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FLOW makes COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for employees

- affected employees protesting decision; call for Gov't intervention
December 2nd, 2021 | Tags: Flow vaccination policy employees severance COVID-19
On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, a handful of staff who said they are unvaccinated turned up at FLOW BVI headquarters where they were shut out of a general staff meeting. Photo: VINO
With Over 70% if their workforce in the Virgin Islands fully vaccinated, C&W Communications, the parent company of BTC, C&W Business, C&W Networks and Flow, is mandating its workforce to be fully vaccinated as part of their policy condition for employment. Photo: Internet Source
With Over 70% if their workforce in the Virgin Islands fully vaccinated, C&W Communications, the parent company of BTC, C&W Business, C&W Networks and Flow, is mandating its workforce to be fully vaccinated as part of their policy condition for employment. Photo: Internet Source
PALESTINA, Tortola, VI- With Over 70% if their workforce in the Virgin Islands fully vaccinated, C&W Communications, the parent company of BTC, C&W Business, C&W Networks and Flow, is mandating its workforce to be fully vaccinated as part of their policy condition for employment.

On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, a handful of staff who said they are unvaccinated turned up at FLOW BVI headquarters where they were shut out of a general staff meeting.

The group were seen on JTV News and heard on the Morning Broth show on Tola Radio VI, venting their frustration about the issues citing a violation of their human rights.

Speaking on JTV News, one staff contended that while the company is holding fast on its new policy they have also indicated that failure to comply with the policy can see them out of a job without a severance pay.

“We have also been told that no severance will be paid. Some of us have more than twenty years in this organisation and is being told that no severance pays. We have all for the most part met with our HR representatives locally and regionally and basically they have just restate what’s in the mandate.”

Affected staff cry victimisation

The lone female in the group of protesters said: “This is discrimination that we are faced with and I don’t accept that. I wouldn’t accept it here where I am from and so I am standing up against it,” another stated.

Further explaining their reason for being out on the protest, it was said that a circular was sent to the general staff for a breakfast meeting but strictly stated, “Only vaccinated staff.”

He stated: “I have no intention to abandon my job. As it is right now there is no official word as to what’s next in terms of what is going to happen if I don’t show up for work.”

Calls for Gov't to step in

On the other hand, the government of the day was challenged to step in and represent its people. “One thing I must say, it appears that to me the government’s stance is let the companies mandate this and say that they are not mandating it, at the end of the day saying that their hands are clean but their hands are absolutely not clean because they are allowing it.”

“Their citizens are being put out of jobs, they are allowing companies to force persons out of jobs because they are refusing to take this vaccine. People have their families to take care of, they have their mortgages, you name it and it’s really unfair.”

'Decision was not taken lightly'- C&W Communications

According to a release from the organisation, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic, C&W Communications, parent company of BTC, C&W Business, C&W Networks, and Flow, has implemented rigorous health and safety measures to help protect employees, their families, and customers and local communities.

“As we continue to manage and operate through the global COVID pandemic across our markets, the company has taken the decision to mandate vaccination for our employees in a phased approach over time. This decision was not taken lightly, but ultimately, we believe we have a responsibility to our employees, our customers, and the communities we serve.”

“In conjunction with the roll-out of its vaccination policy, C&W Communications will implement a hybrid working model where employees who have been working remotely will return to the office for a designated period each week based on their roles and responsibilities. In the BVI, the vaccine mandate and return to work framework takes effect on December 1, 2021, where only fully vaccinated employees will be allowed into office facilities.”

It states that the timing for the vaccination mandate and adoption of the hybrid working model is determined on a market-by-market basis considering factors such as country vaccination rates, employee vaccination rates, the availability of in-person schooling, and accessibility to public transportation, among other criteria.

