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Customer refuses to sanitise; attacks security @ RiteWay on Flemming St

- security guard taken to hospital with hand injuries
A security guard was allegedly assaulted by an irate customer at Drakes Traders on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
A security guard working at RiteWay Food Markets on Flemming Street, Tortola, had to be taken to hospital with injuries after he was attacked by a customer who went berserk after he was allegedly asked to sanitise his hands before entering the store on Thursday, May 21, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
A security guard working at RiteWay Food Markets on Flemming Street, Tortola, had to be taken to hospital with injuries after he was attacked by a customer who went berserk after he was allegedly asked to sanitise his hands before entering the store on Thursday, May 21, 2020. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A security guard working at RiteWay Food Markets on Flemming Street, Tortola, had to be taken to hospital after he was allegedly attacked by a customer who went berserk after he was asked to sanitise his hands before entering the store on Thursday, May 21, 2020.

According to reports reaching our news centre, the store had just opened its doors around 7:00am when a customer (name known) attempted to enter the store but was told by a male security guard he needed to sanitise first.

Customer refuses to sanitise

The customer instead refused to sanitise and verbally attacked the security guard before leaving.

Shortly after the guards changed shift the customer returned and again refused to sanitise.

He also became involved in a heated argument with the new security guard.

The irate man then left the scene but returned shortly after and proceeded to approach the security guard, allegedly in a fit of rage, shouting: “I from here, ayo can’t mek me use no sanitiser.”

After the man allegedly poked his finger in the security guard’s face, the security retaliated by flooring the man.

The attack

The enraged man then proceeded to grab a quantity of Vita Malts and threw it at the security officer before proceeding to take a bottle of Napoleon Brandy and smashing it on the ground at the store’s entrance before fleeing the scene.

The security guard had to be taken to the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital as a result of injuries sustained.

The incident was witnessed by a fair-sized crowd that had built up as persons waited to gain access to the store during the commotion.

The customer had already left the scene by the time officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) arrived. Up to late yesterday afternoon, May 21, 2020, police were unsuccessful in finding the accused.

All customers have to sanitise- Guy Strickland

The incident was confirmed by Managing Director of Roadtown Wholesale Trading Limited, Mr Guy Strickland, who said a male customer had come to the store and did not want to comply with social distancing rules like [the use of] mask and hand sanitiser.

“There was a verbal and physical altercation with security when the customer started hitting the security with a bottle.”

Mr Strickland said Police were called and the security officer went to hospital with hand injuries. 

“All customers are required to wear masks and wash hands before entering our stores and follow social distancing guidelines as mandated by the Department of Health,” Mr Strickland said, adding that this is the only serious incident RiteWay has had since the COVID-19 measures were put in place for businesses.

2nd incident of attack on security guard

It was on May 6, 2020, that a customer assaulted a security guard at Drakes Traders at Fish Bay, Tortola.

The security guard at the time was ensuring customers complied with COVID-19 measures implemented by the hardware store.

The matter was reported to police, but this news site was told the security guard assaulted was allegedly not willing to press charges. 

