Another Minister, another swing – Works Minister takes aim at media

![Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark Vanterpool holds his grandchildren as they cut the ribbon officially declaring the Crafts Alive Village open. In background are [L-R] Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn, Eight District Representative Hon. Marlon A. Penn and at right, Premier Dr. The Hon. D. Orlando Smith. Photo:VINO](

“Get your headlines right news media,” asserted Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool to the cheers and applause of a gleeful audience yesterday, February 26, 2013.
The plaudits, speeches and back slapping came and went before Hon. Vanterpool took to the podium with the message that he would be there for a little while; true to his word, the ‘Action Man’, as he is often referred, stood there and got quite a few things off his chest before the ribbon was finally cut to declare the Crafts Alive Village officially open.
While assuring vendors at the Village of ‘better sales and profits’ over time, Hon. Vanterpool was keen to note that the price tag for the Village extended beyond $2.5M from its inception in 2002 to present. He further stated, “…we want to promise our taxpayers that we will do our best over time to ensure that the investment made here will be recuperated as we continue to develop our renown, quaint and historical town of Road Town.”
According to the Works Minister, there were many obstacles and many naysayers to the project, both from ‘within and without the government’. He counted this as a good thing though, explaining that criticism helps to sharpen edges. He added, “such criticism as this government goes forward is always welcome as we enjoy a free and democratic society.” The irony in this statement however, was surely not lost once the Minister continued with his remarks.
Hon. Vanterpool told those assembled that the development of Road Town will move forward with the National Democratic Party (NDP) government as it would be in similar areas and with similar projects. He was particular when mentioning the Sea Cows Bay Harbour Development Project, “whatever happened with it before, whatever has to be fixed about it, whatever has to be investigated about it, Sea Cows Bay Harbour Development must be brought to the people of Sea Cows Bay for their input and ensure that Sea Cows Bay Harbour Development is done for the people and by the people of Sea Cows Bay.”
The point he was making, Hon. Vanterpool clarified, is that despite any criticism “we will not be afraid, we will move forward to organise and develop the communities of the Virgin Islands”. He reminded persons that there was a lot to be completed within a short time frame while adding that as a majority government elected by the people, the NDP was mandated to do so. “It’s ok if the opposition wants to oppose,” said Hon. Vanterpool, “that’s their job, but oppose they will but govern we will and forward we will go.”
He also mentioned that he was one Minister who was not afraid to forge ahead with what the government had to do in the interest of the people of the Virgin Islands.
Contrary to what may be said about there being individual or group interest in the cruise pier project, the Works Minister asserted, “I want you the people of the Virgin Islands to know that this Minister has a clear conscience that we are building this cruise pier project only in the interest of you the people of the Virgin Islands and not in any individual or any group’s interest… we will not turn back.”
“We are not afraid, we are moving forward…” came the mantra for the afternoon opening again as Hon. Vanterpool talked about making the Premier’s pet project at the Queen Elizabeth Park come to fruition.
Hon. Vanterpool also highlighted the efforts, history and struggle of the visionaries, vendors, fishermen and others associated with the Crafts Alive Village.
“Sometimes we go down,” the Minister said as he drew strength from the words of actor and Director Ben Afleck at Sunday’s Oscar ceremony in the United States, “…because the criticism can become overwhelming, sometimes you feel it.” The beauty though, is that you can rise again he added, and rise again we will.
He finally came to a particular bone of contention when he said, “… sometimes we need the media to be on our side, sometimes we need them to understand what we are doing and not just write for the sake of getting a lot of blogs…. We need the media to help to sell some of the stories…”
He talked about a story in the media this week about plastic bags and that he was not happy to see that the media took a turn on this by announcing that the supermarkets are asking the public to pay for plastic bags. “That was not the story,” Hon. Vanterpool said, “the story could have been written better…”
The story, according to Hon. Vanterpool, was that we want to protect the environment and supermarkets were not charging 15 cents for bags because they want to charge 15 cents for plastic bags, but they were rather discouraging persons from using plastic bags and encouraging them to use reusable bags.
“Yet the story headline says clearly, the public is made to pay for plastic bags…” the Works Minister disclosed, “the story was written differently, but the headlines told a wrong story, get your headlines right news media… join in the fight for a better environment.”

45 Responses to “Another Minister, another swing – Works Minister takes aim at media”
Now you see why questions are asked by da opposition? When them NDP lying suckers are caught, them got to drag them tail between them leg. But garbage like you coud come here and repeat da lie and get away with it.
Mark need to talk about his government stopping the dumping of raw sewage in Sea Cows Bay. Mark need to talk about his government stopping the dumping of derelict vehicles in Sea Cows Bay. Mark need to talk about his government stopping running all the country garbage through Sea Cows Bay.
Mark need to mind his own dam business.
You got the NDP site platinum going after Claude Skelton Cline now the same site going after Mark…trouble in the camp...look out funny man you next!
The government wants to connect main st with pier park via crafts alive. If disney-trained people "help develop" main street and beaches, we will no longer have the quaint and historical town. There is no architectural/ cultural/ historical preservationist on board to protect our history. This man wants to "entertain" and cater to the thousands coming off the ships. If he was so concerned about historical Road Town, why let the design of Pier Park look like anything in Miami/ San Juan/ St Marteen?? Nothing is being protected so why talk out of both sides of your mouth?
Why Purcell and Johnson Ghut suffering like this? We can't even here from our representative. Can't see her nothing. Omar call her "Ms. Bag lady" and I thought she defy the title. We aint vote you in to look good. DO we need to begin a island protest? You are busy doing all sorts and the basic necessity- WATER seems to not be a priority. I dont care about party troubles, I VOTED for CHANGE to circumstances. Mark and Bag lady sort it out. I am fed up. I am not afraid to stand up for what is right. I am willing to get on the radio, tv, newspapers and get all your attention, if need be right to HM the Queen and complain you people. WATER should not be a problem. Sht we need it to survive, like what the hell man. I can't wash when I want or bathe, when I want... what kind of 3rd world country you are making out of us?
I AM DEMANDING CHANGE. Enough is Enough!.