62 Responses to “FLOW makes COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for employees”

  • Don’t take the poison (02/12/2021, 18:27) Like (34) Dislike (9) Reply
    I wonder where they’ll put our covid camps, will it be in the housings at Joe’s Hill. Hear this ladies experience in the camps with actual footage of being in the camp over in Australia, when we going stand up ?
    • Phil McCracken (03/12/2021, 08:16) Like (17) Dislike (8) Reply
      What an uneducated thing to say. 37 people from here have died from covid and none of them were vaccinated. Science does not lie. Most people here are obese, diabetic and have hypertension if you don't get the jab, start digging your own grave.
      • @phil (03/12/2021, 10:36) Like (12) Dislike (18) Reply
        Correction If you get jab start digging your grave ** Oh and why did all the unvax stopped dying all of a sudden ? Oh and why weren’t they dying at home but only in the hospitals ? Oh and why are vaccinated people having so many heart attacks ? Oh and why do the vaccinated have to get boosters every 3 months starting next year ? Should I keep going ? Oh and why does the data show that miscarriages has gone thru the roof ? Most people are sterile and don’t even know it lol go and have a child most of you wouldnt be able to have a healthy birth. Start digging your own graves, for those injections will be your demise
        • Phil McCracken (03/12/2021, 12:43) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
          Another uneducated comment. Go back to FB and Twitter for your all medical information and I wish you the best of luck!
      • @Phil McCrack Head oh sorry Ken (03/12/2021, 11:22) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        Lets find the truth. It seems strange that so many people died one behind the other at the same hospital. The same thing happened in other hospitals especially New York. The covid protocols that was given by the WHO for them to follow was to administer Remdesivir. The New York doctor found out that this process was killing the patients instead of saving them and they made it public.What procedures did the BVI doctors used? Did they used remdisivir as well? Was there any autopsy done? Thousands of dollars was given secretly for people who was put on a ventilator or recorded as a covid patient. One thing is that light uncovers darkness.
    • Large ladies loving life (03/12/2021, 08:32) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      i'm sure the regular diet of deep fried chicken and starch combined with nice sugary drinks is a lot better for you..
  • I’m with y’all (02/12/2021, 18:28) Like (50) Dislike (21) Reply
    Scotland has a 25% increase in heart attacks, I wonder what could be causing it. Stand your ground !
  • Common Sense (02/12/2021, 18:29) Like (37) Dislike (6) Reply
    Theres only one side of this vaccine debate that is trying to censor the other side. Why would you trust the side that is censoring people?
  • RedStorm (02/12/2021, 18:31) Like (34) Dislike (10) Reply
    Those staff need to speak with a lawyer who is versed with human rights and social justice. It’s is evident that there is no legislation to help you, so it will have to be on the ethics and morals of the company. The questions should be asked how did Flow reach this decision to make it mandatory when the government is not doing so, their legal team would advise them, but those staff can win their arguments based on the universal declarations of human rights, the brief should be prepared to look at other case studies.
    • @redstorm (02/12/2021, 18:39) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
      A trustworthy lawyer tho one who’s been down this road already we can’t afford to pay for a sellout lap dog.
    • @ Red Storm (03/12/2021, 11:27) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Dont forget that Bill Gates has 5% shares in flow. Follow the head companies money trail.(Reduce the population by introducing new vaccines?)hmmmm.. Does that means safety and saving lives.
    • TORTOLIAN (03/12/2021, 11:40) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
  • Third Eye (02/12/2021, 18:33) Like (26) Dislike (14) Reply
    Seems like these protesters are following the real science, not the bought and payed for science.
  • Wickedness (02/12/2021, 18:34) Like (33) Dislike (21) Reply
    Did you know coercing something into someone’s body is rape ? A lot of people on this island and world has been “raped”
  • Unvaxxed flow employee (02/12/2021, 18:35) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    I “identify” as vaccinated with all 365 boosters.
  • Woke (02/12/2021, 18:37) Like (61) Dislike (13) Reply
    Does the customers need to be fully vaccinated to enter the store as well ? If not this makes no sense and seems to be all about control and has ntn to do with a “virus”
    • @Woke (02/12/2021, 19:02) Like (39) Dislike (1) Reply
      They said unvaccinated employees can’t come on the premises but they can come in as unvaccinated customers. Guess what’s giving them that pass? Money
  • Hmm (02/12/2021, 18:53) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
    I just have one question what is a fully vaccinated person? Some people were fully vaccinated in America now they aren’t anymore since the boosters have been introduced so please enlighten me