40 Responses to “Customer refuses to sanitise; attacks security @ RiteWay on Flemming St”

  • bvi gone wild (22/05/2020, 14:13) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    say what !!!! ??!!
  • Germs (22/05/2020, 14:21) Like (84) Dislike (4) Reply
    So because you are from h_ _ e that mean you dont have to sanitize your hands? It's sad what our society has turned into with the hatred for others SMH
    • @Germs (22/05/2020, 15:59) Like (9) Dislike (38) Reply
      Do you know what happens to your immune system after you sanitize 100 times everyday ?
    • Strong Rum (23/05/2020, 05:49) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ Germs. Sad to say, but he is not the only one feel that way, there are a lot of others BVISLANDERS who feel just the same way that man felt, you often hear those words when authorities are trying to correct them. It’s like because they are from hear the law does not apply to them. It’s sad that we should have people amongst us with that kind of mentality. If you are from hear and you are so patriotic you should be the first to uphold the laws of your country but a lot of them feel that because they are from here they can say what they want, do as them like and no one must tell them anything.
    • Germs (23/05/2020, 07:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don't blame him he was just expressing what he was taught.
      • To Germs (23/05/2020, 13:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        LOL thanks for using my name lol lol guess after my first comment got over 60 likes , you felt left out...well someone gave you ONE like, enjoy it!
        • @To Germs (23/05/2020, 15:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Nah man I was just responding to your post and missed the @. Shows I am a good Germ though. You infected 60 persons! I did one! Thanks for the laugh though.
  • WHAT!!!! (22/05/2020, 14:25) Like (64) Dislike (1) Reply
    “I from here” you still have to follow the rules FOOL .
  • ccc (22/05/2020, 14:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Sad (22/05/2020, 14:34) Like (49) Dislike (0) Reply
    it is sad that tempers are flaring. I don't know the particular reason for this incident. I refused to wash my hand at a dirty washing station the other day, and use their filthy looking sanitizer as I felt it was defeating the purpose. Instead I took out my small bottle of sanitizer out of my bag and complied using my own stuff. People are getting antsy. Can't pay rent and mortgages, low on food, out of job and all kinda stuff. Let's try to control our anger though. If you don't like the rules, then stay out the store. simple
  • ginger (22/05/2020, 15:00) Like (38) Dislike (4) Reply
    Let me hear the critics now who always with the island man stupidness cause it seems now the I fron here really starting to get in the way of common sense. If only the entitled mentality is rid of the BVI can be soo much better
    • @Ginger (22/05/2020, 15:39) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
      Girl I got you on this one and agree with your comment. I am a Local and I wish someone had put some serious slaps in the fools mouth when he stated about I from here. Just image, he refuse to wash his filthy germ laced hands, he probably don’t know what talking a bath or shower means. Dirty nasty man. He is one of the reasons you have to sanitize your groceries before putting them away.
  • Goodness (22/05/2020, 15:02) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    Your dirty I FROM HERE lunatic needs someone working you over with a baseball bat. See how stupid some people are? Your dirty nasty hands probably already contaminated the stuff you touch in the store. That is one of the reasons when I take my groceries home I clean everything off with warm soapy bleach water before I put them away.
  • Big Slick Willie (22/05/2020, 16:12) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    And he's a privileged local. Please. Don't every local on the island know this idiot? Lock his dumb a$$ up in a local jail awhile.
  • see? (22/05/2020, 16:34) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is idiots like that who is going to cause us to go back on lock down again.
    • wise up (22/05/2020, 20:38) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Very true, is just the 10% who don’t comply will cause us to lock down again
    • Exactly (22/05/2020, 22:31) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      All he had to do was was his hands. If people would only adapt to the rules, the faster the Island would open. People continue to act stupid is going to get us all back on house arrest AKA lock down.
  • Mr.gage (22/05/2020, 16:41) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Smh so because you from here you don't have to sanitize your
    hands look at the entitled mentality.
  • uh (22/05/2020, 17:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Monkey know which tree to climb
  • Don't worry (22/05/2020, 17:48) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    U from here so u have carsed to take advantage on his boss that guy from Hattie remember he was just doing his job
  • Gran Puba (22/05/2020, 19:32) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    The shooting unfolded after Mr. Munerlyn, 43, the security guard, told a customer, Sharmel Teague, that her daughter needed to wear a mask inside the store.
    Ms. Teague yelled and spat at him, prompting the security guard to tell her to leave and instructing a cashier not to serve her, the prosecutor said on Monday.
    Ms. Teague left the store and called her husband, Mr. Teague, who returned to the store with her son, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Leyton said.
    Mr. Bishop is accused of then shooting Mr. Munerlyn in the head. Ms. Teague faces premeditated murder and firearms charges, officials said on Monday.

    Don’t take these situations lightly. People who assault security guards for doing their jobs need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  • Damn (22/05/2020, 19:44) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    The poor security man was just doing his job. Getting attack for just doing your job. Mr. I from here needs his A** whipping. And this is coming from a local citizen. I am not down with this I born here and down Island mentality BS.
  • trinity (22/05/2020, 21:13) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    U from here ?
    U born here ?
    Then comply with the rules.
    The rules are also from here.
    You are soo stupid with this born here shi$ .
  • Me (22/05/2020, 21:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply that bastard name maybe he is sitting to me now I'll like to plaster this lunatic with what's inna my hand a good b'ball bat blistering ,then he'll know what I from here feel like
  • Royal Marines (22/05/2020, 22:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bring ‘em!
  • Everywhere, USA (22/05/2020, 22:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Out side the BVI, everyone is required to wear a face mask when they are entering any business. They don’t care if you choose not to wear a mask outside but if you enter any business you will be refused service. Some lunatic in Colorado went into a Waffle House and the cook told him he have to wear a mask or he will not be served, the lunatic went home, got a gun and shot the cook.
  • guy hill (23/05/2020, 06:35) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    What ignorance . You being from here does not mean anything with the dumb shitty behaviour.
  • Non-Belonger (23/05/2020, 11:59) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    :)) “I FROM HERE” = my sister is my cousin. I love belongers!!!!!
  • C Breezy (23/05/2020, 12:07) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Don't y'all get it?
    Don't y'all understand what he's implying?
    He has the RIGHTS to be unsanitary and spread disease in his community. Like it or not!
    Got it now?
  • Bob (23/05/2020, 13:31) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bless you rite way for putting our safety first. I will only patronage businesses that are taking this pandemic seriously! How dare that man put our community at risk how dare he play games with our lives and livelihoods!
  • I (23/05/2020, 17:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since I born from my mother and growing up I never heard such nonsense yet this man is for real people you see what I am trying to say about I from here u all need to stop I am not saying all are d same like all over d world but at the same time get rid of the hate crime
  • Nut (23/05/2020, 19:02) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    That man need to get the covid 19. No respect for the Premier.
  • old (23/05/2020, 19:07) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Y Now sometime we ack like we never went to school. Big Man.
  • old (23/05/2020, 19:18) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I went in a store to buy a mask. I was told to go back out side. So she will bring it for me. I say OK thank.

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