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October 26th, 2011 | Tags: Alred Frett
Mr. Frett is an advocate for improving the lives of VI residents.
By Alred Frett

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Thanks to those who have stood in support of these articles and gave no credence to responses that only exhibit the significant folly of some writers.

Real Talk’ deserves some respect for coming ‘this’ close to apologizing for previous erroneous statements … Maybe he did some reading & research because he actually asked a quite reasonable question deserving an answer.

Some persons keep saying that I have balls and while they may have no actual proof I can assure them that I do and hope others out there have not lost yours or given them away… As for those who dragged B&F Medical into a March that was against the very Ignorance, Injustice, Greed & Corruption plaguing your Children & Country you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Perhaps you think by doing this you would scare & push me into silence so that wickedness & corruption would flourish unhindered & unmentioned but you are wrong… Persons have already answered you because it is no secret that B&F Medical Complex is not only locally owned but it is supporters of the opposition who made it their mission to block the progress of B&F Medical.

Maybe these are the same writers and it is unfortunate when major concerns of injustice are displaced by ones like questionable holidays that negatively affect productivity & economy of our country… Maybe you are saying, ‘whatever we did before should be continued even if we learn better and conditions no longer fit the situation’… In other words we should remain idiots.

NB:- When the economy tanked even Q.E cancelled Christmas and if you take time to check

St. Ursula you will find it is mere fabrication about mythical religious figures; totally devoid of credibility… Unfortunately we are conditioned to believe ‘Master’ without question and avoid reading for information… As a result we still believe in Liars, Ghosts, Religion and Obeah.

No wonder you constantly ask: Why say the things I say and do the things I do? Why march alone? And Is anyone listening?... The answers are simple... I say as I say, do as I do and march alone because our children are in crisis and desperate need of Truth yet no one cares enough to show them wrong from right… If you are not listening then you are lying because you tell me so.

It may appear that while genetic coding leads most men away from religion the pressure on many “Poor Mothers” with innocent children still force them to hang on to ‘make believe’ and repeat these to the children without question or applied commonsense. Between this politics these kids are brainwashed and confused; clutching at straws day after day & term after term.

Many parents, young & old, still see it as a crime to read, reason & think for themselves so they accept the base stupidity of lies and indoctrinations that they have gotten from some Pastor, Politician or real time misleader… This irrationality is so deep that they swear God personally talks to them and they regard anyone who tries to enlighten them to reality as an Atheist.

This usually worsens at Elections when the first job of the wicked & corrupt is to pretend they own God so you must pass through them to reach him… Remember, these are the same persons quick to tell you that God told them that no one ever see him and live… Now, if this is true then how come they, their Pastors or anyone who repeats such total nincompooposity is still alive?

They sell you this because they are convinced that you have missed Slavery so much that it becomes easy to created Gods in the image of Oppressors and vindictive Slave Masters…

Check and you will note wherever they use the word ‘God’ it can be replaced with the word ‘Master’… Thus you are programmed to thank (Master) God for not killing you overnight.

In their mission to prevent you from reasoning, they label anyone who does not believe in their Traditional Gods as Atheists without reasoning for themselves that there is always more Atheists than God-Believers simply because from birth every Person qualifies as an Atheist until they are brainwashed into this fantasy by others already brainwashed by others… This is no accident.

In the days of our Forefathers Bibles and Religions were used to keep them in Slavery and even Today, from infancy, Descendants of Slaves are still being forced to use Bibles & Religions as Guides & Road Maps for their imaginary passage from this World to the next… NB: - I still do not discourage persons form going to Church because this is the Poor Man’s Rotary Club.

Problems really grow when you are sent to the Bible and Religion for Solutions where it evident that instead of solutions these are actually sources of Problems… Any attempt to use Biblical Leaders as role models create Graduates in Murder, Robbery, Lying and Adultery as lives are wasted respecting Crooks, following Blind, trusting Criminals & worshipping Ghosts.

This may sound harsh but the things I tell you are not new. Maybe you are just learning them but every educated Teacher, Lawyer, Doctor and Preacher know these for themselves so what you must ask is why have they hid it from you for all this time… They may lie but the answer is simple; if they can fool you they can rule you because your Folly makes them appear wise.

Many will fool you and console themselves that even if what I say is true the practice of Religion creates no problems… You would know they are untrue once you consider the time wasted in coercing Youth into following Fantasy instead of Reality and imagine what they could have accomplished if this time was used to enhance their living instead of wasted in preparing to die.

Our Youth need Truth but too often our Leaders are Bottom Feeders who are no more than Social Parasites and Cannibals on the Sons & Daughter of the Poor… This is no game and I’m not here seeking friends…… The price of willful Ignorance is much too high and we have already seen Countries & Nations explode and implode because of Bad Leadership and docile People.

As harsh as this may sound they know I speak Truth for they too have always seen the things I say come to pass and they too have found nothing I told you to be untrue or misleading… However, rather than face & debate me on issues they call me names behind my back for that is their way of deflecting the evidence of their own willfulness, wickedness and maybe insanity.

While you may wish to think otherwise but the Wicked & Corrupt know when they do wrong and they love it when we are silent and accepting… As soon as they think the oppressed are becoming aware they either go into deep denial and determination to ‘forward ever & backwards never’ or change their names to fool us into believing a New Good has replaced the Old Wicked.

It is very easy for Misleaders hope the wrongs they have done would all be forgotten or to claim they learnt from their mistakes and but no one seems to really care that these wrongs & mistakes are borne on the Backs of the People… Can this be because as People we never seem to learn that we must stop calling folly facts and cease to accept ignorance as an excuse?

It’s no accident that those who should help our People most hurt our People most so they enjoy it when we choose to be silent or negative as we watch the Children of others destroyed thinking that would move ours ahead… However, it never works that way… Instead all should man the Pumps for you never know if ship you are sinking is not the same Ship that may take you to Port.

In addressing Mr. Real Talk’s concern about having to choose between Evil and Evil, we should bear in mind, to the Dead it matters not how they died. Some Nations recognizing this difficulty in choosing between Forces of Evil made provision that unless a certain percentage of eligible Voters voted then no one wins and the Election becomes a null & void ‘do over’…

Such Countries are fully aware that no one should feel forced to choose between Greaters and Lessers of Evil when both would bring harm to them… Just think about it Mr. Real Talk… The USA’s 5th Amendment made this point in their legal System … Such a provision along with a ‘recall’ option for nonfunctional Leaders are badly needed in our own Constitution.

3 Responses to “BVP…(Truth for the Youth) … MERGING POLITICS & RELIGION”

  • west end (26/10/2011, 11:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    tell we again AC you should have been running boss
  • Eagle Eyes (26/10/2011, 13:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not jumping on the church defending bandwagon, but the statement put forth by Mr Frett "from birth every Person qualifies as an Atheist" is one of the most ignorant non factual statements ever published. By definition an atheist is - one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. In order to qualify as an atheist one must be able to think and reason well enough to conclude that there is no God. This high level of thought is above the capabilities of any new born regardless of any later beliefs developed.
  • NOVEMBER MAN (26/10/2011, 23:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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