    • Mr Shovels (03/12/2021, 11:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's the million dollar question. All previously vaccinated persons are basically unvaccinated after 6 months unless they get "boosted". So a shot every 6 months for life to maintain your "vaccinated" status. What sounded like a crazy conspiracy in the beginning is slowly becoming reality...
  • IMO (02/12/2021, 18:54) Like (38) Dislike (23) Reply
    Govt can't intervene, the companies have a right to their policy just like you all have a right to your protest. It's your choice, if you want the job you comply if not move on. Simple. Can't have it both ways.
    • So true (03/12/2021, 13:13) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
      Get vaccinated or get out. They were tild months ago to get vaccinated...they didnot. So let them face the consequences without crying 'wolf'. Companies have rights too....noy only employees. Do msn-up or get out
      • Young concerned citizen (03/12/2021, 20:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Just to let you know without the employees there is no company just an empty shell, unless of course it is a holding company that just stores assets. No employees, no customers, no business and essentially no use for the company, unless you plan to do everything online. The shareholders and management are at fault here. There needs to be a united stand by the majority of the employees for the policy not to take effect the way the shareholders and managed planned. Let everyone callout sick for just a week or two and they will rethink this policy. These policies are not preventing the vaccinated or unvaccinated staff from contracting the virus and passing it on to someone else they are close contact with. Anyone can be a carrier. Since the vaccinated believe they are so protected/untouchable with the virus, why fear the vaccinated. Following blindly without reason will be each countries downfall.
  • WOW (02/12/2021, 18:58) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
    All unvaxx need to switch from FLOW
    • @wow (02/12/2021, 21:41) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Switching as we speak !
    • grace (02/12/2021, 22:03) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
      @ Wow, good point. If all unvaxed switch over, FLOW will fall on it's face and be OUT of business. So is FLOW going to ask the customers who come in, to show them a vaccination card? If so, A lot of us discussing this will drop them like a hot potato. Forcing a person to put something into their body with the threat of being fired, should be against the law. We are unvaxed and do not have COVID, but your vaxxed might give it to us. Who is a danger to who?
      • vaxxed (03/12/2021, 09:54) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
        They can always hire new staff. People always looking for work, so go ahead and make space for someone who needs a job and is vaccinated.
        • Purebloods (03/12/2021, 10:39) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
          @vaxxed Homs early we just waiting it out until y’all die and we will come take those jobs from y’all lol so treat my future office with respect
      • A VOTER IN #6 (03/12/2021, 11:37) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    • @wow (03/12/2021, 03:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    • Z6 (03/12/2021, 10:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Interesting strategy! at the end of the day its the customers who have all the power!
  • Madussa (02/12/2021, 19:09) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    If it’s mandatory, you have no say. You might as well look for another job or fight it legally. They can’t force you to put something inside your body that may turn out to be your death. This is Bullcrap!
    • To Madussa (03/12/2021, 07:14) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
      2 Things;
      They have a right to protect the health of their business by instating a Covid vaccination policy.
      You have a right to reject vaccination. But by doing so, you also have the high potential to catch and spread (and perhaps get very sick and/or die from Covid). You also have the strong potential to incubate the virus, adding to the development of mutations and thus spreading those potentially more harmful Covid mutations.
      Their business, their choice. Your body, your choice.
      All choices come with consequences.
  • Dino (02/12/2021, 20:00) Like (17) Dislike (11) Reply
    It's time for solidarity. It is not about vax vs unvax, 8s about falling into the line drawn by the very few. I stop using any services from Flow from now on and from any company that mandates this vaccine on their staff.
    Soon they will ask for a 3rd booster, then a 4th an so forth. So don't think that if you are vaxxed you are not within their reach. We'll we keep complying with this nonsense? It's time to stand-up! Guadeloupe and Martinique have shown us a way.
  • SOME AH THEM (02/12/2021, 20:08) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Hmmmm (02/12/2021, 20:22) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply

