Update expired National Youth Policy- BVICC
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The BVI Christian Council (BVICC) has called for a new National Youth Policy for the Virgin Islands (VI) as they seek to assist in combating crime and violence in the Territory.
Poor grammar in Youth Policy document; ‘Ministry’ on cover misspelled!
ROAD TOWN, Tortola VI - As the 2015 Spelling Bee contest is about to kick off the Ministry of Education and Culture headed by Hon Myron V. Walwyn could be the first area that needs some lessons. Over the past three years there continued to be quiet whispers about the spelling errors and poor grammar that leave the Ministry in letters, statements in the House of Assembly (HoA) and at times press releases.
UPDATE: Youth Policy Committee pledges quality document
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The National Youth Policy Committee has pledged to produce a quality document that would aid the Government in making sound decisions on behalf of and inclusive of the Territory’s youth.
Transportation legislation needs more attention – Umoja show
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The need for a more fully functional public transportation system across the island as well as legislation to support the issue, which was identified as a growing concern especially among the youth population, was one of the main discussions on the Umoja Show aired on November 22, 2012.
UPDATE: Ideas of expat groups may be considered by Youth Policy Committee
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The input of young expatriates during the consultation period to arrive at a National Youth Policy for the Virgin Islands will also be considered “if there is a need”.