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Dr Hubert O’Neal ‘heading to the streets’ to tackle youth issues

- wants to get Ninth District youth interested in Agriculture & Fishing
“I think I am going to make it a plank in my representation to be a representative of the youths. That’s going to be my emphasis right there,” stated Representative for the Ninth District Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal. Photo: VINO
Ninth District Representative Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal said one of his top priorities is to get the young men of his district educated as a lot of them are school dropouts and not have as much as a high school diploma, making them basically unemployable. Photo: VINO/File
Ninth District Representative Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal said one of his top priorities is to get the young men of his district educated as a lot of them are school dropouts and not have as much as a high school diploma, making them basically unemployable. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – “I think I am going to make it a plank in my representation to be a representative of the youths. That’s going to be my emphasis right there,” stated Representative for the Ninth District Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal.

Dr O’Neal was at the time speaking exclusively with this news site as he also noted that he would not only be focused on the youth but everyone in his district. “I plan to represent everybody but I am particularly interested in working with the youth, getting them educated.”

He related that many children have approached him for back to school help at all levels, including those returning to college. He said he had even conducted a back to school fair where he had distributed back-to-school packages. “So I continue to support all those in school.”

Dr O’Neal added that since elected into office as the District Representative on June 8, 2015 he has been exceedingly busy. “Busy taking care of the constituency individually, [and I have] mostly been concentrating on seniors.”

Youth key to development

Pointing out that he still thinks the key to the development of the economy lies with the youth, Dr O’Neal also alluded to the challenges being experienced especially by a number of young people on Virgin Gorda.

He was at the time referring to the growing number of youngsters who have been finding themselves at the mercy of the law. “Actually it’s kind of cyclical. It actually occurs when there is reduced economic activity because right now they are going through the summer, the doldrums, where tourism is sort of on the down right now,” said Hon O’Neal.

“Right now there isn’t much to do so the young guys might be out there loitering and have nothing to do.”

The Ninth District Representative said he plans to attack the situation by heading out to the streets. “I am going to go on the street corners and talk to the guys, show them ways how they can become gainfully employed.”

Many school dropouts

Dr O’Neal said, however, the key really is to get the young men of the district educated as a lot of them are school dropouts and not have as much as a high school diploma, making them basically unemployable.

“I intend to address that, I know they are ambitious and I am going to bring out what talents they have and I am going to work to get them to a situation where they can provide for themselves and their families,” said Hon O’Neal.

He pointed to the area of agriculture as one possible avenue for him to try to direct young persons to as it is a dying industry in the Virgin Islands. “It’s dying because our farmers are getting older and they are not really capable of producing like they used to so we have to get the youth more interested.”

He also has his thoughts wrapped around the fishing industry for youth. “Not just in ploughing the fields and doing on land but fishing. The fishing industry, I think, is particularly in my District in Virgin Gorda, I think fishing really is the key to getting our youth gainfully employed and contributing to our economy.”

He noted that fishing traditionally has not been on Virgin Gorda only but on Anegada, something he knows all too well being an avid fisherman.

12 Responses to “Dr Hubert O’Neal ‘heading to the streets’ to tackle youth issues”

  • north sound (06/10/2015, 07:47) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    tis bout time tis man come alive
  • excuse he (06/10/2015, 07:51) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    the very same one that start to attack youth negatively
  • work (06/10/2015, 08:59) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fishing and agriculture are hard work, and can involve long hours of toil, sometimes with not much pay. Most people here don't want vocational jobs that involve the same, although the pay is better, so good luck with persuading young people to go into farming and fishing. Most people who do that start young, not after they finish school.
  • chad (06/10/2015, 09:22) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Election is gone now so he is talking down the same youth that voted for him.
  • NDP voter (06/10/2015, 09:24) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    Nice to hear that our representative will be working with our young people. However, I am not sure what our representative have been 'busy' doing because I hardly see him in town meetings since he was elected and if he was going to individuals, I guess he thought I did not vote for him because he sure did not come by my house nor the neighbours. anyway all the best sir...
  • . (06/10/2015, 09:44) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    All these doctors in government like to push our young people into back-breaking, menial labour. Why don't they let Filippinos and others do that work and free up the jobs that our young people used to do in stores and businesses? Or better yet, stop bringing in unskilled labour altogether and really open up the opportunities for the youths! Maybe one or two might use their income to work their way through college and become a doctor! Or even a politician!
    • Can't believe.... (06/10/2015, 16:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The problem is, a lot of our youngsters (mainly male) drop out of school and are not qualified for certain jobs. They do not want jobs that require hard labor so outsiders will always fill those positions.
      If we can reach out to our youth and instill a positive outlook for them and help them to finish high school, then we can look at giving them jobs that don't require hard labor.
      Our young people are our future, we have to work with them, make them feel worthwhile and not put them down all the time. They get enough of that at home from parents who have no parenting skills and don't know how to show love nor spend quality time with their children to foster a healthy and positive mindset.
      • . (06/10/2015, 20:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Since when someone need to finish high school to do unskilled labour? Do you believe all these Filipinos finish high school? Which high school. It will be pretty hard to raise a young black man with any kind of self-respect when we, their parents, their elected representatives and their community leaders consistently choose unskilled foreigners to our own sons!

        (BTW, my sons are working on their post-grad degrees, probably because I consistently placed NO ONE above them)
  • fool me once (06/10/2015, 12:00) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
    ha ha mvw teaching them to use the youths for political gain
  • voter (06/10/2015, 12:24) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is something you should have been doing long before you got elected. We are here to help regardless of our status. When you give do not publish your giving. That is a problem I find the NDP has. When we help others do not have to know. That is why we having NHI because some politicians felt they were giving too much. The Bible tells us how to give.
    • So true (06/10/2015, 14:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Its not only the politicians, I find whenever we help another we have to talk it. I really cant stand that.
  • weed (06/10/2015, 15:28) Like (8) Dislike (24) Reply
    NDP must go!

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