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Airbnb & CTO launch campaign to promote tourism to VI

- campaign rollout includes series of email newsletters, a landing page, and ads on social media showcasing Airbnb listings in VI, as well as existing travel protocols
After almost a year of intermittent travel restrictions, Airbnb, the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), and [British] Virgin Islandsare collaborating to amplify the country's recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 by promoting responsible travel to the destination across Airbnb's vast global community. Photo: VINO/File
Airbnb said this joint undertaking with the CTO builds on Airbnb's commitment to help strengthen communities in the Caribbean in tough times. Photo: Internet Source
Airbnb said this joint undertaking with the CTO builds on Airbnb's commitment to help strengthen communities in the Caribbean in tough times. Photo: Internet Source
As part of the alliance, Airbnb and the CTO are launching a campaign leveraging Airbnb's robust media platforms to market the [British] Virgin Islands and other CTO member countries to millions of engaged Airbnb users. Photo: VINO/File
As part of the alliance, Airbnb and the CTO are launching a campaign leveraging Airbnb's robust media platforms to market the [British] Virgin Islands and other CTO member countries to millions of engaged Airbnb users. Photo: VINO/File
SAN FRANCISCO, California, USA - After almost a year of intermittent travel restrictions, Airbnb, the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), and [British] Virgin Islands are collaborating to amplify the country's recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 by promoting responsible travel to the destination across Airbnb's vast global community.

As part of this alliance, Airbnb and the CTO are launching a campaign leveraging Airbnb's robust media platforms to market the [British] Virgin Islands and other CTO member countries to millions of engaged Airbnb users.

Campaign rollout

According to a press release from Airbnb today, March 17, 2021, the campaign rollout includes a series of email newsletters, a landing page, and ads on social media showcasing Airbnb listings in the Virgin Islands, as well as the existing protocols for safe travel during this time.

“The promotional landing page for this partnership will be unique to others worldwide. It will integrate multiple CTO member countries, promote homes in each destination, and links to each country's website,” the press release stated.

Airbnb has also pledged to share data with the CTO, including travel trends, to facilitate informed marketing decisions during this recovery period. 

‘Airbnb has proven to be a very valuable partner’- BVITB

“The British Virgin Islands Tourist Board & Film Commission is pleased to have collaborated with Airbnb on the beginning of their formal relationship with the Territory when we signed an MOU with them in December of 2018. Through the recent disasters that we faced; Airbnb has proven to be a very valuable partner. The properties in their network have helped to fill the void for land accommodations and very quickly impacted the economy as many Airbnb hosts are “ordinary folks” who along with their guests directly support the local economy. This campaign has our full support as it synergises with our renewed efforts to extend BVILOVE to all visitors to the Territory, sharing the culture and lifestyle that is uniquely ours”. Clive McCoy, Director of Tourism, was quoted in the press release.

Airbnb said this joint undertaking with the CTO builds on Airbnb's commitment to help strengthen communities in the Caribbean in tough times.

"With the Caribbean continuing to re-open, we're helping to usher in the safe return of travel to this wonderful region by shining a light on the many places to see and things to do," stated Carlos Munoz, Airbnb Policy Manager for Central America and the Caribbean. "We're also excited to promote the important economic impact driven by hosting on Airbnb."

Rebuilding tourism

According to the press release, this partnership is one of the many initiatives in the CTO's ongoing programme to help its members rebuild tourism in their destinations.

"The partnership with Airbnb will help us to promote the region responsibly by providing our members with a platform to showcase their destinations while at the same time highlighting the health safety measures that each has implemented to ensure that visitors can enjoy a safe Caribbean experience during this time," shared Neil Walters, Acting Secretary-General of the CTO.

This partnership joins previously announced collaborations with organisations, including the Tourism KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), the National Parks Foundation, and Bermuda Tourism Authority.

9 Responses to “Airbnb & CTO launch campaign to promote tourism to VI”

  • Tourist bringing Tourist (17/03/2021, 14:54) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thats our real marketing that bringing the People. I know. I work for a hotel and in Conversation with the guest, they always saying how nice and beautiful the place is and they inviting their friends down and most of their friends are actually coming, though some have a problem with the 5 days quarantine, I try to encourage them letting them know that 5 days will come so quickly and as a matter afact 5 days is the most rslax quarantine in the caribbean.. So, We cant ignore the important role that our present visitors are playing in bringing more visitors....We need the place open up, Cant we get quarantine for atleast 2 days, 3 days they are out, just saying..Worth thinking about. Be different, be the trend setters..
  • 911 (17/03/2021, 15:06) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    it's abut time someone did something to rescue the sector
  • Flak (17/03/2021, 16:28) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just tell them to bring a bullet proof vest!
    • Irritating (17/03/2021, 18:04) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      Shut the hell up, crimes here, by evidence over the years are clearly targeted! The one yesterday was reckless but that is not usually the case. You are behaving as though we are like some of those other caribbean islands that have 5+ voilent deaths DAILY especially immense amounts of crimes committed towards tourists, and at the end of the every year they have death tolls in the hundreds and thousands. BVI we are in great standing when it comes to crimes versus the rest of the world, don't mind the nonsensical naysayers that come from other islands and countries where they can't even leave their front doors unlocked, have to put iron bars on their doors and windows and can't even walk anywhere at night or even the day without getting robbed, kidnapped or mugged. This is a great territory, yes we have our faults but they are minor in comparison to the majority.
  • jokers Please Bring the Quarantine (17/03/2021, 17:50) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please bring the Quarantine time down to 24 hours Please Business are hurting Quarantine time is killing us
    • Honestly (17/03/2021, 19:10) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      They need to remove the quarantine completely and check for a negative test upon entry and exit.
  • tretretrete (17/03/2021, 18:54) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    All thanks to Sharon Flax-Mars. 2018 she was Director. Clive was just Film manager. Give credit where it is due. CTO had nothing to do with it either.
  • scam (17/03/2021, 23:20) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Air bnb is awful. Never ever rent through or from them. It’s a scam and you’ll be lucky if you rent a place that actually exists AND it’s verified status of rentals and renters is BOGUS. DO NOT USE OR ACCEPT THIS SERVICE. You have been warned.
    • Hey scam (18/03/2021, 07:39) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      I’ve been using them for years - as a host!
      Pretty sure my place exists.
      Pretty sure hundreds of guests staying in my house over that time were real.
      Pretty sure the money I was paid for having them was useful.
      If you had a bad experience, sorry to hear it but don’t go putting out complete untruths.

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