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Draft Report on Minimum Wage submitted

The Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade has received the draft report of the ad hoc Minimum Wage Advisory Committee and will now review the report before making recommendations to Cabinet. Photo: Internet Source
Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE expressed confidence in the community’s participation and the wide range of data captured by the Minimum Wage Review Advisory Committee. Photo: GIS/File
Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE expressed confidence in the community’s participation and the wide range of data captured by the Minimum Wage Review Advisory Committee. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade has received the draft report of the ad hoc Minimum Wage Advisory Committee.

The Committee was established in November 2023 to conduct a comprehensive review of the Territory’s Minimum Wage.

The last increase in minimum wage was made on 1 October 2016. Since then, a review of Social Assistance by the Social Policy Research Institute (SPRI Global) discovered that the current minimum wage is well below what is now necessary to reasonably meet one’s basic needs. However, the researchers cautioned that the speed by which the minimum wage is adjusted must take into account economic constraints.

According to the Government Information Service (GIS), relevant policy documents, economic data, and labour force statistics were examined during the Committee's review process. Members of the Committee also engaged in community outreach activities, which included surveys, interviews on radio and television, and focus group discussions.

Report to be reviewed

The Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE expressed confidence in the community’s participation and the wide range of data captured. She stated, "The Committee's efforts aimed to capture a wide range of perspectives to inform our minimum wage policy. I am pleased to say that we had a significant response from both employees and employers."

The Minister expressed gratitude to the community for their participation in the discussions. She also thanked the Committee, which was coordinated by Dr Dawn T. Alexander-Joseph of the Ministry, for their hard work in ensuring that the report was delivered.

Regarding the next steps, the Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade will review the Report, and its recommendations will be submitted to Cabinet for review. The public will be informed once Cabinet has made its decision.

The current Minimum Wage in the [British] Virgin Islands is $6.00 per hour.

9 Responses to “Draft Report on Minimum Wage submitted”

  • Wow. Wow. (08/05/2024, 13:49) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why it has to be a draft.? These people are being paid to draft up a report. I could have done that very well and very objective and fair for free...I already see Lorna as a Gamester and a Trickstar...I would categorized the minimum wage..Trained professionals and high risk Jobs can't be the same.. a trained security guard or a private health care worker all of them should be well trained, should be at a hire minimum wage..Ain like this minimum wage going to happen now, they going to pro-long until 6 months before per usual.
    • @Wow.Wow (08/05/2024, 14:00) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
      It has to be a draft first. Do you build a house without a draft/plan? It has to start some where first
      • @w@ow wow. Stop the excused (08/05/2024, 15:43) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        Have you built a house. I have. 1st you go to the meeting with an idea, a plan, and be open for suggestion, then something is already agreed on before the drawing / report even starts, "don't be fooled"..once the drawing / report starts, the boss / owner is informed of progress along the way and adjustment are made if needed. " Don't be fooled". The owner / boss in this case Hon Lorna already knows what's in the report before it becomes official or release to the public.. You not going to pay for a draft plan because you cannot send a draft plan to the house or the board for approval. .Economics is always a critical part when you spending your own money. Get it right the first time, hence the meetings before and the updates during the
        process...This is nothing but tricks and games by the hon. So, we tax payers will have to pay again to get the right or another report..
        • Proven point (09/05/2024, 01:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          So there’s a plan before the actual house is built. The blogger clearly stated a draft or plan that’s what the slash means. You typed all that and proved the bloggers point. Well done.
      • Morales (08/05/2024, 18:44) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        It starts at US 6.00
  • Blessed (08/05/2024, 13:51) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    What the hell can $6 buy in the bvi.
    Look how much work people can do in 1hr wicked people. So damn glad my Boss has a big HEART.
  • A Capitalist Who Loves the BVI (08/05/2024, 22:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    "the current minimum wage is well below what is now necessary to reasonably meet one’s basic needs." Whose basic needs? Minimum wage jobs are for entry level positions. They are not intended to sustain an adult lifestyle.
  • Struupz (09/05/2024, 12:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cost of living in the bvi way to high for you to be making 6 and hour!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • two cents (09/05/2024, 15:10) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    In 2016 the minimum wage should have been raised to $8.0 ph not $6.00. Do we need a minimum wage or a living wage? What's the sense of a minimum wage that cannot meet half of basic needs. How can people be allowed in the country on work permits knowing they cannot sustain themselves on $6.00ph. I think the minimum wage should not be less than $10.00 ph although $12.00 would be more ideal.

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