Cruise tourism restart: VI welcomes first cruise ship today!

“Tomorrow, I need everyone to know that you don’t need to go to the eyes specialist, what you see is what you get, a cruise ship returning through God’s help,” a pleased Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said.
He was delivering remarks at a ceremony at the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, to welcome back cruising to the territory.
Cruise ships have been coming to the territory but not allowing passengers to get on land; however, this will change from today.
Rebirth of cruise tourism
“The berthing of this first ship represents the rebirth of cruise tourism…we are happy to report that we are well on our way for a successful season.”
Premier Fahie said the ceremony was important to celebrate and to give thanks for the rejuvenation of this sector.
“Some persons would ask why this big, as we say in our culture, toodoodoo, but I want to explain something to you, whenever God bless you, with blessings such as this, as the restarting of a major revenue generator, not only got government but for so many families, you have to hold a ceremony, not just a ceremony to say we are starting and we are ready but to say, “God thank you.”
“It is very important because at the start of the pandemic, the world over was filled with uncertainty and this pandemic has been the worst to hit the world in over 100 years and perhaps the worse in terms of social and economic impact, it’s as if time itself stood still. As a matter of fact, some countries are still locked down up to today, and there were those among us that were filled with doubt and despair, yet as leaders, we remained resolute,” he proclaimed.
'We must go forward'- Clive McCoy
Director of the BVI Tourist Board Mr Clive McCoy said from his end, they are ready to welcome back guests.
“The past 19 months have cost us so many trials and tribulations. Worldwide we had to shift our focus and priority to remaining safe and staying healthy. So today, we celebrate this milestone of going forward. We are still in a fight to understand a mutating virus and how we navigate to save lives and to staying healthy while living in our lives in the most fulfilling way possible, but we must go forward,” he said.
He also stated that with all that has changed over the past 19 months, what has not changed is “our desire to ensure that our visitors have the most refreshing and special time as possible in our territory.”

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