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COVID infected person attends BFEC graduation ceremony

- Public Health Unit advises unvaccinated & partially vaccinated persons to self-isolate immediately
Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated persons who attended the Bregado Flax Educational Centre-Primary Division’s graduation ceremony today, June 29, 2021, have been asked to immediately self-isolate after it was discovered that a COVID-19 positive individual attended the event. Photo (screen grab): Facebook
Fully vaccinated persons will not be required to isolate. Photo: Internet Source/File
Fully vaccinated persons will not be required to isolate. Photo: Internet Source/File
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI- Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated persons who attended the Bregado Flax Educational Centre-Primary Division’s graduation ceremony today, June 29, 2021, have been asked to immediately self-isolate after it was discovered that a COVID-19 positive individual attended the event.

“The Public Health Unit is notifying the community that a positive COVID-19 case was in attendance at the Bregado Flax Educational Centre’s graduation ceremony today, June 29. All persons who attended the graduation are asked to make contact at 468-4936 or 468- 2285 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm,” a bulletin from Government Information Services (GIS) stated.

Fully vaccinated persons don’t need to isolate

According to the notice, fully vaccinated persons will not be required to isolate, however, all un-vaccinated and partially vaccinated persons are required to immediately self-isolate.

It said testing for all individuals will be scheduled in 10 to 14 days.

“Persons who develop any symptoms of COVID-19 should contact the Public Health Unit or the Medical Hotline at 852-7650 for any necessary advice.

“The public is encouraged to do their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by adhering to the established public health protocols,” the bulletin late this afternoon, June 29, 2021, stated.

