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Cannabis seized, 5 arrested, 8 scooters seized in weekend police operation

An island-wide weekend roll and search operation which concluded about 4:00 AM Sunday morning, July 9, 2023, successfully disrupted illegal activities in hotspots and resulted in the arrests of five persons and the seizure of a quantity of cannabis. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – An island-wide weekend roll and search operation which concluded about 4:00 AM Sunday morning, July 9, 2023, successfully disrupted illegal activities in hotspots and resulted in the arrests of five persons and the seizure of a quantity of cannabis.

This is according to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) in a press release on July 10, 2023.

The operation carried out by the Armed Response Team and the Road Policing Unit resulted in searches of just over 30 persons.

Eight scooters were seized, and five arrests were made for various offences, Police said.

More such operations coming- RVIPF

The RVIPF said it has a number of such operations planned for the upcoming months.

Acting Chief Inspector of the Operations Division Dean Robin noted that persons came out within the various communities to show their support and appreciation to the officers during the operations.

He commended the team for the long, committed hours and their dedication to keeping the community safe.

24 Responses to “Cannabis seized, 5 arrested, 8 scooters seized in weekend police operation”

  • Further Harassment (10/07/2023, 18:42) Like (44) Dislike (22) Reply
    Free the herbs
    Focus on real crime
    Seize the guns
    Arrest the unlicensed scooter punks
    But for the love of god leave the herbs them alone.
  • smh (10/07/2023, 18:59) Like (34) Dislike (18) Reply
    America Government thriving on the cannabis…. But poor lil Carib man getting slammed for the natural herb… it’s sickening
  • NezRez (10/07/2023, 19:10) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good! Keep the pressure on these hooligans!
  • RVIPF on them (10/07/2023, 19:14) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    like white on rice. Good job. Round them up. They have been getting away for too long.
    • I laugh.., (11/07/2023, 14:49) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is the 21st century lol we work prefer to work smarter n not
    • I laugh (11/07/2023, 14:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is the 21st Century…. And we prefer to to work ‘Smart’ not ‘Hard’ lol you should prolly ask god… he will show u your own way. From out here watching ppl. O_o
  • Citizen (10/07/2023, 19:35) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thank you, Officers. Our young men just sitting from God make morning until whenever and still have more than we who work from 9 to 5.
  • K (10/07/2023, 20:17) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Arsom to good it's about time
  • Progress (10/07/2023, 21:11) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is indeed good news from the RVIPF and I am sure that the elderly residents in the community in particular are happy to read about this. Good job to the officers involved in this operation. However some attention needs to be paid to the non-parking areas by the hospital alongside that wall where the vehicles that are parked there on a daily basis severely obstruct the traffic and make it difficult to manouver your vehicle. I Almost had a head on collision today. Please patrol that area and ticket those vehicles. The laws of the land must be upheld.
    • hmm (10/07/2023, 21:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hope u kno those yellow lines were only out there to keep the area clear when the new building was building since 40 foot containers etc was being carried up and down that road. Anyone giving a ticket there can fight it in court easy. That area and along side the old ppl home are not in the in the system
    • @Progress (11/07/2023, 10:07) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you for bringing that up. That is our ambulance route and should always be free and clear of any vehicular obstruction. Of course, some of us are always looking for the shortest walk to anywhere so we park where we want regardless to whom it affects. One of these days, the same individual who is blocking the free passage for the ambulance, will have a loved one being transported in the very same ambulance. But you see, we don’t think of others, we are selfish and it’s always only about us. Mindset needs to change.
  • Hmm (10/07/2023, 21:49) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    Legalize for adult use! Instead of roll and search police can roll through the legal cannabis café areas similar to the bars they protect and patrol.

    This is only separating the community in the end. Doing the same thing over & over. Sad oppression by the UK
  • Trust broken (10/07/2023, 22:17) Like (4) Dislike (21) Reply
    5 people arrested. 30 people searched.

    25 innocent people no longer able to trust the police are on their side. Our politicians were voted in on promises of legalizing cannabis. Cannabis act 2020.

    100% of our democratically elected representatives voted YES! Yet here we are arresting people for an act they deem should not be illegal to adults.

    Have the police checked to see the purity of the herb on the street?!!

    Or do they not care about the health of the community which includes naïve recreational users, medical patients, Rastafari?

    Do they not care about the addictive substances added to imported indoor/chemical grown herb that is plaguing other parts of south America that have yet to legalize home cultivation?

