Expect same-sex marriage referendum 'very soon'- Premier Wheatley
This is according to Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).
The Premier made the announcement during a press conference and General Update, on matters in the Virgin Islands (VI) on Wednesday May 2, 2023 when was asked by a member of the press how speedily he intends to deal with the proposed same- sex referendum.
Referendum could come before June court case!
In his response, Premier Wheatley said the referendum will most likely be held ahead of the pending legal case involving a same-sex married couple- both Virgin Islanders, who were married abroad and have mounted a case against Government to have their union legally recognised here in the VI.
“We want to do that, actually very soon…I think there’s a case which is slated for June, so we wanted to be able to have the referendum ahead of that. So that’s one thing of course that persons are going to be hearing about very soon,” he said.
Back in June 2022, Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome sued the VI Government, on the grounds that they were denied a marriage license from the Registrar General because they were a same-sex couple.
If the couple were to be successful, section 13(1)(c) of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, would be declared as unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void which would lead to same-sex marriage becoming legal in the VI, Premier Wheatley had claimed last year.
At the announcement of the referendum in December 2022, Premier Wheatley had indicated that in response to the legal challenge, the VI Government, who is the respondent in this case, through counsel assigned by the Attorney General’s Chambers, is vigorously defending the local laws, which clearly define marriage between a man and a woman.
Dr Wheatley had also stated that the referendum will further consider the question of whether the state should introduce new legislation that would provide any person in a domestic partnership certain legal rights, such as the ability to pass on one’s estate to their partner regardless of sex.



49 Responses to “Expect same-sex marriage referendum 'very soon'- Premier Wheatley ”
Ask your Sc**ty Mother. You making an insulting statement saying our children don't care about what they see and that they are too busy with electronics to notice proves you are the DIM Witt! Not only that, your ilk children will see it too, but that is normal for yous, right? Go back to where you came from with that colonial Slave owner attitude you feel. Our children are not zoo animals with no brains or feelings. Go on, Ask your Sc**ty Mother who birthed a sewer dweller like .....
The same people who promoting this are the same ones who want to call God’s name in their mouth saying they’re saved, Christians, and that they love God.
People we have to respect God’s Laws. You respect your parents, your relationship, your employer, try not to break certain laws BUT want to completely ignore what the Word of God says then play that played-out song There’s a Place Up There for People Like You at their service when you fully-well know some people were far from God living like they run the world.
Romans 12:2
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 1:32
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Romans 1:27
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Leviticus 18:22-24
22 Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
23 Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
24 Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Don’t even come talk about judging because Hebrews 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Romans 15:14
I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.
Great comment,
people follow all your bible rules No shrimp or lobster , make sure that you do not wear clothes made of two different materials,
All you good christians can not just pick the parts you like and ignore others.
Moreover, the current same-sex court challenge may reach the Privy Council and if the Privy Council rule in favor of the plaintiffs it may become law in the BVI.
What are we setting for our kids generations omg this is disgusting why why why?
Are we to go hide and live in the mountains get away from this type of society?
Are this country not a Christian society?
Have we forgotten our lords commands?
My son will never put on any dress or makeup
I will tech my child the right thing this is wrong no matter what u say.
And YES I’m a idiot when comes to my child and my family
Get out here wogh your nastiness
Our kids are not to be groomed into this period.
How much is the US, UK and UN bribing our leaders to accept something the people don’t want? Why do we never hear about how much they are bribing the Middle East or China to accept the LGBT? Homosexuality is illegal in those places and their governments actively stomp it out. (Yes, even in China.)
Oh wait…they can’t be bought because the relationship works the other way around. The Middle East doesn’t need the US, the US needs the Middle East. China is busy trying to make their own sphere of power to overrule the US. So the US shuts up and look the other way for the sake of maintaining fragile relationships.
In 2021 it was discovered that Uganda is sitting on trillions of dollars worth of gold. There is more gold in Ugandan soil than is in current circulation or in reserves around the world right now. So-called western countries are afraid of losing their power and influence on the world stage. They try to control any nation that is a threat to usurping them. Gold isn’t the only thing they found in Uganda these past few years. If Uganda makes the right moves and the people develop their nation well, Uganda has the potential to become the next Dubai. They can become the power center of Africa.
Ukraine and Russia were close. There are people in favor of reunification in both those countries. Russia is oil independent. In fact, Russia has so much oil that they supply many European countries not just Germany. News wasn’t reporting this but Europeans were becoming more favorable towards Russia than they had in the past years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. If that favourability had continued to increase, NATO could have been broken.
