Crafts Alive Vendors concerned about lease structure

One vendor indicated that the rates appeared to have been arbitrarily decided upon and noted that the vendors would be seeking an audience with Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool.
The vendor was keen to note that all the leases had not yet been distributed and vendors were still in discussion among themselves about the way forward.
The leases were given in the amounts of $250 and $150; each covering a six month period of occupation at the Crafts Alive Village. According to a source, during the period November-April, vendors are expected to pay a sum of $250 per month for rental fees while during the period May-October they are expected to pay $150 per month.
It remains unclear what methodology was used in having the lease structure established.
One concerned vendor stated that the group had discussed approaching Hon. Vanterpool about having the leases reduced to either $200 or $150 year round or alternatively, having the fees done on an individual basis where possible.
A vendor noted that each occupant was being charged the same fee even though some stores were larger than others. “It’s like having a studio apartment where a one-bedroom apartment and a two-bedroom apartment were the same price,” the vendor noted.
Some vendors have so far been charged for the months of March and April and were also required to make a $350 deposit for their occupancy, a total which left them with a bill of $850.
It has not yet been ascertained when the rental fees are due.
According to a vendor, there may be a mistaken impression that the Crafts Alive Village receives a majority of the tourists that come to the island.
The vendor indicated that they only receive approximately twenty percent of the tourists since the majority would go to other islands of the Territory or visit beaches such as in Cane Garden Bay.
“When you see a bunch of tourists pass Crafts Alive, they are just passing by to go to the ferries to the other islands,” the vendor related.
Vendors have complained that business hasn’t been good and persons have not been spending. They suggested that the fees could perhaps be increased sometime next year with the arrival of additional ships.
“I think the public is under the impression that we get much more business than we actually do,” a vendor said.
City Manager, Ms Janice Braithwaite-Edwards, indicated that she would not be able to offer a comment at this time but would be willing to do so once she had spoken with the Minister for Works and Communications.
The new Crafts Alive Village was officially opened by Hon. Vanterpool during a ceremony held on February 26, 2013.

36 Responses to “Crafts Alive Vendors concerned about lease structure”
Please go to craft alive and see whether any sense are sold their. You will be better off buying some. Although you may not care to know, you island is on the map for being labeled badly in global financial services today. What if your tourism sector (that is failing) continues to fail drastically especially when visitors wants to see Cuba a place with very much history and culture to escape to...
Remember we island people always got a home to go to!
Spent millions on this project but the tenants want it for a hundred bucks a month! Really? If you cant make enough to cover the rent -sell better sh!t. If you still cant make enough then to cover $250 a month then you are probably in the wrong line of business and need to move anyway. RUBBISH
I have become friends with 3 other people because for the past 6 months we have been meeting at treasury and taking that long walk down the ramp empty handed. Imagine that a contractor, a caterer, and a consultant all of whom have provided this government with services (no complaints as to the work) and nothing is being paid to us. It is so bad that the people in the Treasury department know us by name, as week after week, month after month we leave empty. I can not go to the magistrates court and tell them that I cant pay my child support because govt owes me money. I can not go to the electricity corp and ask them for a break because govt owes me money.
Could any of our elected officials tell us what is going on?
The first district minister is pushing for vendor room to reward his constituents for supporting him. But it will ruin the place. Vendors don't make any money and disturb the quiet with radios, limin' and gauking the women. That is what ran people off before. It has been proven with the other vendors previously. Food, drink and maybe one vendor shop and restrooms in the same smugglers cove snack bar and no more building! pay attention to any public meetings to express concern.
Ever noticed that most times when the cruise ships are not visiting they are not open? One can only assume that they are contented with what they make, or they would come out and open their doors in hope of the odd sale.
Government has already done too much for those ungrateful people. They have a choice if they are not willing to pay.
About time they realize that nothing in life is free.