    Contaminants gripping the community all thanks to their continued prohibition which prevents their being any safe guards on the purity of a natural plant substance MANY Caribbean people & people of other cultures use for medicine.

    Safer than alcohol there is no excuse! Continued oppression for the sake of ignorant people who which not to educate themselves on the science.

    Add insult to injury those 25 innocent persons were probably searched by "island man police" or UK police because our force has been filled with foreigners.
    • @Trust broken (11/07/2023, 01:13) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
      The elected officials did legalize Marijuana but the Governor refused to assent to the bill to make it law while in the UK the same Governor and his UK Government making millions from it as an industry. Slavery all over again.
  • Yeahhh!!! (11/07/2023, 00:33) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Forbidden Truth (11/07/2023, 00:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Trudt Broken...... Rastafari broke their trust with who ever they are worshipping a long ass time ago When they started drinking whisky shots and sniffing crack cocaine,
  • It takes a crime to see police (11/07/2023, 07:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It takes a crime like what happened in the park last Saturday to see the police on Sunday.
  • Pickering (11/07/2023, 08:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    On the weekends and even during the week,there are some guys in front pickering house selling weed,why hasn't the police checked them or walk with a k9 to search the vehicles that always on the road,that's the problem with these police here in the bvi,running down person for seat belt and other petty crime while the big fish out there selling drugs to kids who will eventually turn out to be criminals after getting involved into drugs,no you as commissioner of police tell me which is a more serious crime? Now I know why this country is corrupt its because of our leaders who only enjoying financial freedom from taxpayers money,east end sewerage system is still to commence?money already paid out! Since irma and Maria majority of the streets lights in east end had never been fix,all the tax payers money going to field trips and donate to churches that already collecting 10% of members salary,the road next to be fix aswell,the government owns these land,build a building that you could doing your business,DMV renting malon building,WATER &SEWERAGE renting qomar trading,TAX OFFICE renting skelton fish bay,PREMIER OFFICE renting cutlass building,CUSTOM renting qumar building,PORTS AUTHORITY renting pasea place,PASSPORT OFFICE renting sakal place, MAGISTRATE COURT renting sakal place,BVI TOURISM renting akara building,BVI TOURISM BOARD renting Geneva building,YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS renting ward's building,I could keep go on for hours but none of this hasn't had to time for reporter to publish because they will get fired from their job,why are the government waist money?but I will let you in on a secret those that hold high position in government are registered in those offshore companies that own majority of those buildings so they getting an income from the rent,alot of those buildings are registered in Panama under different names..I am getting tired explaining how critical this going to be if we should expect another getting greedy while the poor struggle to survive.
  • hail up (11/07/2023, 09:10) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    hope others residing among us will be stopped and searched as well

    there is lots of white powder being used in the territory but police only searching for the grass
  • my2cents (11/07/2023, 09:44) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cannabis is legal in so many places, it can even be mail ordered. But here it is the only way police can prove their value meanwhile white collar crime and hard drugs continue to get by daily. What a backwards place, we're stuck in a time vortex as the rest of the world passes us by.
  • Trust broken (11/07/2023, 11:11) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Homosexuals flaunting on the street while it is illegal ok do you, yet they say arresting people over weed is about rule of law. It is not.

    People are too used to whipping down their own. When it is legalized some of the people who have never and never plan to use it will be embarrassed to admit how crazy & discriminatory they've behaved towards their fellow human beings while weed was illegal. And so they do not support it to save their ego. Meanwhile the doctor is ready to prescribe them a hundred side effects.. damage their kidneys & liver in a couple years.

    The church should be embarrassed they claim god's creation as sinful & ignore their own bible chapter 1.

    More over healing on a Saturday was not lawful yet Jesus said screw it Ill pass the healing, he turned it into a lesson which was to love god & love each other firstly, rather than follow an inhumane harmful law. Instead of clicking dislike speak up.
  • WHAT!!! (11/07/2023, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good work by the police, don’t mind the noise, hopefully more scooters and bikes off the road soon.
  • HOT SPOT (12/07/2023, 10:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Police Making arrest all over but look Fat Hogs Bay by the bus stop by the Indian woman store. They selling drugs right there, they sell out of their vehicles, by the store, I am sure if Miss Ruth ain't dead as yet she has to feel bad knowing her property is now east end and long look drug center. Do your job and make some arrest in that neighborhood. Clean up the place

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