39 Responses to “COVID infected person attends BFEC graduation ceremony”

  • Peaches (29/06/2021, 20:11) Like (34) Dislike (15) Reply
    More tactics
  • concern (29/06/2021, 20:24) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
    Plz stop are you bad behavior we are in the green light now plz let us stay that way if you know you are sick stay away
  • Why yyy (29/06/2021, 21:03) Like (69) Dislike (7) Reply
    Why don't fully vaccinated persons need not to be isolated. Meh Son they could still contract the virus and spread it. What nonsence is this I'm reading.
    • @ Why yyy (30/06/2021, 09:15) Like (14) Dislike (54) Reply
      Because vaccinated persons do not risk hospitalization and death by contracting it. Unvaccinated people do. There is another layer that people are ignoring - that is our hospital's ability to cope with any persons who need treatment for Covid19. Please understand, when persons have been admitted with the virus many medical professionals at Peebles have REFUSED to tend to them for fear of contracting the virus.... if people start needing medical assistance we are in some serious trouble. If you are vaccinated, even with the Delta variant, you will get flu-like symptoms if any.... if you are unvaccinated unfortunately the reality is much more severe.
      • Fact Checker (30/06/2021, 10:42) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
        Again stop spreading wrong information. Not even the manufacturer knows for a fact that the vaccine will help or reduce symptoms or prevent death, that is why we are called volunteers for the phase 3 testing. Based on the minister's own inaccurate statements that the vaccine will reduce covid19 and bad decision to reduce quarantine time knowing that even vaccinated people contract and spread covid19. This spread now could easily be done by allowing a vaccinated person to freely rome through or population after a 24 test
        • @ Fact Checker (30/06/2021, 12:56) Like (6) Dislike (27) Reply
          Sorry - these vaccines have been administered to MILLIONS of people worldwide and this has proven to be the case... the evidence is in the numbers. You are not a fact checker - you are spreading misinformation.
          • Fact Checker (01/07/2021, 12:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
            I invite everyone to go to the cdc website or the UK health services website and compare the true covid19 death toll not the WHO inflated figures. Every death was added to the covid death toll to push vaccinations. The vaccine has killed thousands and now U.k and other countries are investigating many other side effects from the vaccine. Our government and healthcare system are lying to us. You look for the truth or you die. The compounds used in these vaccines are toxic to us learn to read. You have a 99.7% chance of surviving and recovering from Covid19 why would i risk an unknown DNA experiment that killed the test animals.
  • .... (29/06/2021, 21:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    them do a rapid test?
    • Fact Checker (01/07/2021, 12:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Rapid test? How long would a newly infected person take before the test shows a positive? If I am vaccinated fully and exposed to covid19 and travel to the V.I get a rapid test on arrival and go clubbing with my friends. Day 3 or 4 from venue to venue. Then day 5 or 6 start to not feel well and now showing signs of covid19. How many people would I as a vaccinated person infect in that time. Possibly over 30 could be infected from me. Imagine people what is happening to the BVI now since government start letting vaccinated people in with rapid tests. This is where our rise in covid19 coming from. 7 days for vaccinated and 14 for unvaccinated makes a lot more sense.
  • Delta Variant (29/06/2021, 21:31) Like (29) Dislike (23) Reply
    Experts in the US are saying that areas where there has been low Covid infection rates as well as low vaccination rates are ripe for the spread of the Delta Variant. This description fits the BVI, and I fear it’s what could happen here. People, please continue to wear masks, and wear them effectively, masks don’t work if they aren’t covering your mouth AND your NOSE. And PLEASE, get vaccinated while it’s still available.
    • @delta (30/06/2021, 06:40) Like (18) Dislike (11) Reply
      Hmm This is such a good piece of advice and yet you have bloggers here disliking it. My god.
  • Yow (29/06/2021, 21:38) Like (41) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why a vaccinated person should not self isolate who was in the same setting as the subject who was positive ? Vaccinated persons can test positive for this Covid 19. Who is actually behind this foolishness making such decisions?
  • hmmm (29/06/2021, 21:40) Like (35) Dislike (6) Reply
    Fully vaccinated Persons can still carry around covid which is going to cause a wider spread
    • @hmmm (30/06/2021, 09:18) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
      But it would spread a very mild illness if any at all amongst vaccinated people. It is the unvaccinated that need to worry about contracting the virus. You cannot expect the territory to shut away people who have done their part and taken the vaccine to protect those who refuse to take it. It can't work that way. We were all given the opportunity.
      • @hmm (01/07/2021, 14:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Stop talking foolishness, you name god? How you know it would only be a mild case if someone is infected by a vaccinated person? Nobody knows, thats why it should have been tested properly. Test and quarantine everyone coming in vaccinated or not. 7 for vaccinated and 14 for not.
    • concern (30/06/2021, 11:32) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
      Fact, but if you are not vaccinated stay masked up
  • Rubber Duck (29/06/2021, 21:49) Like (14) Dislike (21) Reply
    I suspect we are about to have a mini pandemic. If you are not vaccinated get it done now. You are 20-100 times less likely to get it.
  • watch (29/06/2021, 22:16) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    Stop with the panicing
    • @watch (30/06/2021, 08:27) Like (6) Dislike (19) Reply
      Yes, “Don’t Panic” but be vigilant in your mask wearing, physical distancing, and crowd avoidance. Be especially vigilant if you are among the unvaccinated. And please continue to be vigilant even if you are fully vaccinated. While you may have protection, no vaccination confers 100% immunity.
      • @@watch (30/06/2021, 10:53) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
        How is it that 14 people “dislike” the above common sense advice to stick to strict Covid detergent protocols?
        These “dislikes”, sadly, speak to a total disregard for public health and common sense.
  • Truth Sayer (29/06/2021, 22:26) Like (48) Dislike (6) Reply
    I am sick and tired of the false promotions for vaccinated persons. The truth is that vaccinated persons can contract covid-19 and can infect others. It therefore means that vaccinated persons should follow the same protocols as others when in public- wearing face masks, social distancing, and washing or sanitizing hands. Vaccinated persons receive added protection from severe illness if they contract covid-19. The truth should be told about this and people should not be led to believe that if your vaccinated you cannot catch covid-19 of give it to someone else.
    • @Truth Sayer (30/06/2021, 09:20) Like (7) Dislike (17) Reply
      If a vaccinated person contracts Covid19 they will not need hospital treatment. They can continue life as normal. The same will not be the case for the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are now calling on the vaccinated to shut themselves away to protect those who made the choice not to take a vaccine. We all had the choice - the decisions have been made. Please realize that this is how life will be for those unvaccinated persons for a long time.
  • The Script (29/06/2021, 22:58) Like (28) Dislike (8) Reply
    You can fool some of the people but you can’t fool all of the people, a lot of us know why these cases are appearing, we’re suppose to be on a strict lockdown between now and August by design
  • Hmm (30/06/2021, 00:28) Like (28) Dislike (3) Reply
    So someone was covid positive at the graduation today and by the afternoon the news is out. Did this person have a test pending and still attended the graduation? Did this person know they were positive and still went to the graduation? We need more details.
    Is it possible that this is a vaccinated person who no longer had to quarrantine and brought in the virus? So unvaccinated should self isolate but vaccinated can roam free probably covid positive, and possibly spread to others including children and persons who didnt take the vaccine for health reasons. Hmmm.
    So i'm guessing the intended results are for unvaccinated persons to become fearful and run to take that life saving vaccine. Or are they suppose to be intimited and bullied by the comments and persecution of the vaccinated public and run to the vaccine.
    Couple years from now we will see what the long term side effects of the vaccine will be, mark my words.
  • Sad (30/06/2021, 05:29) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    If this is the Case, everyone who attended, officials and all should isolate.
  • question (30/06/2021, 06:47) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ok so i read 2 of one mart staff are positive and another positive person(s) went to different bars.. are these the same persons or different ones plus one now in VG. That is like 4 local community cases. Or was it just the two from one mart visiting all those bars???
  • facts (30/06/2021, 06:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Glad (30/06/2021, 07:07) Like (7) Dislike (29) Reply
    Glad I’m vaccinated. I could give a care less about ayo who “choose” not to get the jab. I ain isolating for nothing and don’t care if I spread anything because I won’t get sick. Thank you BVI govt for providing me with the vaccine for free. Many of my friends are struggling to get their shots in other countries.
  • @Glad (30/06/2021, 08:26) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply

