COVID-19: ‘We had done well, we took it for granted’- Dr Pickering
Dr. Pickering appeared as part of a panel in a webcast entitled ‘Let's Talk COVID-19 Vaccination Live Forum’ hosted by Karia J. Christopher and streamed live on the Facebook page of JTV last evening July 22, 2021.
“I hate to say but I am going to say it anyway… a number of my close friends have said that the BVI and especially the younger generation needs to pay attention to the word hubris,” he said.
“We had done well, we were doing, well we took it for granted and we started to become probably filed with our own pride that we had we had done better than most people and now we are where we are,” Dr Pickering added.
COVID-19 outbreaks & deaths
The Virgin Islands in the last two weeks has seen an incredible spike in what authorities believe to be the Delta Variant of the COVID-19 virus, and it has also resulted in several deaths moving from 1 existing death at the start of July 2021, to 23 as of July 20, 2021.
Dr Pickering hinted that given all that has happened, it should not take much to convince anybody that the vaccine works.
“I find it really difficult to put it in words that there's nobody in the BVI at this point in time who hasn't been affected by death, no of us, we are a small community,” he added.
39 Responses to “COVID-19: ‘We had done well, we took it for granted’- Dr Pickering ”
Doctor Pickering, I am sorry to disagree with you. I would say we deluded ourselves that severe restrictions could just prevent this virus from disseminating in the community, as if sars cov2 is a human that would get tired of knocking on our door and eventually leave us alone. The whole approach was pretty much kicking the can down the road.
The proof is in the pudding: BVI has now more registered cases/capita than USVI and even St. Martin. Most of the cases here in the BVI were registered during the past 4 weeks, whereas USVI and St Martin over the past 16 months. Another quick comparison between us and our 2 more populous neighbors: they are 2 bigger and more transited travel hubs. They did not isolate from the world as hard as BVI these past 16 months. Still, they didn't have a surge as dramatic as ours. And our surge occurred while 35% of population was fully vaccinated. Majority of their cases occurred before the vaccine and their vaccination rate is pretty much at the same level with Tortola's.
My quick take is that their policies allowed the creation of a good bit of immunity among the ppl even before the vaccine arrived. Another bonus for their approach, their economy was not as punished as ours.
"Fear is the only thing to fear!" F.D Roosevelt
Moreover, the evidence across the globe and in VI demonstrates that vaccines work. Further most of the current hospitalizations, ICU stays and deaths were unvaccinated. Vaccines provide a reasonable balance between benefits and potential risks. The government preference may not have been to lockdown. Nevertheless, in my humble opinion in addition to the ramped up vaccination drive, though unpopular, the territory should have instituted a 14 day lockdown. Locking down would have allowed the government to attain better control of the situation, ie, limiting emigration and immigration, limiting interactions.......etc. From research, it appears as if the body typically takes 14 days after second shot of two shot vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and 14 days after the one jab vaccine ( Johnson and Johnson) to develop ample antibodies to become immunized and fight the virus. Medical professionals can set me straight if went off the rails. Anyway, don’t wait too late—-vaccinate.
BVI Government, please reassess the situation, which is slowly coming around, and don't make us reach to the breaking point before you take right actions.
There is a passage of scripture recorded in the Bible to support this truth, about our attitude, in reference, pertaining to our prepairedness, and readiness to battle against the covid-19 virus effectively. Lack of knowedge, lack of wisdom, stubbornness, and passivity are also other reasons, but pride top them all. Why pride? Pride is an unsubmissive self righteous mindset.
Let us together read what the writer wrote in the Bible about pride. "PRIDE GOES BEFORE THE FALL."
A True Definition Of Pride:
Pride is the festering condition of a badly damaged selfwounded mind.
But a spirit of love and of a sound mind.
Nobody I mean nobody is taking that away from me.
All you so called Christians need to get up off your knees, asked for forgiveness repent and get saved, but 98% of you are starched, ironed but not even washed yet.
The biggest turn off in this Territory is y'all attitude, it suck.