    This is pure bull sh88, taking away the workers pension, flow manager better watch out and remember he is not from here, doing this crap to local people will surly will come back around on u, just wait

  • my2cents (02/12/2021, 20:30) Like (11) Dislike (23) Reply
    A covid outbreak at FLOW can shut down all the telecommunications of the country. It's bigger than their individual feelings about the vaccine. There's a reason doctors are in school for years and scientists are in school for years, you have to know how to interpret the information, which is what 90% of the anti vax movement can't do! So if the internet team is down with COVID for 1 month and the mobile team is out with covid for 1 month how will we have internet & phones? FLOW has to guarantee that they have services to provide so their staff which is insured by the same FLOW has an ethical responsibility to comply without the nonsense or quit and take their package.
    • @my2cents (03/12/2021, 06:48) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
      Sounds like a brainwashed sheep, do you say meeh when eating grass as well ? Countries that's achieved a fully vax rate are having insane covid surge and hospitalization who are they gonna blame, not to mention their miscarriage rate is up 80%
  • Crs (02/12/2021, 20:45) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I heard a few comments today asking for boycott of Flow. Maybe they’ll lose a lot of business over this. They close the office for meetings too much anyway so seems they put customer service on the back burner. Some bigwig over there is full of his or herself.
  • Re (02/12/2021, 21:18) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Burn them out...simple
  • Buggy (02/12/2021, 22:00) Like (16) Dislike (21) Reply
    WTF!!!! The vaccine is there to save your life and help us get back to normal. Scottish people eat too much fried food and the vaccine is a miracle of science, not 5G, not death and certainly no microchips….jeez people… science papers not your pals link on Facebook….SMH
    • @Buggy (03/12/2021, 07:00) Like (8) Dislike (12) Reply
      Sound like a true jackarse, got to be off your boosters if you believe this is about your health and that this vaccine is health for your body. 3-5yrs of these booster shots and you'll be sleeping beneath the earth
  • Sam (03/12/2021, 01:44) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    lets us see the protesters on this one: i guarantee you not one of them will set foot on the streets of road town because the offending establishment is british {set a waste !!!! who can only find time to fight against their own race
  • Why (03/12/2021, 03:33) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    The vaccine doesn’t prevent you from
    Catching spreading or dying hence the reason they always uses the phrases protect the vac from the unvaccinated.
    Wonder why my fully vaccinated neighbor died 3 weeks ago fron COVID 19 and relative in hospital fully vaxx dying from

    Makes logic sense right get vaxx to work (meaning soo u may mot have severe COVID if u contract it in that case make it mandatory.

    Boycott this is non sense.
    There’s 2 COVID pills out they already said possible boosters every 3 months why are they forcing this on their employees ?
  • Caution (03/12/2021, 08:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    "adoption of the hybrid working model!!!??? " Hybrids are not humans. The iron and clay kingdom soon to be annihilated by King Yahushua. So well to call it hybrid.
  • Sue (03/12/2021, 08:13) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    So a vaccine is going make you out of a job just pray and go take it God is in control times are hard folks
    • @Sue (03/12/2021, 10:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Y’all got Yahweh to be soft. Yah said what he said and he doesn’t change so go sell out for a job and see what judgment feels like
  • Nationhoood (03/12/2021, 08:26) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    We stand with the un-vaccinated Flow employees! Devil your experiment is up!
  • oh boy (03/12/2021, 09:00) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
    I want the pandemic to END! PERIOD!! If there is a real sensible reason why you cannot take the vaccine then ok but do your part so that this pandemic goes away. Those who always aring thier mouth are those not wearing thier masks and not social distancing. This virus is not going to just up and go away. If you ask any of the 38 who died, I am sure they would tell you to try to avoid death from the virus. Some of you are not going to wake up until it hits home in a real personal way.
  • No (03/12/2021, 09:03) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    Nobody is forcing anyone to take the vaccine. Stand your ground and quit your job, problem solved.
  • Futuro (03/12/2021, 09:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Then we just boycott flow and move to CCT and Digicel, that’s all let them feel the BVI Love too.
    • @ futuro (03/12/2021, 12:45) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      if you seriously think that boycotting flow will be any issue: flow looses money in this market; cct looses money in this market and digicel looses money: much more cct & digicel uses some of flow infrastructure to provide services in this territory: flow(cable & wireless) been our territory from around 1965.....

      flows attitude in this matter should be discrimination in the work place and none of us have enough gumption to stop it

  • The Covid Vaccine Experiment (03/12/2021, 11:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder which leader will come out a few years down the road and appolgize for what they have done just like President Ronald Reagan did with the Tuskegee experiment? Also the others who confessed about the aids vaccine experiment? If a man frigg you once , dont let him do it twice.
    • @ The Covid Vaccine Experiment (03/12/2021, 16:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Them vaccinated people getting bull out in their gloryhole cause they the experiment
  • Still chuckling (03/12/2021, 11:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm still chuckling at this comment:
    "This is discrimination that we are faced with and I don’t accept that. I wouldn’t accept it here where I am from and so I am standing up against it"
  • Well (03/12/2021, 12:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cable & Worthlessness aka (Flow) at it again!
  • jokers (03/12/2021, 14:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Organic (03/12/2021, 18:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Every time the batch of vaccine soon to expire we (1) see increase in Covid cases; and (2) companies start up with this mandatory vaccine policy. We all will have our day before the Great Judge of this universe for the good bad and wickedness done on earth.

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