this lady is only slaughtered on this site and not the others
  • D7 (11/02/2023, 07:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    How would she be an improvement to the current representative? From her own statements, that does not seem likely. Frankly, some of those statements seem to be untrue, or contradictory/confusing at best.
  • Truth (11/02/2023, 10:36) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    These are the Minimum Qualifications on the Government website for the former Director's post. You be the judge if she was qualified

    Master’s Degree Business Administration, Civil, Mechanical or Environmental Engineering or a related field
    Seven (7) years’ experience in related area
    Excellent knowledge of Government structure, policies and procedures
    Excellent knowledge of relevant laws, regulations and policies
    Excellent planning skills
    Sound knowledge of relevant computer software applications
    Excellent analytical and decision-making skills
    Sound oral and written communication skills
    Sound interpersonal skills and the ability to work as a team player
    Excellent supervisory and managerial skills
    • @Truth (11/02/2023, 12:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Print the lady's accomplishments as well.
      • Truth (12/02/2023, 00:42) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

        Accomplishments?, When you find them list them. Or, maybe you be talking about the time she was sending customers to CTL to purchase their own water meters and bring them so Water & Sewerage can put them in? Point me to another water utility in the world that has done that bulls**t. Or the time she said people shouldn't complain about water because they all should have cisterns in the BVI.
        • @Truth (12/02/2023, 11:21) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
          Isn't this finding creative ways to manage when the Govt refuses to give resources?? You all always have the most negative to say about people behind these computers. Speak the whole story.
          • Truth (13/02/2023, 06:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
            I’m still waiting for the list of accomplishments. Can’t put all the blame on her you have to also blame those who put somebody so incompetent in that position in the first place. That said you’ll only have yourself to blame if you put her in office.
    • Geese (12/02/2023, 09:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      They are asking for Jesus. Excellent? This is telling an outsider come in we have you a house and car and bring in your friends to run each area and tell the people there they are dumb and pretend to fix something collect your big pay and go home. This need to be rethink.
  • Be Serious Lady (12/02/2023, 09:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What Resources! You lead by creating standards and not trying to change a culture in a day. Be realistic lady. There was no way you could of change something that have been that way for many decades. You managed Poop, Buy back your processed sea water to resell it, fix an outdated, decades old distribution system and retrain staff and you blame someone else. Leaders analyzed and develop a plan. Managers go in and blame everyone else and carry on the same traditions, no change.

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