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December 7th, 2014
‘Damn Labour if it’s not doing good for the country!’ – Dr Timothy S. Harris

DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI ­- Leader of Team Unity of St Kitts and Nevis Dr the Hon Timothy S. Harris has made it clear that he is not prepared to sacrifice integrity on the altar of loyalty to the Labour movement as he and others seek to bring an end to the Dr Denzil L. Douglas regime.

September 12th, 2014
Montserrat Govt. ousted in gen. election yesterday

BRADES, Montserrat - Following an election last night September 11, 2014 in one of the UK’s smallest overseas territories – Montserrat - the incumbent Premier Reuben T. Meade's party the Movement for Change and Prosperity (MCAP) has been ousted from office, said a report from Cayman News Service.

CG Insurance Office Move

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