    @Glad, don’t be such a d***. Show some appreciation for your “free” vaccination and a small token of caring for your (adopted?) community. Your post helps no one.

    • Actually..... (30/06/2021, 09:23) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
      Actually GLAD is right... the vaccinated should not have to isolate as they are not a burden on anyone. They have done their part and taken the vaccine. If you chose not to have the vaccine you made your bed. Lie in it.
      • Use your brain for good (30/06/2021, 10:00) Like (64) Dislike (0) Reply
        That is sick and stupid behaviour REGARDLESS. Actually and Glad are both @$$e#. What about all those in our community who cannot take the vaccine bc they are sick and advised not to do so? What about children amongst us who are also sick, has sickle cell or any other forms of sicknesses that may prevent them from taking the vaccine? How reckless and irresponsible some people are, then they would have the nerve to show up to a man's funeral crying crocodile tears. Act and be responsible at all times to your fellow men without judgment and be kind to the world, regardless. Just be thankful that you received the vaccination and stop the asshishness
        • @use your brain for good (30/06/2021, 12:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Those who didn't take the vaccine without medical reason did not have that community mentality......
  • wow (30/06/2021, 10:34) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Hmm (30/06/2021, 10:59) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Vaccination reduces the symptom however doesn't eliminate the chances of getting the virus and doesn't stop the spread. What concerns me is the reduce symptoms means a sick person may assume they have a common cold which increases the chance of spreading more so than if the hadnt taken the vaccine.

    So this idea of the vaccine as a means by which people can freely travel is non-sense if it doesn't stop the spread. Test people and let us get back to some form of normal life, but the limit travel/quarantine doesn't make sense.
  • ….. (30/06/2021, 15:31) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe the COVID cases are true, but all of sudden before festival which everyone was looking forward to, it have a COVID outbreak.. and urging people to vaccinate, and don’t forget their vaccines are about to expire and an outbreak came out of nowhere and then people are being told to vaccinate… suspicious
  • moomoo (30/06/2021, 16:07) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not because your unvaccinated means you will end up in the hospital or show symptoms, if persons want to be vaccinated that’s their choice and so goes for unvaccinated.

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