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BVP… (Truth for the Youth).… ?SIGNS OF THE TIMES?

November 1st, 2011 | Tags: Alred Frett
Mr. Frett.
By Alred Frett

Thanks for your comments… They are all taken seriously even if and when we disagree.

For your information I knew Noel Lloyd and Noel Lloyd knew me so if you are mentally challenged you may be excused for calling me crazy but not for confusing me with Mr. Lloyd.

I am Alred ‘AC’ Frett and while Noel and I may have shared mutual respect for each other he was as he was and I am as I am with neither seeking to replace or imitate the other… So let it be.

Nomination Day has come & gone with you unable to find four willing & able candidates more interested in others than self so while I am thankful for the encouragement but have neither hunger nor thirst for Elected Office… Things I do are simply done to benefit People and we have all seen enough storms to know that in disasters real rescue comes from without and not from within.

It should also be reasoned that with our Children and Country in such a dilemma, no matter how strong you may think I am, unless there is additional support to ease the burdens of the People the load becomes too heavy an Elephant for any one man to push uphill… At the same time this should not signal defeat for if any of us truly wish to bring real solutions for the People instead of massaging our own egos for works not done we can effectively accomplish more from outside than inside where we are inherently hampered by traditional ‘do-nothing Party-pack mentalities’.

The next four years will see mammoth tests of survival for both those inside and those left outside and unless we make significant changes to the existing Wickedness and Corruption many of us will not last until the end of term… Those who select Evil will reap evil as those who go along long to get along will be buried in the dust as Survivors of the tribulations tell their own tales according to their own comprehension.

In the midst of all, only respecters for the Brotherhood of Man and appreciators of the God of Nature & Laws of Balance will be rewarded - if only in their minds… These Faithful Few may not always succeed in turning Bad to Good but with plans & works stop Bad from getting worse… The question is who will be Man or Mouse?... Mankind or Manikin?...

These are changing time… From Wall Street to Main Street Systems of Oppression are on trial…

This may be our only chance to remove yokes that make us afraid to reason and accept reality but as 21st Century Slaves we are still programmed to follow masses and avoid new ideas…

We fail to see this as we disregard any thing that is new or appears not to be supported by the majority although this as self-contradictory to a people who profess the singularity of God and historically witnessed the shortcomings of the masses when compared to decisions of the few.

We look for the easy way out but with so much to be done if we expend energy addressing every ‘dot & dash’ it becomes too tiring especially to spoon feed contradictive persons who claim to know better but only pop up like weed on the Internet under such presumptuous names as “Fact Checker” and “Eagle Eye” who in fact limit themselves to narrow-mindedness and tunnel vision.

If such persons would take a little time to research the origin & applications of the term ‘Atheist’ along with the characteristics of an Eagle they may understand the importance of seeing the whole picture or Bird’s Eye view and not just fragmented snapshots… Their failure to do so effectively turns them into “Blind Bats” lacking the ability to fully appreciate modern day visions now being revealed and century old traditions now being rejected. Under such self-imposed limitations it would be hard for them to grasp the dangers of Insider Trading as practiced by some local Politicians and Heads of Bodies & Departments in using their positions to illicitly help themselves and cronies while hindering others… They may not see this as Money Laundering and are programmed to believe that what we don’t know can’t hurt us… Fact is, money-strapped US and UK already regard this as a Crime of corruption with economic liability and recent reports show this to be punishable by significant fines and jail time. If we have been paying attention we would have learnt to expect the unexpected so it should be no surprise if our leaders and Departmental Heads have been under scrutiny for years with both the US and UK poised to act in order to safeguard their own interests and prevent their Tax Payers from becoming liable for Greed & Corruption of perpetrators here in the BVI. Indeed these financial difficulties are so severe internationally that Farrakhan has already raised concerns that the U.S., Great Britain and France have used the United Nation to assassinate the sitting President of Libya in order to steal their Oil Resources… No one knows who may be next and China is now growing reluctant about propping up the war-drained economies of the West. Rapidly changing Economies and Social Systems across the World is spawning the unexpected... As you are aware I regard Western Democracy as First Class Hypocrisy and just this month leaders of 16 Democratic Commonwealth Countries surprised many by proposing changes to Succession Laws that would allow first-born Sons and Daughters of present and future UK Monarchs to have equal right to the Throne and be able to marry Roman Catholics as spouses.

Internationally, these may appear as major changes but other than showing us that, Bad Archaic Laws should and can be changed I see them having no real significance or value for us in the BVI unless these Monarchs discontinue the awarding of pretentious, Political OBE’s and MBE’s to persons whom we have already paid to work and in many cases failed to deliver.

I furthermore agree with others that the presence of Monarchs discriminate against every Man, Woman and Child who is not born into some Royal Family and until my son and your daughter can be King or Queen nothing of substance was changed and suggesting their action has anything to do with Democracy or Equality is as ridiculous as those who would bow & bend before them.

Here at home a few of our people are awakening and beginning to realize that obtaining Fairness & Justice from Politics, Courts or Religion are no more than hit & miss illusions still there are those who will say ‘all is well’ and you should not be surprised for even Satan has his Angels.

They all fool you to rule you and if you lay down they will not just step over but trample you.

This little Country is about to enter an era of hardship that will require every ordinary man, woman & child to support one another because the Forces of Evil care only for themselves and consoling yourself with empty promises and failure to prepare and make you a 21st Century Idiot.

My deepest respect to Bloggers in search of real solutions… While we may never find all the answers l will try to address your concerns whenever possible… The rest is left to you.

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