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CGB Baptist Church opens pantry to assist community

- Pantry to be dedicated to Mrs Blanche Cline (deceased) & Mrs Blanche Blyden
The official dedication of the Blanche and Blanche Pantry at Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church will be done on Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 10:00 am. Photo: VINO/File
First Lady of the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church (CGBBC), Mrs Marion Turnbull said one of the important missions of the church is 'Give' and the pantry aligns well with this mantra. Photo: Facebook
First Lady of the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church (CGBBC), Mrs Marion Turnbull said one of the important missions of the church is 'Give' and the pantry aligns well with this mantra. Photo: Facebook
CANE GARDEN BAY, Tortola, VI- “There are persons who really need help and now as a Church we can do our part and make a difference and impact in the lives of people,” First Lady of the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church (CGBBC), Mrs Marion M. Turnbull has said regarding a pantry the church has opened.

Blanche & Blanche Pantry

The official dedication of the Blanche and Blanche Pantry will be done on Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 10:00 am.

It is named after two stalwarts in the Cane Garden Bay community and Members of the Church Mrs Blanche Cline (deceased) and Mrs Blanche Blyden who, according to Mrs Turnbull, both had a giving spirit.

Give’- a mission of the church

In a press release from the church on December 17, 2020, Mrs Turnbull said one of the important missions of the church is “Give” and the pantry aligns well with this mantra.

“For years, the opening of a pantry has been on my heart, In fact since, 1994. When I started Social Work in 2004 I was exposed to the realities of the lives of others, and more and more I saw the need for us as a Church to extend such humanitarian services to persons who are in need.”

She explained that the experiences of COVID-19 presented an opportunity for her to push even more for the church to move the plan from paper to reality to help change lives through giving.

Mrs Turnbull added that the CGBBC has always been giving and this is another systematic way to impact the community, more specifically give back to the community.

According to the press relase, the public and members of the media are invited to attend the opening ceremony at the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church.

“Wearing of masks is mandatory,” the release highlighted.

11 Responses to “CGB Baptist Church opens pantry to assist community”

  • GG (18/12/2020, 10:25) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    26 years ago since you’ve thought about it and 16 years ago since you’ve seen it first hand. Took a very long time to get it moved from the paper to reality. I guess better late than never.
    • @wow (18/12/2020, 12:13) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
      26 years allyo waiting to beg and freeload and raid
      VIlaners are proud selfl reliant. They won't be the ones emptyng Degrading tourist attraction is all it is
  • please (18/12/2020, 10:49) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    To wow, please hush if you dont have anything to say. People like you never see the better good, just try to fine tune to find something negative. There might not have been a physical pantry but this woman goes to great lengths to feed and help many, through church or on her own. What have you done to help persons in need. Stop being full of hot air and do your bit to make this world a better place. For some reason, no matter what you do in this life, there is always one idiot out there who just has to prove their ignorance.

    I think the naming is ideal as well. I wish success for the venture. Lives will be touched, children will not go to sleep hungry and God alone will get the glory.
  • Curd (18/12/2020, 11:28) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nothing happens before the time. Can you look back to then and now people are been hit by storm irma and maria now the pandemic if there is a time its now be appreciative of hands stretching to help. You people cant for once cant be POSITIVE. All are free to say whats on their mind but come on man drop the negative behaviour. Way to go First Lady of the CGBBC. You are always thinking about and helping people. Blessings.
  • Lazarus (18/12/2020, 12:06) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    VIslanders are self reliant and hesitate to beg and freeload. They are a proud people. A food pantry is not kjnd to their psyche. So this one materializing in an unhurried fashion is not surprising. And ,no,they won't be the there with a sack ones emptying it either .
  • tallgirl (18/12/2020, 14:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Way to go Can Garden Bay Baptist Church. I was wondering what happen to the churches in the BVI and their humanitarian spirits.
    • Well (20/12/2020, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Some churches collect money and pantry items from members regularly to assist needy persons every month. They are helping in different ways but they don't publicise it. I am sure this church has been helping long before this.
  • church (18/12/2020, 14:14) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Good plan but one of thoes sons he got playing Christian nothing bad like he
  • Ghost (19/12/2020, 04:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kudos to CGBBG.. this is great news. I applaud you for this initiative . To God be the Glory.. others churches should come on stream.. you can also seek Governmental assistance Mrs. Turnbull.. some suggestions Mrs. Turnbull:
    1. structure the Program to say give out X-number of food bags twice monthly..
    2. Being that covid is still present have a couple persons pack the bags and do a drive thru - meaning persons stay in their cars, pop their trunks and you all put the food in limiting facial contact
    3. (When covid-era is finished)- if Govt assist and requires documentation of persons receiving food items, forms can be filled out prior to receiving food items and given to Govt. (Structure it)
    Again a very good move.. hopefully more churches would follow and Govt will assist as well.. I pray God’s Abundant Blessings on your venture for Him..
  • Yep (21/12/2020, 22:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Old Mother Hubbard dog's bone was growing flesh since three years ago and since COVID-19 it has matured!

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