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Fahie Gov’t signs contract for restoration of CCTV network lines

- CCTV cameras will also serve to deter indiscriminate dumping
September 10th, 2021 | Tags: CCTV cameras installation Flow contract Andrew A. Fahie
The Government of the Virgin Islands has made a significant step in restoring the network necessary to capture closed-circuit surveillance video in the territory. Photo: Internet Source
Seated from Left: Flow Corporate Sales Manager Marlon Solomon, Country Manager of Flow Ravindra Maywahlall, Premier’s Ministerial Advisor Kevin C. Smith and Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) at the contract signing to rebuild the CCTV network destroyed during the hurricanes of 2017. Standing is Director of Projects Dr Drexel M. Glasgow. Photo: RVIPF
Seated from Left: Flow Corporate Sales Manager Marlon Solomon, Country Manager of Flow Ravindra Maywahlall, Premier’s Ministerial Advisor Kevin C. Smith and Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) at the contract signing to rebuild the CCTV network destroyed during the hurricanes of 2017. Standing is Director of Projects Dr Drexel M. Glasgow. Photo: RVIPF
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– The Government of the Virgin Islands has made a significant step in restoring the network necessary to capture closed-circuit surveillance video in the territory.

Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) signed a contract yesterday morning, September 9, 2021, for just over $411,000 with Cable and Wireless BVI Ltd to rebuild the backbone surveillance infrastructure destroyed during the hurricanes of 2017.

Works will commence shortly to install a dedicated fiber network for the system through the territory, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) stated in a press release today, September 10, 2021.

It said with the level of importance Government has placed on this restoration project, funding was secured through the Caribbean Development Bank and matched with funds from its capital expenditures to expand on previous surveillance system, providing a more reliable, resilient coverage and less vulnerable to disaster.

Country Manager of Flow BVI,  Ravindra Maywahlall signed the contract on behalf of Flow, while Director of Projects Dr Drexel M. Glasgow, Premier’s Political Advisor Kevin C. Smith and Flow Corporate Sales Manager Marlon Solomon witnessed the signatures.

Present at the short ceremony were also the Acting Commissioner of Police Jacqueline E. Vanterpool, Acting Deputy Secretary in Deputy Governor’s Office Aisha Hill and the RVIPF Systems Manager Sergeant Claude Rymer.

CCTV will also capture indiscriminate dumping- Premier

The Premier noted that while the project is very important to the work of security around the territory and specifically to Royal Virgin Islands Police Force’s crime detection efforts, he sees tremendous benefits for neighbourhood watch groups and for detecting and deterring indiscriminate dumping of waste in and around the Territory.

“From District 1 to 9, we see stoves even refrigerators outside bins. Persons would never know how many times Government has clean up around these dumps. It is only a minority of persons that are guilty of this, but it is a growing trend and it reflects badly on all of us. This (project) will help us tremendously in identifying the culprits,” the Premier said

He added that a cleaner, fresher, safety environment translates to a more prosperous economy, happier residents and more attractive to visitors.

Flow’s Country Manager as well as Acting Commissioner Jacqueline E. Vanterpool both shared their gratitude at being a part of this significant milestone.

Once completed, the new CCTV surveillance system is expected to provide the critical support to the efforts of law enforcement in detecting and preventing crime.

8 Responses to “Fahie Gov’t signs contract for restoration of CCTV network lines”

  • Imperfect servant (10/09/2021, 14:35) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    Videos cameras close to garbage bins will help somewhat. I admit that things have gotten out of hand.
    But don't we also need surveillance cameras to guard our finances from political, and other thieves breaking in? Yes, we do.
  • egg (10/09/2021, 14:57) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let’s catch the bad guys
  • Hmm (10/09/2021, 15:45) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
    Ayo can’t solve crimes but still wasting my tax money on these cameras !!! Nonsense!!!!!!
  • Ooh. Boiii (10/09/2021, 16:18) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    DIGICEL is WAY ahead of C/W with fiber net work ,So why give a contract to CW months after DIGI has infrastructure in place already
  • Criminals (11/09/2021, 07:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    With flow on the job the criminals don’t stand a chance! Their lightning fast network and superior customer service will have this place cleaned up in no time! Corruption? What corruption not here my boi!
  • Concerned (11/09/2021, 08:03) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    This will be a shambles. How many complaints do we hear about Flow Internet on a daily basis. They cannot update my LTE box remotely due to a technical fault with a switch. This has been going on for 10 days. I do hope the government performed the due diligence required to award this contract but I very much doubt it, money talks louder.
  • Network (11/09/2021, 12:55) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks for the cameras but we have a serious problem the network in this territory is highway robbery. Trc seems not to be able to rectify this problem. We keep pumping finances into their companies for them to continue to rip us off. All these network companies need to be fired and bring in new ones.

    Net work is really bad you in class, meeting, watching television, simply on the phone, funeral you name it and the system is embarrassing. The only thing they know how to do well is place cancer towers next to your houses. Radiation is terrible they need to invest in larget and better equipments where frequency output from the mountains are better and stop putting them right next to persons homes. Time will tell

    The Government need to investigate why the territory is having so many cancer patients and death's then we can see what our money's are been spent for.

    Who have ears to hear and eyes to see let them hear .
  • Nice (11/09/2021, 14:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we know that the contract has been sign when ready to install let it be nature's little secret please

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