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Dinghy thief told to reach for the stars!

Jamal Freeman, 20, of Fat Hogs Bay received a different kind of stern warning about his fondness for taking other persons’ dinghies when he appeared before the Magistrate’s Court on February 7, 2014. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Jamal Freeman, 20, of Fat Hogs Bay received a different kind of stern warning about his fondness for taking other persons’ dinghies when he appeared before the Magistrate’s Court on February 7, 2014.

Freeman, who was charged previously with two counts of taking conveyance without authority, pleaded guilty to one count and was handed a prison term of 18 months which was suspended for two years.

He pleaded not guilty to the second count and the Crown opted to request that the youth be warned by the Magistrate about his tendency, considering the fact that he has had several brushes with the law for similar offences in the past.

Magistrate Dr Velon John told Freeman that his matter was a serious one as he seemed to have an affinity for dinghies and boats. He added, “your affinity is not commensurate with your level of ambition to work had and buy your own dinghy.”

Freeman was told he should work hard for his own dinghy just as others worked hard for theirs, “don’t go about stealing other people’s dinghies,” Magistrate John said in his lengthy scolding of the young man.

He was further told that ultimately, he would only be able to watch from a distance if his current trend continued.

Freeman, when asked if he was employed, said he was soon getting a job with his cousin. But Magistrate John instructed the youth that the problem was that he was unemployed and indiscipline and advised that he get a job soon.

“Don’t let your friends lead you astray,” Magistrate John counselled, “look around you, you are standing here alone.”

He was told to reach for the stars and aspire towards owning his own yacht someday.

21 Responses to “Dinghy thief told to reach for the stars!”

  • True (09/02/2014, 10:18) Like (26) Dislike (9) Reply
    so this is the third time he has stolen a dingy and gets 18 months but wait its suspeneded so basically he got away with it again. No matter how sternly the magistrate talks he wont listen or hear till he spends a few years behind bars, once a thief always a thief. LOCK him up.
    • Not true (10/02/2014, 08:57) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Once a thief always a thief, come on? Some change, some don't. It's comments like that why people don't even try. Are you not better than you were five? ten years ago?
  • Mick Mars (09/02/2014, 10:18) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    All this dude does is steal. If it ain't somebody barely ripening fruits, it's dinghies and other stuff he can use for himself or turn profit.
    GET him a job and see if he stays and works it. With his reputation, it'll be had for anyone who don't know him to give him a chance without worry of having their stuff stolen or misused. He ain't on drugs (far as I know) so it shouldn't be too hard to give 'Uncle' the type of support he needs, but he also needs some discipline, man. These is one of them dudes that just purposefully drop out of highschool cuz he want to be on his own, doing this sort of muck.
    Dude turning into a Merlin Ceaser 'lite'.
    • again, I say......... (09/02/2014, 11:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • foxy (09/02/2014, 11:06) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Deeds young men jah!!!
  • Windy (09/02/2014, 11:45) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the states, after the third conviction he would get 5 years mandatory
    • Billfargo (13/02/2014, 01:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      But we are not in the States, and your kind of thinking is the major part of the problems with the youths.
  • Binocs (09/02/2014, 13:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    much of it is about his upbringing, but now he is a young man and needs to wise up fast.
  • tretretrete (10/02/2014, 00:33) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    This magistrate letting everyone off the hook. Something is wrong and needs to be checked out!
    • weed (10/02/2014, 08:15) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      I am surprise that a local is let off boss as they only lock u locals
  • tamar (10/02/2014, 08:37) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    "Reach for the stars" hmmm, so he can steal that too; judge get "yo life". This boy need to serve some hard time. Are we going to wait until he upgrade from stealing to much harder crimes? hmm
  • Well Sah (10/02/2014, 10:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This young man needs guidance in his life. I do hope that he takes the judge's advise very serious and make good of the chances that he has been getting so far. We are so quick to throw our young men under the jail. A program like what they have in St Thomas needs to be developed here in Tortola if one does not already exist. The program is my brother's workshop where young men are given the opportunity to learn different trades while making a small salary.. It has actually been very successful. Many young men has been save from the grave or the jail house because of the program.
  • The Visitor (10/02/2014, 11:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dinghy theft has become a major problem for the charter companies and their clients. Just last week at least two dinghies were stolen at Trellis Bay and several thousand dollars worth of outboards lost yet when a perpetrator is caught he gets probation. Not exactly the best signal to send to other thieves. The judge seems to think that letting this thief earn enough to buy his own boat is the solution but the easiest way fro him to do that is steal more dinghies
  • rodent (10/02/2014, 12:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    When he decides he want diamonds and money instead of dinghy's he will get a gun. Figure out the rest!!!
  • ... (10/02/2014, 13:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I thought he calmed down... wwell well
  • one love (10/02/2014, 14:43) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Give black ppl a chance! he was not raise up in good care like some of y'all.... Help fine this young man a Job.. an teach him better. Some of y'all does want second chances but not willing to give others
  • reetz (10/02/2014, 16:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If this judge is going to send kids off with a stern warning there should be a "Mentor" program to help the offender learn the way to get a job, keep it and become a functioning member of society. If this kid loves dinghy's so much maybe he should be in a program that teaches him how to repair them so he can earn enough to buy his own.
    Business owners and the community need to find solutions other than "lock them up" to the youth crime problem.
  • jo jo (10/02/2014, 18:25) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Yow (10/02/2014, 20:48) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Leave him alone
  • cousin (11/02/2014, 09:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He need to be sent to High Court Before a Judge and a Jury.
  • Billfargo (13/02/2014, 01:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the Magistrate was to put out an ad for a shoe-shine-boy; Most of the people critisizing his decisions will not qualify.

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