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November 15th, 2023
Residents secure employment @ successful Third District Job Fair

NANNY CAY, Tortola, VI- The job fair targeting Third District residents, and hosted by former Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock, along with community-minded businesswoman Kishma P. Forbes, in collaboration with Nanny Cay Resort and Marina, has been hailed a success.

November 8th, 2023
Landscaping of public roads on the move due to RATED Programme

NORTH SOUND, Virgin Gorda, VI- For months, taxi drivers, pedestrians, and motorists on Tortola, Virgin Gorda, and Jost van Dyke have been complaining about heavy bushes on the side of the roads causing driving, and walking hazardous.

November 7th, 2023
Forbes, Willock & Nanny Cay team up for job fair in D3

NANNY CAY, Tortola, VI- Ms Kishma P. Forbes of Virgin Islands School and Office Supplies and Mr Julian Willock of Advance Marketing and Professional Services have teamed up with Nanny Cay Resort & Marina to host a job fair for residents and businesses of District Three.

September 3rd, 2016
All locals need is an opportunity- Doug Wheatley

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- An opportunity! This is all host of the 3D show on ZBVI 780 AM Doug Wheatley is advocating on behalf of Virgin Islanders to fill top positions in the territory.

December 15th, 2015
'Get the courage to lobby Gov't to amend jet ski law'- Richard C. de Castro

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Arguing that jet skis are much safer now and there needs to be more job opportunities for youth, television talk show host Richard C. de Castro is once again emphasising that it may be time to lift the ban on jet skis in the Virgin Islands.

October 24th, 2015
’Unemployment is for who don’t want to be employed’- Hospitality manager

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - As the debate continues about unemployment and job opportunities within the Virgin Islands, a manager in the hospitality industry thinks young people need to take whatever jobs are available until they get what they want.

CG Insurance Office Move

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