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Duff & Daigeault are National Archery School Champions

Elmore Stoutt High School was named team champion of the first National Archery in Schools, Nationals, on Saturday April 15, 2017. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO
Shania Daigneault emerged Top Female in the first National Archery in Schools, Nationals, on Saturday April 15, 2017. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO
Shania Daigneault emerged Top Female in the first National Archery in Schools, Nationals, on Saturday April 15, 2017. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO
Rayne Duff emerged Top Male in the first National Archery in Schools, Nationals, on Saturday April 15, 2017. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO
Rayne Duff emerged Top Male in the first National Archery in Schools, Nationals, on Saturday April 15, 2017. Photo: Charlie E. Jackson/VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – After a day of intense action and focus amongst almost 50 young Boys and Girls, both Rayne Duff and Shania Daigneault were crowned Champions of the first National Archery in Schools, Nationals, on Saturday April 15, 2017.

The pair, from Cedar School and Elmore Stoutt High School respectively, also took home a $3,000 Scholarship and both had earlier claimed a new Bow as a price for being top Middle School Boy and Top High School Girl.

Winning $350 as top school was the Elmore Stoutt High School team, the majority of whom train and practice at Y.E.P.

Top Elementary Female, winning a Bow, was Tyara Winter, while top Boy in the same category was Sebbie Santos.

Top Middle School Female was Hailey Chomiak, whilst Top High School Boy was D’Moi Martin.


Ritseeniyah Georges, who is Vice President of the National Archery Association and the In Schools Archery Programme Coordinator, was impressed with the way the day had gone.

“Everyone is improving a lot, they were out practicing all week for this and even though some were nervous they managed to stay focused and all did very well. The two overall winners are very talented and deserved to come out on top.”

Some of the Archers showed a lot of natural talent, but in the end, it was those who dedicated themselves to practice that rose to be Champions.

On target

In terms of the overall development programme, everything is on track, according to Georges.

“Currently we are on target, because all the Schools that are in the programme took part today, the other Schools are keen and just waiting for the Association to get the funding and equipment to expand further. We have annual sponsors such as the Department of Youth Affairs, Kobre and Kim, Caribbean Securities, Morrell, Rep BVI and Aaron Rentals.”

Next up for the young Archers is a trip for the Junior National team to compete against five other countries, with the host Country yet to be announced.

12 Responses to “Duff & Daigeault are National Archery School Champions”

  • cay (16/04/2017, 10:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Big ups to all the winners
  • ..... (16/04/2017, 12:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    how to be a sponsor of this great program let us willing to support
    • VIAA (16/04/2017, 18:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Good evening. Thank you fir your interest. You can call us at 4990836/3002875 or email us at Please visit our website for mire upcoming events.
  • Future (16/04/2017, 18:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I commend the youth of the Elmore Stoutt HS. The students came together and formed their own team, made their own practices and with the assistance of YEP came and took the top team award. That is dedication. I hope the school administrators see and give them more support.
  • Future (16/04/2017, 21:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is quite commendable that the students from Elmore Stoutt took it upon themselves to get together a create a team with no coach. Getting together with YEP with Stacy as coach and planning their own practices. That is dedication. Because of this they all won scholarships for college. I can only hope the Administration at the school will now give them some support. Good job guys. You were dedicated and it paid off. Top Team...... $350 for each member.....
  • welldone (16/04/2017, 21:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Big up Patrick. Job well done!! Do not give up. It will get bigger and bigger
    • Reply (17/04/2017, 08:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    • VIAA Pres (17/04/2017, 10:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you kindly but I didn't do it alone. I have an awesome committee, including the jr. National team who volunteer their time.
      Thanks for the compliment. Appreciate it much.
  • VIAA Pres (17/04/2017, 00:08) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good evening. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Our goal, our priority, is to afford every child in our education system, the opportunity to participate on a level playing field with their peers, to win scholarship funding to attend the school of their choice. UNlike many other sports, where parents can buy better cleats, leather balls vs rubber balls etc. this sport, whether you're in public or private school, minimum wage parent or a millionaire, all of the equipment is the same. I would like to congratulate all of the athletes, coaches, parents, VIAA staff, jr. National team, Mr. Payne and all involved in making this event a huge success.
    A special note to the ESHS team that participated under YEPS, a big shout out to you. Too often we hear so much negativity about he school but you guys, took it upon yourselves, created a team, held your own practices sessions and did your thing.
    Special shout out to Buddha and the staff at YEPS, Reno, Esther and the YEPS squad. Y'all did it. yep!
    • parent (20/04/2017, 19:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      My child is upset because she does not have archery at her school. How can we get our school involved in the program? Does the school or the government pay for the kit? What is the cost of the bows? Does your organization offer help to schools that are interested? I am sure a number of parents would have the same questions that need answering.
      I love the fact that you give students money for school. How does that work? If you have money, why not buy more things for the schools? Maybe I'm a bit out of sorts so please help me out here.
      • VIAA (23/04/2017, 23:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Good evening. You can speak with the principal of the school to get the program, and they would contact us. Most PE teachers for public schools have been certified. The school is responsible to pay for the kit, however we do our best to assist by offering grants and other means. Any kit that is ordered by the school remains the property of the school. For more details, you can email us at or contact us using the contact info on The scholarships that the students receive is used for post secondary education and comes from the "Target for life" Scholarship program. The NASP program push academics.

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