CCT will survive! – Dr Heskith A. Vanterpool

He was speaking yesterday April 22, 2016 at a cocktail reception in honour of the locally owned company's 30th anniversary, having started operations in 1986.
“We are going to survive. You are going to do well and make profits on your investment so continue to support CCT,” said Dr Vanterpool.
He called CCT the number one cellular communications company in the territory. “We are already on 4G. We are the real 4G company here and we are currently preparing for 5G,” he said.
According to Dr Vanterpool, the technology supplier company that CCT is working with at a recent event was able to demonstrate download speeds of 230 megabits per second.
He said if in practice just a portion of that becomes the reality then the company does not have to worry…”we are going to survive. So all the talk about us not surviving should be thrown out the window.”
Not protected
CEO of CCT Global Communications Romney Averad Penn said people seem to think that being a local company CCT is somehow protected.
“We compete against two of the biggest companies in the Caribbean. We're not a protected company anyways. Sometimes people seem to believe that we are somehow protected being a BVI company. I'd like to say that we have disadvantages being a BVI company,” he said.
“But we didn't shy away from that competition...we doubled down side, we made that investment...replacing our entire technology.”
Mr Penn said over the last 20 months the company has increased customers and increased revenue every month. He said this means that CCT has captured customers from its competition.
Judicial Review successful
CCT was successful in its Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Judicial Review which challenged, among other things, its exclusion from the 2015 Spectrum Award Process, according to a statement from CCT on January 13, 2016.
It said the court ruled in favour of CCT, overturning the Commission’s decision to reject CCT’s application for the 2015 Spectrum Award Process, allowing CCT to retain its current spectrum allocation, and clarifying services requiring royalty payments.
Penn at the time said the company was thankful for this decision and hopes it paves the way for a fair and equitable spectrum award process that will allow CCT to expand its telecommunications services in the VI.
In 2015, the TRC allowed only two out of three companies- LIME and Digicel- to apply for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) Spectrum (4G) to the exclusion of CCT. According to the TRC, the local company never applied for the Spectrum during the time prescribed and was using the spectrum which the TRC claimed was unauthorised.

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