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Education Ministry lowers Exit Proficiency Exam pass requirement

- EPE percentage was 60% now 50% to facilitate more passes
In an announcement today, Monday, June 24, 2019, at the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) in Pasea Estate, officials noted that by lowering the pass requirement from 60% to 50% respectively, the school has recorded 9 new passes for the Exit Proficiency Exams (EPE). Photo: Facebook
Several of the top 10 students from the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) Class of 2019. Photo: Facebook
Several of the top 10 students from the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) Class of 2019. Photo: Facebook
PASEA ESTATE, Tortola, VI - With the 2018/2019 school term officially coming to an end, the Ministry of Education has announced an adjustment to the Exit Proficiency Exams (EPE) pass requirements, with the aim of facilitating more passes and students graduating from high school.

In an announcement today, Monday, June 24, 2019, at the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) in Pasea Estate, school officials noted that by lowering the pass requirement from 60% to 50%, the school has recorded a total 9 new passes for the EPE.

Nine new passes

“We had some statistics that I share with you that said that 14 of our students did not pass the EPE Exams, since then the government has seen it fit to drop the pass mark to 50%, which is what you’re accustomed of working for, and so an EPE pass is now 50% and with that we have 9 new passes,“ Acting ESHS Principal Vanessa Garraway told students gathered outside the ESHS building. 

“Additionally, we reported if you have only failed the EPE, meaning you have all your credits and you have your community service but you have failed the EPE exams, you can actually walk but you will get your diploma when you pass the exams later,” she said.

However, Principal Garraway noted that students who have issues with credits or community service, will not be afforded the opportunity to graduate at the upcoming graduation ceremony.

92.81% Pass Rate

With the new adjustment and with 11 students not meeting at least one of the graduation requirements, it represents a 92.81 percent pass rate with more than 50% on the honor roll.

With just three students who have already dropped out of school—out of a total of 11—only 8 in current attendance will not be graduating.

The top 10 students of the school are as follows, 10 - Keyvin Atime; 9 - Brent Andrew; 8 - Jade A. Straker; 7 - Aryanna Barrett; 6 - Leslyn J. Lewis; 5 - Leah Smith; 4 - Tariq Fahie; with the top three positions going to Akeya Herbert, Shaquille J. Christopher and Kaylian B. Penn respectively, with Ms Penn announced as ESHS valedictorian of the Class of 2019.

18 Responses to “Education Ministry lowers Exit Proficiency Exam pass requirement”

  • Query (24/06/2019, 17:31) Like (43) Dislike (4) Reply
    Is this how we move from good to great?
  • Setting Them Up to Fail (24/06/2019, 18:39) Like (50) Dislike (3) Reply
    So essentially you’ve removed their ability to compete at College or University and are sending them into the workplace barely able to form a sentence or follow simple instructions because they lack basic comprehension skills, and then demand that they be hired in spite of. Excellent move!! Well done!!
  • Todd (24/06/2019, 18:42) Like (41) Dislike (3) Reply
    And they wonder why companies employ from other countries...
  • Lower? (24/06/2019, 19:41) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    Think that is a move in the wrong direction Sir. What affects seven this year in what is presented as a "positive" is sure to affect the entire class next graduating year very negatively. The goalpost is now closer so why try to run the further distance.
  • Former Teacher (24/06/2019, 20:29) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    I really do not know what to call the action of the Minister .How can he lower the standard ?
  • change (24/06/2019, 20:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder if their bringing back the Grade I, II and II High School Certificate, hope not, but the new certificate needs changing, they could use Seventh Day Adventist High School Certificate as a model.
  • Miss Sue (24/06/2019, 21:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations Leslyn… well done
  • Beverly Hodge Smith (24/06/2019, 23:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations to all the Graduate! Special congratulations to my granddaughter, Leah Smith! You did well and I am very proud of you.
  • Outspoken (25/06/2019, 07:16) Like (11) Dislike (12) Reply
    Most of the comments I read hear is in the negative. Is this because there is a new minister of education? Let us not be naive about this move, it’s nothing strange. It’s something that happens all the time. So let us not pretend at this time like it’s something new. Many of us have selective or very short memory. I recalled when the former minister’s daughter did not pass, the standard was dropped and opportunity was given to resit. They we saw her graduating with high honors. She is in college now and cannot even complete her classes to graduate. Not really picking on anyone, but just using a prime example. In this place, it seems like when things happen, depending under whose watch it happens, it’s all well and good but when the same thing happens under another persons watch, it is the worst thing. We really have to change our mentality.
    • Goodsense (25/06/2019, 08:23) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      Your point is well taken and because we continue to lower the standards of our education system regardless of which minister is in charge we are failing our children and our society. From your example of the child not being able to manage college classes, we continue to place our students at a disadvantage regardless of which minister is in charge and just want to boast percentage passes and numbers. Lowering the pass mark does not help any of the students, it is wrong on all sides
    • Yo (25/06/2019, 09:08) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      If your statenent is correct you just asded to the point that this move is a wrong move to drop the standards!
    • hello (25/06/2019, 09:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      We should not be dumbing down our children! Period!!! The competition is real out there. And where are we with STEM and The Arts!?? Don’t get me started. This is BS lowering the standards and it is irrelevant which Minister did what first. The newly appointed Hon should know better and to better. That’s what the campaign was all about, right?
    • Captain (25/06/2019, 11:25) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      They we saw her graduating with high honors. This is the grammar we are supporting.
      • Outspoken (25/06/2019, 20:54) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        @captain. Ok English teacher. If you are so good then you would have known the word should have been then, but I forgot expert like you don’t make typos. Thanks for the correction
  • 2HMBPRZ (25/06/2019, 07:54) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    What I have read here (including comments) reminded me of a learning institution previously located on the campus of the ESHS called “LAPS”. I am greatly concerned that we are constantly using politically gimmicks to mess with not only the educational system of the Territory but so many other things. This is unfortunate because too many persons are being affected in the negative. No bashing of anyone or any party...We really got to make sensible and holistic decisions especially at a National level. I have heard several graduates said the journey was hard, challenging BUT they made it! Which is good to an extent. What concerns me is how many of them are “making it”. We need to start looking at “RAW SCORES”. It is well good and exciting to have high graduating rates but what are the passing Grades/GPA. Too often the overall grades are closer to the 50% passing mark. Hence so many struggle at college and university level and struggle in the workforce as well. All hands must be on deck accomplishing the same outcome overall - EXCELLENCE!
  • 2HMBPRZ (25/06/2019, 08:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    “92.81% Pass Rate

    With the new adjustment and with 11 students not meeting at least one of the graduation requirements, it represents a 92.81 percent pass rate with more than 50% on the honor roll.”

    This is an example of misleading information because “honor roll” is the lowest of the special ranking. There is still High Honor Roll and Top Achievers. The public should also be informed of the following as well:
    - How many received High Honor Roll
    - GPA of the high honor roll and top achievers
    - What was the Percentage grade for each of the 9 students before the EPE was lowered.

    I am happy for the graduates but there is a bigger picture that should be seriously addressed and resolved. The new school year is just a couple of months away...Lots if work ahead educators! I am earnestly praying.
  • IsabelleFoster (06/12/2019, 12:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ESHS is a great college with a consistent tradition. I studied here and any teacher was always ready to provide assistance with research papers at www.papersowl.comr. This helped me quickly learn paperwork. Now I work as a financial analyst and constantly use the college of knowledge in my work.
  • Ivanka Jonod (01/09/2021, 02:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Making a lot of money over night is the dream of everyone but succeeded very rare. Tips guide

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