Fahie’s advice: Don’t get caught up with the post
Being one of two Virgin Islands Party (VIP) officials to attend the official swearing in ceremony held at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall on Wednesday November 9, 2011, the humble politician told Virgin Islands News Online, “They should be humble in this business at all times.”
“I would not give individual advice because the Ministry of Education was not mine. I don’t get attached to post I get attached to purpose. If I was in any Ministry, I would have worked the same way...take the highs with the same grain of salt with the lows because this business turns on you very quickly,” he stated.
Newcomer Myron Walwyn now takes over the keys for the Ministry and when Hon. Fahie was asked what initiatives he hoped his successor will continue with, he answered, “I will never box in a new Minister on what I will like to see continue”.
“The problem with Caribbean governments is when they take over in general, not this government, is that they look for all what was going wrong to give a little buffer for time to say that they are going to try and fix that, whether its finances, education something to cast a doubt and then come out with their programmes to say that they fixed it. That’s Caribbean politics so I expect that to come out in this political scenery. That’s how it is. If our Government [the VIP] had taken over the Government they would have done the same thing,” he bluntly stated.
However, he is optimistic that Minister Walwyn will do the best for the children.
Proud of his accomplishments
As for his four year stint in the Ministry, Hon. Fahie said he is pleased that “he gave it his all” as the Education Minister. “Even though I may not have been able to get everything done how people would have liked, I knew I got a lot done that helped a lot. I know for sure I give it my best and I could walk around pleased,” he said with a smile.



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