BVI Red Cross, Green VI & DWM team up for SCB Cleanup
BVI Red Cross’ Disaster Management Officer Ms Kristi Creque said, “At the core of this EVCA process and disaster management is understanding the needs of the community. This awareness involves both current and historic knowledge.”
The cleanup is one mitigation action outlined in the EVCA. The EVCA involves risk analysis in a particular community and the identification of solutions. The cleanup, which had 35 participants, started at the well at the Ebenezer Thomas Primary School, and ended at the De La Santa Bakery.
The Sea Cows Bay EVCA was officially handed over last January. The next phase of the assessment is the micro-mitigation action plan where a team is identified to coordinate and execute the same.
To that end, Ms Creque said, “Part of the EVCA process involves creating a team of first responders in each community assessed. We are hoping to soon engage persons from the Sea Cows Bay community to take a first aid course.”
Ms Creque said any first aid training offered as part of the EVCA is free. She encourages interested persons in Sea Cows Bay to contact the BVI Red Cross at 494-6349 or email info@redcross.vgto arrange training.
The next EVCA will be done in Purcell Estate later this year.
The Enhanced Vulnerability Capacity Assessment Report is part of the BVI Red Cross Disaster Management Resilience Programme, and is being conducted in a total of six (6) communities in the Virgin Islands.
The Red Cross Movement is a volunteer-based international humanitarian organization. The BVI Red Cross was established in 1957.



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