‘Anegada not ready to be its own district’- Dr Hubert O’Neal

During the recent elections campaign and at other times, residents of Anegada had said that the island should be represented by someone who is from that island.
One of the more prominent voices making this suggestion was former independent candidate for the district Albert O. Wheatley.
He does not think that Anegadians should have to depend on a representative from Virgin Gorda and they, along with Jost Van Dyke, should have their own representative on the ground addressing their needs and concerns.
He is convinced that with a fifteen-member House there would be three members in the House from the sister islands who understand the plight and needs of their constituents and their three votes in the house can carry a lot more weight than a one member representation.
Losing Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Second District candidate, Rajah A. Smith had also called for Jost Van Dyke to be its own district.
This is stretching it a bit
However, Dr O’Neal is not wholly convinced that the idea is a practical one given the logistics that would need to be involved.
“If you compare it to the size of other districts between Tortola and Virgin Gorda…a district is on average over 1,000 people.
So for Anegada to have its own designation as its own district is stretching it a bit,” he said.
“With 200 individuals I don’t think Anegada is ready to have its own representative right now,” he said, suggesting that a combining with another district might be better as is already the case.
“But I can understand why Anegada would feel that way because for a very long time they have felt unrepresented and I think that is why for every time I have run I have always won Anegada, the reason being that the incumbent did not pay a lot of attention to Anegada. But I intend to be different now that I am in that position. I intend to pay attention to Anegada so maybe they do not feel that way in the years to come,” said Dr O’Neal.



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