Ukraine supplies 30% of the wheat to the world, including countries like Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan. Clearly that relationship was a threat to the US so what did they do? They broke it up. They ousted the pro-Russian unification government and put in a pro-US sympathizer leader. Then they bragged about in tv because they know people are too dumb to even think things through.
Oh yeah, neither Russia nor Ukraine were pro-LGBT either then suddenly Ukraine eased their stance. I wonder why.
Now we’re on the brink of WW3 and they are trying to sell it as human rights.
Back to us. What does this have to do with us?
These bigger countries look down on Africa and the Caribbean because they see us as pawns. Our role is just status to them for now. Maybe we’ll send our own people to join them in war when it breaks out. Ever heard the saying “The sun never sets in the British Empire”? More powerful nations are in a power struggle right now. Pawns become queens when they cross the board. Western countries are trying to hold on to every little piece they have because the value of our cooperation has gone up.
Part of conquering people and building and empire is erasing the identity and value of the conquered and replacing it with the conquerer’s. The US is involved with a lot of nonsense. They like to sell evil by painting it as good. Remember how they convinced Americans to go to war with Iraq? They told their people they were fighting to bring freedom to the Middle East. Over 20 years since then and many countries are worse off for it.
I remember years ago when Prop8 passed in California. I remember Christians in America saying it would lead to all sorts of sinful acts. Pedophilia, beastiality, incest. Academics called their concerns a slippery slope. A few years later homosexual marriage became legal in all US states and territories. Now in the US, Canada and the UK men walking into women’s bathrooms in broad daylight and abusing women and little girls. There’s no respite because those same men go to women prisons (if arrested) and continue their abuse. Parents are sterile their children and if one parent says no they can lose custody of their child. If both parents say no, the government can take their child away. In some cases, kids are being transitioned as school without the parent’s knowledge. And opposing these things are seen as bad. Backwards. People are being compelled by law to lie and pretend reality doesn’t exist. All sorts of depravity are being forced on people in the name of equality. Go look up what MAPS are. Go look up what the most popular genre of adult content is on adult sites. Go look up the age of the people who are watching it the most. It’s a mad world out there. You all better wake up and pay attention. That storm is circulating overhead.
MAPs are demanding to be considered part of the alphabet soup and accepted by some. The slippery slope wasn’t so slippery after all. Even more astonishing is the fact that we aren’t even at the bottom yet. Go read academic papers that argue and justify these things. You’ll be stunned. Amazed people are paying to be educated by some of these people. Amazed they aren’t arrested.
Honestly, take a break from whatever you entertain yourself with after work and go research some academics. The state of academia right now is appallingly immoral.
The good news for us is we can see where so called LGBT rights lead. Go watch the news. Go see see what books kids are being forced to read in school. Go see how girls are losing their chance to go to college. Go see how families are being broken apart and destroyed because of selfish people. And it all started with that line. You know the line.
“What other people do in their bedroom is no business of mine.”
Except it didn’t stay in the bedroom.
If that’s what you want for this territory then I don’t know what to say. Don’t think you’ll be able to hold your corner and your life and family will be spared when that Pandora’s box is opened.
What doesn’t this have to do with anything? It’s all connected, that’s what.
In order to conquer people you have to attack them on all fronts, mental, physical and spiritual. Countries that aren’t in physical wars right now are in spiritual wars and propaganda is coming from all sides. Confusion is the goal because it creates weakness.
Right now there are some seriously evil people in the world and they have a lot of power. They see themselves gods so they wreak havoc on countries, millions of lives affected for their own personal gain. Humanity is being attacked on all fronts and there are no small players.
Evil things will be sold to you as good. It will pull on your compassion and your kindness and your own love for your fellow human beings. It will appeal to your ego and intellect. It will turn your world upside down and have you questioning yourself and your beliefs. Then it will present itself as the only true answer. You’ll be tempted to say yes. You’ll be shame to question or express doubt. You’ll be shamed to say no. But that’s a trick. Don’t say yes. For if you do, it will look good and feel good in the beginning. You will think you’ve done something good. You will feel accomplished. But that won’t last. Confusion and destruction will come next.
Don’t go voting for something thinking you’ll be bringing peace and enlightenment. Because the people who have what they keep trying to give us are not happy, they are not peaceful, they are not free and they are not wise.
Lastly I just want to say I don’t support violence against people outside of self defense. So however you may feel or think about someone else, whether you approve of how they live or not, I don’t support harming them. You can still disagree with them, just don’t harm them.
Not a @&^%$
UK got what they wanted a BOY as Premier and he will be given the respect wh***s give to " BOYS". He will ask how high when UK says to jump.