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Electricity cost to increase due to new fuel fee - BVIEC

- Effective May 2021 added cost will be reflected under ‘Fuel Surcharge’ of bill
BVIEC power plant in Pockwood Pond, Tortola. Customers will now see an increase in their light bills due to increased port fees. Photo: VINO/File
General Manager of the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC), Mr Leroy A.E. Abraham says the increase in electricity costs will come as a result of the recently enacted British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021, which became law on April 15, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
General Manager of the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC), Mr Leroy A.E. Abraham says the increase in electricity costs will come as a result of the recently enacted British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021, which became law on April 15, 2021. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Residents in the Virgin Islands (VI) can expect to see an increase in the amount due on their electricity bills as a result of a new law that affects the cost of petroleum products offloaded into the territory.

This is according to the General Manager of the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC), Mr Leroy A.E. Abraham, who said the increased charges come as a result of the recently enacted British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021, which became law on April 15, 2021.

According to Mr Abraham, as reflected in the regulation, “Wharfage as set out in paragraph (b) of Item E. of the Third Schedule shall be charged on petroleum products discharged through ships pipeline direct to private facility of cargo owners”.

Fuel will cost $0.10 more per gallon

Further, “$0.10 per gallon on petroleum products discharged through ships pipeline direct to private facility of cargo owners,” will be charged. 

As such, the General Manager stated that due to the imposition of the new law, all of the BVIEC’s customers can expect to see an increase in their electricity bill from May 2021 and going forward, due to the increased cost of fuel to produce electricity.

Mr Abraham said the fee will be under ‘Fuel Surcharge’ and that the BVIEC remains committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences.

20 Responses to “Electricity cost to increase due to new fuel fee - BVIEC”

  • Ghost (18/05/2021, 17:35) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    Hmmn.. Govt should shoulder this bill seeing that cost of living in BVI is already so high.. at times I wonder how Govt expect persons to live comfortably when “EVERYTHING” is so expensive.. the Premier need to be looking into price control for things like rent, food and gas etc...
  • No break for poor people (18/05/2021, 17:54) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    U all already made that decision..U all dont care about us the consumers, u all dont want to hear from us, u all make u all decisions with out us....and decide we either take it or leave it and of course you all no that we need it....Same with the port, u all are determined to make more money at all cost, by the hook or by the crook, even if it means killing poor
    • Clean Energy (18/05/2021, 19:31) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Legalize it!!!
    • Sigh (19/05/2021, 09:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Besides increasing the price, government added a $10 late fee in addition to bills in arrears and the reconnection fee. Now the increase?
      This government is profligating money on things that aren't necessary at this time. All at the tax payers expense.
      They haven't saved the country one dime!
  • no surprise (18/05/2021, 18:08) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is no surprise. Every product that is sold in the BVI will increase since everything is imported. Therefore the cost of living will go up. People can't buy food now as it is. So now the supermarkets have to pay higher warfage and increased fees on the food from the port and on top of that they pay higher electricity costs. The government claiming broke but extend the land excemeption till Decmeber. All that stamp duty out the door and the poor man left to foot the bill. Why is bviec paying warfage. I thought government agencies and statutory bodies were except from paying those fees especially since the fuel doesn't touch the port. No break for the poor man.
    • Hopeful (19/05/2021, 07:34) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      With all the farmers in the territory I don't see why we have to Import some produce but I guess that's another topic.
  • omg (18/05/2021, 18:11) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    Food prices up, now electricity. We go dead....Only God can help us.
  • ummmmm (18/05/2021, 18:29) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    Really!??!! Ya’ll dont think we pay enough bills?!! The government need to raise the minimum wage then!!! I swear to all God the BVI aint a real place!!! It got ppl out here working for 6 dollars with cut pay and still ya’ll want be adding extra cost?! Strupppz
    • Its hard.. (18/05/2021, 19:54) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      I visited 3 Major Super Market today and not one of them had more than two customers, People dont have money and the little money they have they not spending stupid.Things so expensive,,,,Everyone is feeling the impact of increases from Government...Its now cheaper to buy chinese Ruff, chicken and chip and cheap cook food than cooking or shopping for groceries, or they are just waiting for sales..
  • Poverty (18/05/2021, 19:06) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Only the RICH can afford to live here smh
  • Tanker (18/05/2021, 19:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some product tankers are fitted with several large generators to power shore side electrical distribution systems. The BVIEC could charter such a tanker and then connect the ships generators to the BVI electrical system. The fuel aboard would never leave the ship or travel ashore through a pipe so there would be no 'wharfage' fee. Additionally some large ship generators burn less expensive fuels than diesel so there could be another cost savings. Electricity does not have to be expensive with all the technology available in this 21st century power generation industry.
  • Bad decision to pass such a bill (18/05/2021, 20:06) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ports Authority cant give account for the money they have and have squandered and Government went and pass this increase on BVIEC so Ports can get more money to waste. We know that person behind this move is one of them on all these Boards. BVIEC has no choice but to pass the cost now into us the consumers. Poor US. they care nothing about the people. Bad decision by government to pass such a bill. By the way...why does port authority need more money to do???
  • Ghut Man (18/05/2021, 23:38) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yet BVIEC still refuses to allow renewable energy. Wicked people.
  • Quietly Watching (19/05/2021, 01:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Economics 101, that is taught in the first two years of most four year degrees. Certainly, we ought to hire persons to run our financial affairs who at least has the concept of economics and business and finance to their finger tips. You see anybody can play Monoply, but when you're in the big league, the big chair, value for money, employing finance and economics to assist you in making decisions. Otherwise, we will end up in the poor house and not just the lil man who seems to have been forgotten about, but all of us. Be very careful what you ask for folks. You may get it.
  • No love. No conscience (19/05/2021, 05:55) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    These decisions are made by extremely highly paid people..Why they don't take a pay cut put that to defray the Cost... instead of constantly making decisions for poor people to suffer... Electricity,, Port,,, Legislators all of them show no love for people and have no conscience..
  • man (19/05/2021, 07:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The rich will get richer and poor get poorer suffering in the land
  • resident (19/05/2021, 08:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    b viec r obbing us as usual
  • w (19/05/2021, 11:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Light bill water bill rent cost of living high all of them high the only thing low is salary what is this
  • Really (19/05/2021, 11:44) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Any of you ever ask yourself how much the increase is? For some persons it will be a $1, $2 $5 the most for domestic users. You all want everything for free. Calling brokers and out every weekend partying, going to the salon but can’t pay a $5 increase in your electricity bill. This got to be a welfare state.

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