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‘Farmers & Fishers week’ 2021 to honour local industry players - Dr Wheatley

-says week will celebrate accomplishments of sector whether large or small
'Farmers & Fishers’ Week 2021 will be centred around honouring local fishers and farmers according to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7). Photo: VINO/File
Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr. Theodore M. James, said the theme embodies the resilience of the two sectors and the week will feature lots of planned activities. Photo: GIS/File
Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr. Theodore M. James, said the theme embodies the resilience of the two sectors and the week will feature lots of planned activities. Photo: GIS/File
According to GIS, planned activities for the week include ceremonies for the renaming of the fisherman’s dock in Baughers Bay, the opening of the animal pound, and the dedication of the new tractor and animal trailers at Paraquita Bay in addition to daily radio quizzes on ZBVI. Photo: GIS
According to GIS, planned activities for the week include ceremonies for the renaming of the fisherman’s dock in Baughers Bay, the opening of the animal pound, and the dedication of the new tractor and animal trailers at Paraquita Bay in addition to daily radio quizzes on ZBVI. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – 'Farmers & Fishers’ Week 2021 will be centred around honouring local fishers and farmers according to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).

Farmers and Fishers’ Week 2021 will be observed from April 25 to May 1, 2021, under the theme “Restore, Increase, Sustain and Educate”, abbreviated as “R.I.S.E”.  

2021 a celebration of farmers & fishers 

 “This year, we celebrate farmers and fishers collectively as food producers with an emphasis on public awareness and education as we reflect on the accomplishments we have made, whether large or small,” Hon Wheatley said in an April 22, 2021, statement released by the Government Information Service (GIS).

Hon Wheatley continued, “This is a time for solidarity and comradery among our food producers. This is about you - about celebrating and honoring you and we hope you will come out in numbers as a show of commitment to these industries and to each other.”

Director of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr. Theodore M. James, said the theme embodies the resilience of the two sectors. 

“The people of the Virgin Islands, especially our farmers and fishers, have experienced great challenges after the hurricanes of 2017… Farm structures, equipment, crops, livestock, fishing vessels, and engines were damaged or lost. For many fishers and farmers, livelihoods are still affected to this very day,” he said.

The director said R.I.S.E. reflects the Territory’s resilience and ingenuity as a people to recover after facing the greatest hurricane to hit our shores, ”It represents our ability to keep persevering despite our present challenges and to ensure there remains a future for our children,” he added.

Several activities planned 

According to GIS, planned activities for the week include ceremonies for the renaming of the fisherman’s dock in Baughers Bay, the opening of the animal pound, and the dedication of the new tractor and animal trailers at Paraquita Bay in addition to daily radio quizzes on ZBVI.

A fish soup competition will be held among cooks across the Territory along with a panel discussion on the topic, "The Future of Food Production – Can the Virgin Islands Rise to the Challenge?". 

The Director said professionals with business, education and science backgrounds who are immersed daily in food production. will form part of the panel.

7 Responses to “‘Farmers & Fishers week’ 2021 to honour local industry players - Dr Wheatley ”

  • Farming. Hmmm (24/04/2021, 14:25) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is more talk about farming than actual farming...Farming is sleeping dead it need a lazarus miracle....
  • ndp (24/04/2021, 14:45) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    the former minister responsible for agriculture simply shut down a traditional event and it is good to see framer's week resurrected. 2011 through 2019 was unbelievable not even covid 19 can compare to those 8 years under an NDP Administration, play the tape or ask penn, turnbul or vanterpool
  • 1st District (24/04/2021, 16:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I honor the previous minister of agriculture highly. He just moved the agriculture department from Pari to Brandywine bay during his time in office by creating an expensive, non functional beach for sheep at OUR expence. Thank you sir, mr air miles. Hip, hip, hooray!!
    • @ 1st District (25/04/2021, 05:13) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      yea that beach!!!!

      a few million dollars of the residents tax money washed out to sea

      just sit and unwind the damage national democratic party cause our island

      millions of money spent and not one thing to show for it

      1: money gone pier park not complete
      2: money gone and no plane rides(yet)
      3: money gone and no scrubbers at pockwood pond
      4: money gone and no wall at high school
      5: money gone sewage still up east side
      6: money gone and no beach

      our very own people born right here !!!!
  • My girl (24/04/2021, 16:43) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    At least Showda is trying but Pickering killed agriculture dead dead dead
  • peggy (24/04/2021, 21:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talks and talks... nobody don't care about agriculture here.
  • We are not all deceived. (24/04/2021, 23:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    More political gimmicks from Minister Suwande Wheatley. It is very dry. Not much rain has fallen on us in the last three months. What agriculture produce are you refering to, those that come from St. Vincent and Dominica? Thoss placed on the supermarket shelves? What fish are you talking about, tbose in the ocean or those in sardines cans? Stop trying to fool us. Some of us know better. Agriculture in the B.V.I is on life support? Close to death.

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