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CBR TPP joins the ranks of Green Globe Membership

The Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park (TPP) has announced its Green Globe membership, solidifying its commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible tourism practices. Photo: Provided/File
CEO of TPP Mr. Vance M. Lewis, said, 'We are excited to announce our Green Globe membership and recognize that meeting the certification requirements is quite involved, as there are a number of processes.' Photo: VINO/File
CEO of TPP Mr. Vance M. Lewis, said, 'We are excited to announce our Green Globe membership and recognize that meeting the certification requirements is quite involved, as there are a number of processes.' Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park Limited (TPPL) has announced its Green Globe membership, solidifying its commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible tourism practices.

Green Globe is a global certification programme for the travel and tourism industry, dedicated to enhancing economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

CEO of TPPL Mr Vance M. Lewis, said, 'We are excited to announce our Green Globe membership and recognize that meeting the certification requirements is quite involved, as there are a number of processes." 

Membership in Green Globe signifies TPPL’s dedication to ensuring that the Pier Park meets the highest standards of sustainability and responsible management. 

Areas include energy and water conservation to promoting reduce, reuse and recycle, the Pier Park is committed to reducing its environmental footprint while enriching the cultural heritage of our Territory.

First UV Solar charging system 

He further opined that “Becoming a Green Globe member is a testament to our dedication to sustainable tourism and responsible stewardship of our natural resources. On a day that focuses on Earth Day where we are encouraged to work together to 'Save Our Planet', this membership and what comes next is most timely.”

One of the hallmark initiatives of Tortola Pier Park Ltd's sustainability efforts is the introduction of the first UV solar charging system for electric cars in the territory which should go live in the next few weeks.

This innovative technology not only supports the transition to clean energy but also provides a convenient and eco-friendly option. By joining the ranks of Green Globe, Tortola Pier Park Ltd is embarking on a journey of continuous improvement and accountability, as we prepare for Certification. Under the Green Globe Certification Standard, Tortola Pier Park will be required to undergo rigorous assessment and monitoring to ensure adherence to over 380 compliance indicators across 44 criteria.

This comprehensive framework guarantees the highest level of sustainable operations and management. It should be noted that Green Globe has over 600 members in more than 80 countries worldwide.

5 Responses to “CBR TPP joins the ranks of Green Globe Membership”

  • Xxx (23/04/2024, 12:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is the music festival not in the park?
  • jokes (23/04/2024, 14:20) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tell me one thing green and sustainable about a cruise ship please?
  • go green (23/04/2024, 22:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    And mean it! Ban plastic and styrofoam! Make it a green park and a green BVI..ban these things all over! Now you will turn tourism heads. Make a difference for real.
  • lodger (24/04/2024, 05:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    All this should be supported by data.

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