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David Turnbull & Kurt Rabsatt sentenced to jail

David Turnbull (left) and Kurt Rabsatt (right) have been sentenced to time in prison for robbery. Photo: VINO/File/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Found guilty in the High Court of robbery on June 13, 2016, David Turnbull and Kurt Rabsatt were yesterday, July 22, 2016, sentenced to time in prison by Justice Nicola P. Byer.

Turnbull and Rabsatt will serve four and five years in prison respectively after being told by the presiding judge that they showed no remorse after they were found guilty.

The two had beaten and robbed the complainant in the case, Carl D. Wheatley, who during the trial told the court that he knows the two men, Rabsatt from primary school and that he was also familiar with Turnbull.

The two accused and the virtual complainant are all from East End on the Virgin Islands main island of Tortola.

Representing Turnbull was attorney Michael Maduro while Valerie Stephens-Gordon appeared on behalf of Kurt Rabsatt. Both of the accused were on remand following the unanimous guilty verdict on June 13, 2016.

Prosecuting the case were Senior Crown Counsel Valston M. Graham and Leslie Ann Faulkner.

Incident took place in November 2014

According to the witness, on the night in question, November 8, 2014, he went to a strip club in East End around 10:00 P.M. Wheatley said when he went inside, he surmised that the club was not buzzing with activity.

While leaving the club, Rabsatt allegedly grabbed him and pulled him in a dark corner.

The witness said he attempted to resist Rabsatt's alleged attempts to subdue him. However, further testimony was interrupted due to a legal point raised by the defence.

13 Responses to “David Turnbull & Kurt Rabsatt sentenced to jail”

  • Outlaw (23/07/2016, 11:48) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    4 and 5 years? Are we for real, man with gun getting 8 in the lower court and this judge giving 4 And 5 in the higher court for armed robbery. I believe this judge needs to get from here, she is not serious
    • Really (23/07/2016, 12:31) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      Guess what go to court some ime and read the laws of the country and your constitution

    • @ outlaw (23/07/2016, 20:44) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Was any weapon used?, it was transfered to high court by magistrate!
      • Outlaw (23/07/2016, 21:17) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        @@outlaw, if you don't know, please asked questions, whether weapons used or not it's robbery which carries a penalty of life imprisonment. It's a matter that is tried in the high court that's why the magistrate sends it there when she realized that there was enough evidence to send it there
  • qc (23/07/2016, 12:01) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    let my people go
  • Bag ah weed (23/07/2016, 12:57) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
    Wow it's better to be caught with a gun then a little bag of weed. Less fine and time.
  • open wide (23/07/2016, 16:51) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    No jobs the youths were fool
  • Murda7 (23/07/2016, 19:49) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    Free my dawg shanty
  • chupes (23/07/2016, 21:42) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    CJ has been a menace from a child and he Dominica muddah did nothing. He aint no damn rabsatt.....
    • tretretrete (23/07/2016, 23:10) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Sooo wa he is a H_ _ _L
    • NO LIE (24/07/2016, 20:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      All that lady does is cover for this boy in all his wrong doings,but time longer than twine she need to pray a bit harder,I remember he stole his own Guyanese brother in law phone and he mother say it wasn't him you think she easy..May Ram soul rest in peace away from this shame . ..
  • Charlie Rose (24/07/2016, 17:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well done Hon. Judge. Dispute their nationally, send a strong message to others.

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